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Antitrust and the Corporate Tax: A Missed Opportunity? 
Professor Avi-Yonah discusses an alternative method of antitrust enforcement, the corporate tax. He succinctly argues three points before concluding that anew Digital Services Tax (DST) may play a useful regulatory role to curb the monopoly power of Big Tech. First, even a low corporate tax rate requires corporations to provide difficult to obtain information to the government. Second, because a sufficiently high tax can be destructive corporate management may limit its aggressiveness in fear of such a high tax. Lastly, the corporate tax rate can be raised or lowered in response to specific desirable or undesirable activity.
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Taxes in the Time of Coronavirus: Is it Time to Revive the Excess Profits Tax? 
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Insight: Transfer Pricing in a PandemicLessons From China 
Using cases and solutions based on the latest Chinese legal, accounting, and economic developments, the author discusseswhether the recent pandemic should be used to invoke force majeure clauses in transfer pricing policies.
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Take Action Now, U.K. Tells Tech Companies in Tax Guidance
Complyingwith the U.K. digital services tax could bring legal and technical headaches in a time of crisis, tax practitionerswarn because Parliament has not yet been able to give its final approval.
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OECD Offers Tax Authorities a Guide to Coronavirus Measures
Global tax authorities are extending filing deadlines,waiving penalties for late payments, and issuing refunds more quickly to help companieswalloped by the coronavirus pandemic, a recently released OECD report says.
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India to Levy New Tax on Foreign E-Commerce Cos From April 1 
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Uber Case in U.K. Could Become Model for How to Tax Gig Economy 
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Insight: Does It Make Sense to Impose Higher Taxes on Automated Digital Services?
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Constructive Dialogue: BEPS and the TCJA
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Insight: Covid-19 Puts Limited Risk Structure at RiskAnalysis from the Chinese Angle 
In light of thepressure on the Chinese economy and businesses brought about by the outbreak of Covid-19, the authors examinethe Chinese limited risk manufacturing, distribution, and service companies,which are common in the supply chains of many multinational corporations, to see how these companies can address their transfer pricing arrangements in light of changed circumstances.
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Tax Law Changes Make Life Harder for Firms Facing Coronavirus Losses
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Companies Owing Repatriation Tax May Miss Payment Extension
Companies should plan to pay tax on assets brought back from overseas on the normal schedule this year, despite Treasury's having extended the tax payment deadline for companies and individuals.
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U.K. Relaxes Tax Rules for Nonresidents Fighting COVID-19
HM Treasuryhas proposed changing the rules to allow skilled nonresidents to come to the United Kingdom to helpwith its COVID-19 responsewithout affecting their tax residency status.
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Examining the Proposal to Abolish Dividend Distribution Tax in India
In this article, the author discusses the impact of the proposed abolishment of India's dividend distribution tax,with a particular focus on how the change may affect the overall investment climate.
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Using Arbitration to Resolve Transfer Pricing Disputes and the Impact of the OECD's Unified Approach Proposal
In this article, the author considers the use of alternative forms of dispute resolution to resolve tax treaty disputes, focusing on the potential benefits of and obstacles to using mandatory binding arbitration to resolve transfer pricing disputes, including those that may arise under theOECD's unified approach for allocating profits in the digital economy.
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Final Hybrid Mismatch Regs Deviate Little From Earlier Rules
New guidance on hybrid mismatches may include small measures of relief for taxpayers, but practitioners hoping for bigger changes from earlier guidance may be disappointed, if not surprised.
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Digital Services Taxes: How Did We Get Into This Mess?
In this article, the authors consider the state of digital services taxation following theOECD's initiative to develop global digital tax rules.
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Switzerland Must Fix Beneficial Ownership Shortfalls, OECD Says
While Switzerland has improved its exchange of information mechanisms, including adding more staff to handle data requests, it must do more to improve its beneficial ownership data availability, theOECD's transparency body said.
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Irish Tax Authorities Relax Residency Requirements
TheIrish Revenue Commissionersare calling the COVID-19 pandemic a case offorce majeure, saying that a taxpayerwill not suffer negative tax repercussions for being present in Ireland because of travel restrictions.
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Finnish Court Rejects Recharacterization of Intragroup Debt
The Finnish tax administration cannot recharacterize an intragroup lender as a service provider because taxpayers' transactions must be respected as structured unless theywere undertaken for avoidance, according to Finland'shighest courtin tax disputes.
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Close Encounters With Public CbC Reporting
Robert Goulder examines how public country-by-country reporting almost made it into Congress's pandemic relief legislation.
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USTR Lists Digital Services Tax Among Trade Sore Spots in 2020
TheOffice of the U.S. Trade Representative(USTR) said itwill continue towork toward the elimination of unilateral digital services taxes,which it says are key roadblocks to international digital trade.
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Countries Relax Tax Residency Rules for Cross-Border Workers
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised tax residency concerns for individuals and businesseswith employeeswho have been forced to remain in foreign countries and could face unforeseen tax obligations because of government-mandated lockdowns.
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Takeaways From EU Commissioner of the Economys First Tax Policy Speech
In this article, the author considers the EU tax policy agenda outline laid out in the first tax policy speech ofPaolo Gentiloni, the new EU commissioner of the economy.
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U.K. Should Delay Digital Tax Amid Pandemic, Tech Group Says
The U.K. digital services tax might be in effect, but it should be suspended to give companies grapplingwith the COVID-19 crisis some relief, a tech trade group representative said.
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'Favorable' NOL Carryback Rules Apply to Deemed Repatriations
Multinational businesseswith prior years' deemed repatriation income maywant to take advantage of the special net operating loss carryback rules in the coronavirus stimulus package, a practitioner says.
