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IRS Not Yet Convinced of Lower-Tier DRD Applicability
If taxpayerswish to convince theIRSthat upcoming guidance should apply thedividends received deduction(DRD) to lower-tier dividends from specified foreign corporations (SFCs) to a controlled foreign corporation, they may havework to do.
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Economic Analysis: OECD BEPS Economic Impact Assessments Made Simple
Martin A. Sullivan ponders the possibilities of further base-erosion-and-profit-shifting-related estimates by the OECD and by others.
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Norway Proposes Intragroup Interest and Royalty Withholding Tax
As part of its effort to prevent profit shifting, Norway'sMinistry of Financehas released a proposal for a newwithholding tax on interest and royalties paid to related parties resident in low-tax countries.
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South African Treasury Proposes OECD-Endorsed Interest Cap
Following the approach recommended by the OECD and the African Tax Administration Forum, South Africa's National Treasury has proposed restricting deductible net interest as a percentage of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
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Vodafone, Tesco Lose Hungarian Turnover Tax Cases at CJEU
The Grand Chamber of the EU's highest court has found that Hungarian turnover-based taxes on telecom and retail operations don't violate the freedom of establishment, even though the tax burden falls heavily on foreign-parented operations.
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Hungarian Advertising Tax Penalty Regime Violates EU Law
Hungary's imposition of cascading fines related to Google Ireland's failure to submit a tax declaration for its advertising services constitutes a restriction on the freedom to provide services, according to the EU's highest court.
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Need for the U.K.s DPT Under Ongoing Review, Officials Say
Although the United Kingdom's diverted profits tax (DPT) has become a powerful transfer pricing enforcement tool, itwasn't intended to be permanent and its future necessity remains under review, according toHM Revenue & Customsofficials.
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Unnecessarily Complex OECD Proposals Encourage Tax Planning
TheOECD's proposals on the reallocation of taxing rights are "unnecessarily complex" and could lead to the establishment of tax avoidance practices and international conflicts, according to a study by European research institutes.
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U.K. to Mull Digital Taxation as Part of U.S. Trade Policy
The United Kingdomwill take public comments about digital taxation into account as it shapes its trade policywith the United States, according to its negotiating mandate for a U.K.-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA).
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Corp. Tax Rates In Political Sights Amid Presidential Race
Some of theworld's largest corporations are finding their financial statements under unwelcome scrutiny as activists ÔøΩ and candidates in the 2020 presidential race ÔøΩ claim they reveal low effective tax rates and loopholes in the system.
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OECD Looks To Cloud Computing To Broaden Digital Tax Scheme
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development appears to be broadening the scope of its proposed new global taxing regime to include more digital and online activities such as cloud computing and other business-to-business services.
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OECD Tax Certainty Pilot Closed To New Biz, IRS Official Says
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's program for tax administrations and multinational corporations to openly discuss transfer pricing issues isn't currently taking on any new companies, an Internal Revenue Service official said Thursday.
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Businesses anxious over Greek digital platform law
Companies in Greece are concerned over the vague details of tax legislation that requires online platforms to provide information on sellers. The new law comeswith severe measures for non-compliance.
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South Africa looks to broaden its corporate tax base
South Africa's Finance Minister Tito Mboweni has announced that the countrywill aim to increase its corporate income tax base and signalled a future rate reduction. The VAT rate remains unchanged amid minor changes on indirect taxes.
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Multinationals Taxed at Higher Rate Than Congress Expected
Lawmakerswho supported the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's global intangible low-taxed income regime didn't realize that some multinational corporationswould end up paying much more in tax thanwas anticipated, according to a former senior tax counsel.
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Economic Analysis: Segmenting Business Boosts OECD Pillar 1 'Amount A' Reallocations
In economic analysis, Martin A. Sullivan examines how any OECD requirement that large multinational corporations calculate their pillar 1 amount A profit reallocations from source countries to market countries could result in significant tax increases.
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The OECD Project That Shall Not Be Named
The OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project had a catchy name: BEPS. But in a recent statement from the OECD/G-20 inclusive framework on BEPS, the organization refers to its latest undertaking as the "Two-Pillar Approach to Address the Tax Challenges Arising From the Digitalisation of the Economy." The inability to come upwith a succinct title for a project that in reality is awholesale rewrite of international tax rules reflects a deeper problem: The project means different things to its participants, its opponents, and even its advocates.
