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What the CJEUs Hungarian Cases Mean for Digital Taxes
In this article, the author discusses theCourt of Justice of the European Union's recentTescoandVodafonejudgments and their implications for potential challenges to European digital taxes.
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Hungary to Offer Full Exemption for Reinvested Profits
As part of a coronavirus mitigation package, Hungarywill offer companies that pledge to reinvest in Hungary over the next four years a full exemption on reinvested profits.
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Poland to Update COVID-19 Relief Package With Netflix Tax
The Polish government plans to chargeNetflix,Amazon, Apple TV+, and other large video-on-demand service providers a 1.5 percent fee to assist the country's film industry,which has been stalled by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Italian Financial Transaction Tax Does Not Violate EU Law
Charging a tax on financial transactions involving derivatives trading that applies regardless of the market participants' and intermediaries' residence does not constitute a restriction on thefree movement of capital, the EU's highest court held.
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Tax Researchers Chide OECD Digital Tax Push Amid Pandemic
Joseph Boris
Work toward a global tax on corporations' digital operations should be suspended so that countries can devote time and resources to rebuilding their economies from the coronavirus pandemic, two tax policy researchers said in a new study.For the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, "nowwould be a good time to hit the pause button" on the negotiations, Scott Hodge and Daniel Bunn of the Tax Foundation said in research published Monday. They recommended that the talkswait until the global economy has returned to stabilitywith 2% annual growth for two consecutive years.
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Uber, Wary About OECDs Gig-Work Tax Rules
Joseph Boris
Ride-hailing service Uber'swariness over acting as a tax data middleman, alongwith travel search engine's concern about privacy-law compliance, highlighted comments the OECD saidwednesday it has received through its project to reshape tax rules for the gig economy.
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EU Sticking To Corp. Tax Reform Timetable Despite Crisis
Todd Buell
The European Commission believes that efforts to reform corporate taxation aswell aswork to combat tax fraud are essential tasks, and therefore theywill continue as planned despite the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a draft document seen by Law360.The EU's executive arm plans to issue a communication on fighting tax evasion, according to a draft document. The commission is planning to stick to a timetable, set earlier this year, to issue a communication thatwould involve the tax challenges of moving to digital technology. It also plans to issue another in this quarter on fighting tax evasion, according to the text of a draftwork program.
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5 Considerations When Repatriating Cash For COVID-19
Natalie Olivio
U.S. companies seeking access to their offshore earnings during the coronavirus pandemic may not be able to grab the cash easily due to the inherent complexity of the repatriation process,whichwas nuanced even before the current economic uncertainty.
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Practical Transfer Pricing in Uncertain Economic Conditions
In this article, the author discusses how to reevaluate transfer prices based on market conditions caused by COVID-19 and mitigate complexities associatedwith year-end processes. He also examines how (re)structuring intercompany transactionswith high upfront payments can be effective in deploying cashwithin a multinational group.
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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tax Residence Rules
In this article, the author examines the definition of a resident alien undersection 7701(b)in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Navigating New Foreign Income Tax Allocation and Apportionment Regs
Carrie Elliot reviews new proposed regs that allocate taxes to income categories in order to calculate the foreign tax credit limitation.
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Tax Optimism for a Post-Pandemic World
Mindy Herzfeld questionswhether the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic could lead to beneficial changes for the international tax system.
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Global Tax Reform Project Should Consider COVID-19, ICC Says
TheOECDshould take into account the coronaviruspandemic's effects on businesses as it continuestowork on updating the global corporate tax rules for the digital age, a major trade group said.
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Business Groups Urge OECD, EU to Address Tax Relief Roadblocks
Twelve business groups have asked theOECDand theEuropean Commissionto remove obstacles towithholding tax relief on cross-border portfolio investments that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Firms Ask EU for Delay of Cross-Border Tax Arrangement Reporting
Financial associations are asking theEuropean Commissionto extend the deadline for implementation of requirements for intermediaries to report cross-border tax arrangements that promote avoidance until 2021 because of complications from thecoronavirus.