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More Trade Groups Call for OECD Tax Overhaul Delay During Crisis
Two more industry groups are dialing up the volume on calls to their respective governments to delay the timeline of theOECD'swork on a global corporate tax overhaul in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Electing Out of Interest Limitation Changes Could Save on BEAT
Not all taxpayerswillwant to take advantage of the changes to the interest deduction limitation in the latest round of coronavirus legislation, according to a practitioner.
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UK Seeks To Force Big Cos. To Report Uncertain Tax Positions
The U.K. tax authority began seeking public input on a proposed rule to require large businesses to notify itwhen taking an uncertain tax position they believewill be challenged.
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HMRC Seeks Info On Effects Of OECD's Anti-Abuse Rules
HM Revenue & Customs issued a consultation to determinewhether new rules meant to prevent companies from manipulating differences in national tax systems may hit some legitimate lending relationships.
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UK Issues Guidance for Digital, Corporate Tax Overlap
The U.K. government published guidance to help multinational companies navigate placeswhere the country's digital services tax interactswith other corporate tax measures, including transfer pricing rules and similar digital levies overseas.
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OECD Faces Hard Deadline On Digital Taxes, Despite COVID
Tax officials from around theworld face immense pressure to negotiate an overhaul of the international tax system at the OECD by the end of the year, even as the coronavirus pandemic brings mostwork around theworld to a halt.
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US FDII is still too complex to claim, say companies
Taxpayers are having to go to "extreme lengths" to claim the foreign derived intangible income (FDII) deduction under US tax rules. One tax director at a medical device company talks to ITR about the challenges.
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Swedish Court Denies FLIR $200 Million Notional Tax Deduction
A Swedish court has ruled against thermal camera producerFLIR Systemsin a dispute concerning an intangible transfer to a Belgian branch, holding that the tax agency correctly denied a group subsidiary's notional tax deduction.
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India Expands Equalization Levy Net to Tax Foreign E-Commerce
Nonresident e-commerce operatorswill now have to pay a 2 percent tax on revenues from the sale of goods and services to Indian consumers, after the government broadened the scope of its equalization levy regime.
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CARES Act Has Negative Knock-On' Effects for International Tax
Practitioners are discovering that business-friendly changes to net operating losses and interest deduction limitations in legislation responding to the coronavirus economic crisis could also adversely affect multinationals because of interactionswith other international provisions.
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Helping Loss Companies: What Can Treasury Do?
Mindy Herzfeld examines U.S. Treasury options for alleviating the economic blowback of the coronavirus pandemic, questioningwhether further relief has been left on the table.
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Germany Introduces Long-Overdue R&D Tax Incentives
In this article, the authors discuss newly introduced research and development tax incentives in Germany, focusing on eligibility requirements, determination of tax relief, and international cooperation.
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Software Service Income Not Technical Service Fees, Court Say
Payments to an Australian company for supplies of software services do not qualify as fees for technical services but should be further examined to determine if they qualify as royalties, theDelhi High Courtheld.
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Russian Coronavirus Relief Plan Could Threaten Tax Treaties
Prime MinisterMikhailMishustin said Russia maywithdraw from its tax treatieswith specific countries that refuse to impose a 15 percent tax on individuals transferring their dividend income abroad.
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U.S. Group Pushes Delaying OECD Digital Tax Work Amid Pandemic
Treasuryshould postpone theOECD'swork on updating global corporate tax rules for the digital age as companies and governments continue grapplingwith the economic fallout of the coronavirus crisis, a major trade group said.
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The NOL Carryback That Isnt, and the Worthless NOL That Is
In this article, Eric M. Lopata of Prudential Financial Inc. explainswhy a net operating loss carryback provision in the COVID-19 relief legislationwill not have the intended stimulus effect unless Congress also addresses a problem caused by the application of the NOL computation rules to taxpayerswith global intangible low-taxed income.
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India Delays Tax Filing Deadlines Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
India has announced relief measures thatwill extend the filing deadline for income tax and goods and services tax returns, provide relief under the tax dispute scheme, and lower interest rates fordelayed tax payments.
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OECD Sets Out First-Aid Tax Measures Amid Growing Pandemic
TheOECDhas outlined emergency tax measures that governments can adopt to respond immediately to the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, sending a clear message: Dowhatever you can now to keep taxpayers afloat.
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Australian Research and Development Bill Faulted for Encouraging Foreign Competition
AnAustralian Senatecommittee is considering legislation to reform research and development tax initiatives that critics say islargely unchanged from a set of measures that failed to passwhen first proposed in 2018.
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Canada's High Court Dismisses Amazon Appeal
The Supreme Court of Canadahas dismissed an appeal byAmazon Inc., a major victory for customerswho claim the company charged sales taxes thatweren't due.
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U.S. COVID-19 Bill Hits Company International Tax Fix Wish List
Buried deep in the pages of aSenatebill to provide economic relief from the coronavirus pandemic are long-awaited Tax Cuts and Jobs Act technical corrections on transition tax overpayment and downward attribution.
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OECD Outlines COVID-19 Emergency Tax Measures for Governments
The OECD has outlined several tax measures that countries can take to respond immediately to the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemicwith a clear message to governments: Dowhat you can to help taxpayers.
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HMRC May Relax Anti-Hybrid Rules Amid Wider Antiavoidance Effort
AsHM Revenue & Customsprepares to implement a series of new measures targeting tax avoidance schemes, the agency has signaled its openness to amending aspects of the hybrid mismatch rules criticized as disproportionate and overbroad.
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Taxable Presence and Highly Digitalized Business Models
In this article, the authors discuss how the digitalization of the economy is affecting nexus rules and analyze international tax treaty law on permanent establishment and the taxable presence of digital businesses.