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Belgian Government Wants Exemptions to GLOBE Minimum Tax
The Belgian tax administration says patent boxes should be exempted from the OECD's proposed global anti-base-erosion (GLOBE) minimum tax.
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G-20 Ministers Back New Roadmap for OECD Global Tax Deal
G-20 finance ministers haveendorsed an updated roadmap to guide OECD-level negotiations on a global tax overhaul deal by the end of 2020, underscoring the importance of agreement on elements of that solution by July.
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House Bill Seeks To Force Multinationals To Disclose Tax Havens
Legislation recently introduced in the U.S. House of Representativeswould force large multinational companies to provide country-by-country financial reports that the bill's Democratic sponsors saywould reveal the possible use of offshore tax havens.
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KPMG Study Casts Doubt on Key OECD Global Tax Deal Design Issue
Anew economic analysis fromKPMGthrows into question the need for differentiation in amount B of theOECD's so-called unified approach for modernizing corporate tax rules for the digital age.
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Economic Analysis: OECD Pillar 1 'Amount A' Shakes Up Worldwide Profit
In economic analysis, Martin A. Sullivan uses details from an OECD proposal and real but imperfect data to mimic how the OECD may begin to tax the digital economy.
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Zuckerberg to say Facebook will accept more taxes, new rules
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is expected to deliver remarks on Saturday in Germany expressing his company's acceptance of having to pay more taxes under global tax reforms."I understand that there's frustration about how tech companies are taxed in Europe.we alsowant tax reform and I'm glad the OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] is looking at this," excerpts of Zuckerberg's speech read, Reuters reports.
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Dems' Bill Would Nix Treasury's High-Tax Exception To TCJA
A bill proposed by two Democratic senatorswould reverse a recent U.S. Treasury Department proposed regulation thatwould exempt corporate income already taxed at high rates from the 2017 tax overhaul's global minimum tax.
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CBO Report Adds To Controversy Over Intl Tax Regs
The Congressional Budget Office's recent economic outlook report is murky on how the 2017 tax overhaul's international measures lowered corporate revenue projections by roughly $110 billion, leaving space for debate aboutwhether business-friendly regulations affected the adjustment.
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The OECD releases final TP guidance on financial transactions
The OECD has published its long-awaited TP guidance on financial transactions that includes several new points on how to apply the arm's-length principle (ALP) to credit default swaps and economic modelling.
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OECD Gig and Sharing Economy Platform Reporting Rules Take Shape
TheOECDis starting to design model rules governments can adopt to ensure sharing and gig economy platform operators report seller details in a consistent manner to tax administrations ÔøΩ and is asking for input.
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EU Adds 4 Jurisdictions to Blacklist, Adopts VAT Measures
Finance ministers added four jurisdictions to the EU list of noncooperative jurisdictions for tax purposesand adopted severalVAT-relatedtexts.
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EU Not Working on Plan B for Global Tax Deal Yet, Gentiloni Says
The EUwill enact a plan B if countries can't agree on a global tax update by the end of 2020, but for now, it's fully focused on plan A, the EU's tax chief said.
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Turkey Faces Tax Blacklist If No Changes to Policy, Austria Says (1)
Turkey has until the end of the year to complywith European Union demands on tax transparency, or else risk being added to a list of countries that could face financial sanctions, according to Austrian Finance Minister Gernot Bluemel. The rules include bilateral agreements to automatically exchange bank informationwith EU members,which include Cyprus.
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OECD's Preliminary Economic Analysis Highlights Need for Pillar Two Information and Engagement 
In light of the OECD's preliminary analysis, the author discusses the issue of double taxation under the proposed Pillar Two rules.
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European Union Proposes to Amend Council Directives for Administrative Cooperation in Tax Matters (1)
The EU proposal includes measures thatwould expand existing information exchange and create new information disclosure rules.
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Insight: Pillar One of the OECD BEPS Action 1 - The Ambitious Time-Bound Goals
The OECD intends to reach a consensus on the Inclusive Framework by the end of 2020. In light of that goal, the author examines the Framework's concepts, disparate interpretations, andwhat needs to be done to achieve a consensus.