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IRS Relaxes Tax Residency Requirements Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
A nonresidentwho is temporarily present in the United States for up to 60 consecutive calendar days because of COVID-19 travel disruptionswill not be considered a U.S. resident under theIRS's substantial presence test.
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Companies must align local and global tax functions for CbCR audits
Country-by-country reporting (CbCR) has pushed Indian taxpayers to seek out greater alignment between the local tax function and the global tax team.
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Denmark Nixes COVID-19 Relief for Companies in Tax Havens
Denmark and Poland are among the first countries to exclude companies located in tax havens from claiming coronavirus relief, and two advocacy groups arepushing the United Kingdom to follow suit.
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The Transformation of International Tax
The recession of 2008 precipitated a political crisis that motivated an unprecedented international project to curb corporate tax dodging. This Article argues, contrary to dominant scholarly views, that this effort transformed international tax ÔøΩ changing its participants, agenda and institutions, norms, and even its legal forms. Perhaps most important, efforts to close corporate tax loopholes opened a rift over the resulting revenues that threatens a hundred-year-old tax treaty framework. This Article identifies and critically evaluates these changes from the perspectives of revenue, inclusivity, legitimacy and accountability, innovation, and durability.
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Addressing Challenges in the Hard-to-Value Intangibles Guideline
In this article, the author uses a Monte Carlo simulation approach to valuing hard-to-value intangibles, discusses the use of publicly available data in considering all known possibilities in performing a simulation, andwalks practitioners through the challenges of implementing that kind of model.
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COVID-19 Shifts Companies' Attention to Tariff Exception
With the shift to e-commerce gaining momentum because of social distancing requirements, some U.S. companies are starting to focus on aworkaround that can eliminate some customs duties, including section 301 tariffs.
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Dutch Advisory Committee Urges More Limited Deductions for MNEs
The Dutch government should lower limits on tax deductions for businesseswith profitable activities in the Netherlands and ensure that the country is at the forefront of international tax reform, an advisory committee recommended.
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Swedish Court Rejects Use of Antiabuse Rule for Intragroup Debt
The option to capitalize interest payments under a loan agreement between a parent company and its subsidiary does not create a separate debt relationship subject to antiavoidance rules, according to Sweden'sSupreme Administrative Court.
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G-20 Global Tax Revamp More Relevant Than Ever, Minister Says
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G-20 Global Tax Revamp More Relevant Than Ever, Minister Says (1)
TheG-20continues to push forward on anOECD-led solution to modernize the global tax system, since countries hit hard by COVID-19will soon need to think about economic recovery, a top Saudi minister said.
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A New Era of Risk-Based IRS Transfer Pricing Enforcement
In this report, the authors trace the development of theIRS Large Business and International Division's new approach to transfer pricing enforcement, and they explain the practical implications for taxpayers and advisers.
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Overtaken by Events: Should the OECD Delay BEPS 2.0?
The OECD inclusive framework is in the midst of something historic, assuming it can finish the job. The ensemble of 137 jurisdictions is trying to revise the international consensus,which for the past century has determined how corporate profits are divvied up among governmentswith rival tax claims. That's no small task. Thework is being done at the behest of the G-20 nations, and it's the type of globally coordinated mega-project that comes around only once in a generation.
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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tax Residence Rules (1)
In this article, the author examines the definition of a resident alien undersection 7701(b)in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.
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World Must Not Lose Focus on Global Tax Overhaul, Germany Urges
Theworld needs to stand together, not only to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but also to agree on an OECD solution to update global tax rules for the digital age, Germany's finance minister said.
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NOL Break May Require Reconsideration of Transition Tax Position
U.S. taxpayers looking to take advantage of net operating loss relief under the coronavirus stimulus bill may find themselves facing the difficult task of reconsidering previously taken return positions related to complicated transition tax calculations.
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Companies Save Billions in Taxes by Shifting Assets Around Globe
Multinational corporations are devising new strategies to keep their taxes low, saving billions of dollars by navigating around attempts by the U.S. and European countries to tighten the tax net.
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OECD Helps Countries Interpret Tax Treaties During Crisis 
In guidance released Friday, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development explained how countries can interpret treaties in instanceswhere employees are stranded abroad orworking remotely due to the crisis.
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Tax Law Changes May Limit Benefits of New Loss Carryback Perk 
Multinational companies should think carefully about how carrying back losses to more profitable yearswill impact their international tax strategy.
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Antitrust and the Corporate Tax: A Missed Opportunity? 
Professor Avi-Yonah discusses an alternative method of antitrust enforcement, the corporate tax. He succinctly argues three points before concluding that anew Digital Services Tax (DST) may play a useful regulatory role to curb the monopoly power of Big Tech. First, even a low corporate tax rate requires corporations to provide difficult to obtain information to the government. Second, because a sufficiently high tax can be destructive corporate management may limit its aggressiveness in fear of such a high tax. Lastly, the corporate tax rate can be raised or lowered in response to specific desirable or undesirable activity.
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Taxes in the Time of Coronavirus: Is it Time to Revive the Excess Profits Tax? 
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Insight: Transfer Pricing in a PandemicLessons From China 
Using cases and solutions based on the latest Chinese legal, accounting, and economic developments, the author discusseswhether the recent pandemic should be used to invoke force majeure clauses in transfer pricing policies.
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Take Action Now, U.K. Tells Tech Companies in Tax Guidance
Complyingwith the U.K. digital services tax could bring legal and technical headaches in a time of crisis, tax practitionerswarn because Parliament has not yet been able to give its final approval.
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OECD Offers Tax Authorities a Guide to Coronavirus Measures
Global tax authorities are extending filing deadlines,waiving penalties for late payments, and issuing refunds more quickly to help companieswalloped by the coronavirus pandemic, a recently released OECD report says.
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India to Levy New Tax on Foreign E-Commerce Cos From April 1 
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Uber Case in U.K. Could Become Model for How to Tax Gig Economy 
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Insight: Does It Make Sense to Impose Higher Taxes on Automated Digital Services?
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Constructive Dialogue: BEPS and the TCJA
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Insight: Covid-19 Puts Limited Risk Structure at RiskAnalysis from the Chinese Angle 
In light of thepressure on the Chinese economy and businesses brought about by the outbreak of Covid-19, the authors examinethe Chinese limited risk manufacturing, distribution, and service companies,which are common in the supply chains of many multinational corporations, to see how these companies can address their transfer pricing arrangements in light of changed circumstances.
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Tax Law Changes Make Life Harder for Firms Facing Coronavirus Losses
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Companies Owing Repatriation Tax May Miss Payment Extension
Companies should plan to pay tax on assets brought back from overseas on the normal schedule this year, despite Treasury's having extended the tax payment deadline for companies and individuals.
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U.K. Relaxes Tax Rules for Nonresidents Fighting COVID-19
HM Treasuryhas proposed changing the rules to allow skilled nonresidents to come to the United Kingdom to helpwith its COVID-19 responsewithout affecting their tax residency status.
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Examining the Proposal to Abolish Dividend Distribution Tax in India
In this article, the author discusses the impact of the proposed abolishment of India's dividend distribution tax,with a particular focus on how the change may affect the overall investment climate.
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Using Arbitration to Resolve Transfer Pricing Disputes and the Impact of the OECD's Unified Approach Proposal
In this article, the author considers the use of alternative forms of dispute resolution to resolve tax treaty disputes, focusing on the potential benefits of and obstacles to using mandatory binding arbitration to resolve transfer pricing disputes, including those that may arise under theOECD's unified approach for allocating profits in the digital economy.
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Final Hybrid Mismatch Regs Deviate Little From Earlier Rules
New guidance on hybrid mismatches may include small measures of relief for taxpayers, but practitioners hoping for bigger changes from earlier guidance may be disappointed, if not surprised.
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Digital Services Taxes: How Did We Get Into This Mess?
In this article, the authors consider the state of digital services taxation following theOECD's initiative to develop global digital tax rules.