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EU Countries Push for Carve-Out in OECD Global Minimum Tax
Estonia, the Czech Republic, and Poland are asking for an exemption for some companies from the OECD-led effort to set a global minimum tax rate.
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GLOBE: A Process in Search of a Purpose
Mindy Herzfeld examines public comments that criticize the lack of direction in the OECD's pillar 2proposals, saying itwould bewise for the organization to slow its aggressive timeline for consensus on howto address the digital economy.
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Beat the BEAT, Part 2: Partnership Antiabuse Rule
Carrie Elliot reviews how the proposed BEAT regulations apply to partnerships.
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OECD Global Tax Deal Talks Back on Track After France-U.S. Spat
France may have announced the United States is no longer pushing for a global tax overhaul to beoptional for companies, but that doesn't really change much in ongoing negotiations, the OECD's tax chiefsaid.
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Safe Harbor Proposal Reflects Political Concerns, Harter Says
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin's surprise proposal to make pillar 1 of the OECD's digitaleconomy project electivewas driven by doubt that Congresswould approve a mandatory regime, accordingto Treasury's top international tax official.
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France, U.S. Find Common Ground for OECD Digital Tax Progress
France and the United States are making progress in OECD-led negotiations on a solution tomodernize international corporate tax rules by the end of 2020 ÔøΩ but morework remains, a top Frenchofficial said.
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U.S. Could Hit Back at Tech Taxes With Car Tariffs, Mnuchin Says
If countries insist on imposing arbitrary taxes on American digital companies, the United States couldrespond by levying tariffs on their automobiles, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchinwarned.
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Global Tax Deal Won't Hinge on U.S. French Spat: OECD Official
Teaser: The OECDwill move aheadwith an effort to overhaul how the digital economy is taxed even if France and the U.S. fail to resolve their dispute over a French digital services tax.
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IRS Eyes Help, Not Guidance, for Double Tax on Repatriated Cash
The IRSwill provide relief in the form of private letter ruling or closing agreement to taxpayerswith repatriated earnings that are taxed twice under Section 965.
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Tax Executives Ask OECD to Narrow Scope of Global Overhaul
Tax executives havewarned the OECD that efforts to rewrite global tax rules are too broad andwould likely affect businesses that have not engaged in profit-shifting.
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Economic Analysis: 25 Years of U.S. Multinational Foreign Investment, Income, and Taxes
In economic analysis, Martin A. Sullivan explores just how much profit shifting into tax havens hasincreased over time.
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E.U. Will Back France Against U.S.-Imposed DST Tariffs
European Commissioner for Trade Phil Hogan said the EUwill present a united front against tariffsthe United States plans to impose on France in response to its digital services tax.
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BEPS Has Caused Spike in Transfer Pricing Dispute, OECD Told
The OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project has increased the number of transfer pricingdisputes, according to members of a panel discussing the strengthening of dispute avoidance and resolutionmechanisms.
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Simplicity in Digital Economy Solution May Cause Harm
While acknowledging that the current proposal for a minimum tax under pillar 2 of the OECD's projecton digital economy taxation lacks key details, an OECD official urged caution in seeking a solution focusedon simplicity.
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U.S. Sanctions Won't Make France Drop Digital Tax, Le Maire Says
Punitive U.S. tariffs on French goodswon't convince France to abandon its digital services tax, butagreement on a global tax deal at the OECDwill, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said
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Extended CFC Look-Through Rules Will Cost $700M, CRS Says
Look-through rules,which govern the taxability of payments between U.S. controlled foreign corporations andwhichwere extended in budgetary legislation enacted in December,will cost the federal government $700 million, the Congressional Research Service has said in a report.
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Trump Administration Backs Brazil's Inclusion In OECD
President Donald Trump's administration saidwednesday it is supporting Brazil's bid to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, asserting that the country isworking toward policies that meet OECD standards.
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Unity Helps Boost Nations' Tax Powers, OECD Tax Chief Says
Countries can strengthen their ability to collect tax revenue by acting multilaterally in away that limits their sovereignty, Pascal Saint-Amans, head of tax policy at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, said Thursday at a conference in Berlin.
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Tax nationalism goes to the World Economic Forum
After months of tensions, French and US officials are set to meet face-to-face at theworld Economic Forum (WEF) nextweek to try and end the row over international taxing rights.
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Did the U.S. Tax Overhaul Do What It Promised?
Richard Rubin and Theo Francis broadly review the effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
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A New Global Tax Deal for the Digital Age
The OECD is currently in the midst of a project intended to tackle the tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the economy. As laid out in Pillar 1 of its program, the goal seemed, broadly, to develop consensus on a new taxing right and to allow countries to tax multinationals even in the absence of traditional physical presence.Part I of the authors' article beginswith a brief survey of some of the main factors that prompted the OECD to turn its attention to this topic. They continue on to Part II inwhich they consider the origins and development of nexus in the international tax regime and showwhy this concept is amenable to broad expansion. In Part III, the authors then examine the range of reforms currently under consideration; they argue that the framing on digitalization misses a necessary connection to other pressing international policy programs that are also under development, specifically, a global commitment to building institutions that support sustainable economic development. Finally, they concludewith a prediction that on its current trajectory, the program ofwork on digitalization is likely to produce a new global tax deal that looks much like the old global tax dealwith a relatively modest redistribution of taxing rights among a few key states.
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IRS May Consider Relief From Double Tax on Repatriated Cash
The IRS has opened an informal process that may offer relief to companies that pay tax twice on the same repatriated earnings.
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Debate on Foreign Tax Disclosure Returns to Spotlight
Financial Accounting Standards Board Chairman Russell Golden told lawmakers that the Boardwill debatewhether companies must detail tax payments to individual countries by the end of the first quarter.
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German Finmin to Pitch Financial Transaction Tax in <4 Weeks: HB
German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz intends to present a draft for a national financial transaction taxwithin the next month in the event that the ongoing negotiations for an EU-wide tax fail.
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Corporate Tax Advisors Grapple with New EU Disclosure Rules
Under a new EU directive known as DAC 6 (EU Directive 2018/822), intermediaries that advise, assist, and direct cross-border arrangementswill now be required to report those transactions to their home member state. The first reports are due in August.
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Norway to Act Unilaterally on Taxing Tech Giants if Talks Fail
Although Norwegian officials remain optimistic that countries participating in theOECD's inclusive frameworkwill reach consensus on taxing the digital economy by 2020, the governmentwill move forwardwith unilateral measures if those countries cannot agree.
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Breaking Up With BEPS
This article makes some projections about howwashingtonwill dealwith the BEPS 2.0 project over the coming months.Treasuryhijacked the European-led BEPS agenda once before, andwe're in the process of doing it again.
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BEPS Could Lead to $2 Billion Tax Loss for Ireland
Implementing the recommendations of theOECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project could cost Ireland up to ÔøΩ2 billion in corporation tax revenue from 2022, according to theDepartment of Finance.
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OECD Official Optimistic About 2020 Digital Tax Deadline
International agreement on taxing the digital economy needs to be reached by the end of 2020, given the proliferation of unilateral measures, but the solutionwon't be simple,according to anOECDofficial.
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Economic Analysis: Are Country-By-Country Reports Worth It?
CbC reportswere supposed to help tax officials identify good candidates for audit, that is, "help theIRSperform high-level transfer pricing risk identification and assessment." But the data are blurredwith biases of unknown magnitude.why didwe spend hundreds of millions, or perhaps billions, of dollars developing and collecting datawith such questionable value?
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Did Treasury Weaken the TCJA?
Mindy Herzfeld examines the various tranches of regulations promulgated to interpret the Tax Cutsand Jobs Act and askswhether Treasury followed notice and procedure requirements in developing them
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Norway to Consider Digital Services Tax if OECD Talks Fail
Finance Minister Siv Jensen confirmed that the countrywould consider unilaterally implementing a digital services tax as soon as 2021 if international negotiations to rewrite tax rules for the digital economy fail to reach consensus.
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Insight: The Classic Whip-Saw Effect of Customs and Transfer Pricing
Tariffs and year-end transfer pricing adjustments present a unique conundrum in this era of tradewars. The authors analyze how tariffs can upset carefully planned transfer pricing arrangements and how to adjust those arrangements in response.
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Curbing 'exorbitant tax privilege' is harder than it looks
Pressure from voters has forced politicians to co-ordinate aninternational response
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U.S. Multinationals Support Tariff Response to French DST
The U.S. Trade Representative's recommendation to impose tariffs on French imports in response toFrance's digitalservices tax has received mostly positive reviews from U.S. companies,whichwant amultilateral solution to digital taxation.
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France Vows Reprisals as US Hits Back at Digital Services Tax
French Finance Minister Bruno Le Mairewarned that his governmentwould immediately go to theWTO to fight anysanctions imposed by the United States,which found that France's digital services taxdiscriminates against U.S. companies.
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Treasury's Inconsistent BEAT Rationales
Mindy Herzfeld discusses the recently released final section 59A regs, saying Treasury's explanationsfor granting some taxpayer requests and not others aren't logical.
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How Big is Profit Shifting?
The author's research describes the plausible magnitude of US revenue loss due to profit shifting, building on recent developments in the literature aswell as new country-by-country data on US multinational companies in 2016. In the past, the most complete data sources have all shown large magnitudes of profit shifting, suggesting substantial revenue losses in non-haven countries.This research note uses recently released country-by-country tax data to estimate plausible benchmarks regarding the scale of profit shifting, finding that profit shifting is likely to be costing the US government about $110 billion a year in 2016 (at 2016 tax rates).The author concludes thatwhile much can be done to refine these estimates and learn more about the scale of the problem, the problem remains unambiguously very large.
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Mnuchin, Le Maire Seek Tax Compromise to Ease Trade Tensions 
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Why Digital Taxes are the New Trade War Flashpoint: QuickTake
Big internet companies have long been the target of complaints that they don't pay enough in taxes. Fed up, France imposed a 3% levy on the digital revenue of companies that make their sales primarily in cyberspace, such as Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc.'s Google. Other countries also are targeting companies, many ofwhich are American, that have multinational earnings that often escape the taxman's grip. The U.S. isn't taking this sitting down.
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Taxing Multinationals: The GloBE Proposal for a Global Minimum Tax
The 135 member countries in the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS are considering the adoption of a global minimum corporate income tax for taxing multinationals as part of the Pillar Two (GloBE) proposals for taxing the digital economy. This article provides a detailed analysis of the global minimum tax proposal, discusses its benefits and costs, and provides policy recommendations.
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Fundamentals of Tax Reform: BEAT, 2019 Final and Proposed Regulations
On December 6, 2019, the IRS issued final BEAT regulations and the second set of proposed BEAT regulations. After a quick overview of the BEAT, the authors discuss the recently issued regulations, how the final regulations resolve questions raised by the 2018 proposed regulations, and the potential knock-on effects of the new regulations.
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EU Wants Level Playing Field on Tax Post-Brexit
As a condition of any potential post-Brexit trade agreement, the European Unionwill "insist" that the U.K. maintain a level tax and regulatory playing field.
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IRS Can Tax U.K. Service Vessel Under Tax Treaty, Court Rules
Judge Albert G. Lauber of the U.S. Tax Court ruled that the U.S.-U.K. tax treaty protecting certain British enterprises from U.S. federal income taxes does not protect the U.K. company from the IRS increasing its taxable income by nearly $50 million.
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Tax Wars: How to End the Conflict over Taxing Global Digital Commerce
In the last two years, dozens of governments have proposed or introduced unilateral tax measures to tax foreign-based technology companies. The new tax innovations include specialwithholding taxes, diverted profit taxes, minimum taxes, and digital services taxes. The rise of these unilateral measures threatens an international tax 'war' among governments that could stiflenew business models or even the spread of the global digital economy. This article reviews how international reform efforts have failed to constrain aggressive international tax planning and how the global digital tax conflict masks a growing dissatisfactionwith how to tax value associatedwith global transactions.The author concludes thatacoordinated solution that creates an economic presence test (a Quantitative Economic Presence Permanent Establishment) and modifies how tax revenues are divided between countries (e.g., the Residual Profit Split by Income proposal) is the bestway to address these global developments.
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France and US seek to resolve digital tax dispute
Officials to hold talks to head off new round of US trade sanctions
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Google to end the use of 'double Irish' tax loophole
Internet company to consolidate all of its intellectual property in the US
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Austrian Coalition Deal Would Trim Corporate Tax Rate to 21 Percent
Austria's coalition government has announced a four-year program that calls for a corporate tax cutfrom 25 percent to 21 percent, aswell as a revised goal of climate neutrality by 2040.
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BEPS Measures Have Ambiguous Economics Effects, IMF Paper Says
Although tax avoidance by multinationals has become an international political priority, it remainsunclearwhether anti-profit-shifting measures are economically beneficial for either high-tax or low-taxcountries, according to an IMFworking paper.
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A Look Ahead: On the Brink of a New Tax World Order, or Chaos?
The OECD isworking at a breakneck pace to find a multilateral solution to update the internationalcorporate tax rules for the digital age, and going into 2020, the stakes for thatwork have never been higher.