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Fixing Five Flaws of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
The author arguesthat TCJAis flawed in five importantways: itgenerates large deficits thatwill reduce the ability of the government to fund important priorities in the future; itmoves the tax system in a regressive direction;it decreases economic efficiency insomeways, moving the tax system away from optimal design principles; itmisses an opportunity to combat profit shifting by multinational companies, changing the character of the problem but leaving its scale largely undiminished; andintroduces new sources of complexity.Clausing thensuggests both short term and more fundamentalways to reform the tax code.
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Companies Shifted Deductions, Income to Maximize 2017 U.S. Tax-Rate Cut
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EU Ministers Hit Pause on Blacklisting Turkey as Tax Haven
European Union finance ministerswill give Turkey more time to agree to exchange bank information automaticallywith all EU members before putting them on the bloc's tax haven blacklist. On the other hand, the economic bloc plans to put the Cayman Islands on its tax haven blacklist on Tuesday, February 18.
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OECD Clarifies How Companies Should Price Financial Transactions
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Insight: India Budget 2020Tax Measures Affecting Nonresidents
The authors look at the proposals for nonresidents announced in the India Budget 2020, including a tax on the digital economy and mandatorywithholding on digital transactions,whichwill have a significant impact on cross-border transactions.
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Tech Groups Wants to Help to Avoid Cloud Transaction Tax Hit
Business groups and tech giantswant the IRS to clarify new cloud computing tax rules and ensure companieswon't take an unexpected tax hit.
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Insight: U.K. Tax Authority Focus on "Profit Diversion" Means MNEs Pay More Tax
The authors consider the impact of the U.K. tax authority's Diverted Profits Tax so far, andwhat's ahead for multinationals.
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Luxembourg Company Scores Tax Victory in Canadian Court
A Luxembourg entity that owned a Canadian shale oil company and admitted involvement in a tax avoidance transaction has prevailed over allegations by the Canadian government that itwasn't entitled to treaty benefits.
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OECD Global Tax Overhaul May Lead to $100 Billion Revenue Spike
The two-pillar solution to update international tax rules for the digital age that's being considered by nearly 140 countries is projected to raise $100 billion annually in corporate tax revenues ÔøΩ but that estimate comeswith caveats.
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Repeal of Indian Dividend Tax Likely, Practitioner Says
Evenwith pushback from domestic investors, there is a high likelihood that the proposal to repeal India's dividend distribution tax (DDT)will pass in Parliament, a practitioner said.
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FASB Plans More Analysis of Income Tax Disclosure Requirements
TheFinancial Accounting Standards Board's pending decision on disclosure requirements for disaggregating income taxes may involve a balancing act,weighing investors' benefits against additional costs that companies might incur.
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Senate Dems Introduce Bill Blocking GILTI High-Tax Exception
U.S. multinational corporations could see new restrictions on foreign tax credits under legislation being pushed by twoSenateDemocrats.
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OECD Digital Tax Work a Priority for United States, Mnuchin Says
The United States has indeed reached a détentewith France over digital taxation and is pushing ahead at theOECDon a global solution to modernize the corporate tax system,TreasurySecretarySteven Mnuchinsaid. Speaking during a February 12Senate Finance Committeehearing,Mnuchinprovided confirmation ofnews in Januarythat the United States and France reached a settlement regarding the latter'sdigital services tax, on the sidelines oftheworld Economic Forumin Davos, Switzerland.
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EU adds Cayman Islands to Tax Haven Blacklist
The Cayman Islandswill join Oman, Fiji, and Vanuatu on an EU blacklist of foreign tax havens, making it the first UK overseas territory to be named and shamed by Brussels for failing to crack down on tax abuse.
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DSTs May Require Budding Friendship for Tax and Trade
The tax and trade communities in the United States, Canada, and Mexicowill have towork closely together to successfully navigate the road ahead on taxation of the digital economy, a KPMG tax partner said.
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Groups Suggest Fix for Cloud Regs Digital Content Source Rule
Treasury's proposed rule for sourcing sales of digital content is unworkable and should be revised to allow taxpayers to source those sales to the billing location of the first unrelated purchasing entity, according to several industry groups.
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Taxing Digital Giants Key to Restoring Capitalism, Le Maire Says
Capitalism needs a revolution, and fair taxation of major digital companies could play a big role in restoring capitalist values, according to French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire.