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ABA Meeting: Some Skeptical That Government Will Clarify Inversion Rules
As more deals get caught up in the unsettled rules of the IRS's recent anti-inversion notice and as officials remain largely mum onwhat they'll clarify, some practitioners fear the government may keep its guidance vague to preserve the chilling effect the notice has had on tax planning.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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President Obamas FY 2016 budget calls for business tax reform; proposes new international and individual tax increases
President Obama on February 2 submitted an FY 2016 budget to Congress that reaffirms his support for 'business tax reform' thatwould lower the top US corporate tax rate to 28 percent,with a 25-percent rate for domestic manufacturing income. The budget also proposes to make permanent certain business tax provisions, including CFC look-through and Subpart F exceptions for active financing income.
Significant new international tax increase proposals include a one-time mandatory 14-percent tax on previously untaxed foreign income and a 19-percent minimum tax on future foreign income. The budget states that 'transition' revenue from the 14-percent toll taxwould go primarily to fund surface transportation programs.
For the PwC Insight, go here.
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Budget Proposes Minimum Tax, Transition Tax on Foreign Earnings
The Obama administration's fiscal 2016 budget, released February 2, proposes changes to the U.S. international tax system thatwould result in a quasi-territorial regimewith a per-country minimum tax of 19 percent on current foreign income to act as a backstop and a mandatory 14 percent transition tax on previously untaxed foreign income.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Treasury's Poms Says Taxpayers Should Pressure Congress to Rafity Treaties
by: Alex M. Parker (BNA)
Pressure from all sides, including from taxpayers, might help break the logjam of treaties awaiting ratification by the Senate, a Treasury Department official said.
"Itwould be too simplistic to say, 'Well, call your congressperson, and ask them to put pressure on the right people to express your dissatisfaction,' " Douglas Poms, senior counsel in Treasury's Office of International Tax Counsel, said Jan. 30 at an American Bar Association Section of Taxation meeting in Houston.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Inversion Regularions "Substantial Priority" As IRS Welcomes Comments, Official Say
The IRS is taking comments on a host of issues as itworks on regulations to implement the anti-inversions Notice 2014-52, an agency official said.
It is too soon to saywhen those regulations might be completed or offer insight as to their technical content, although the rules remain a "substantial priority," said David Levine, an attorney in Branch 4 of the Internal Revenue Service Office of Chief Counsel (International).
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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New Foreign Income Taxes in Obama Budget Proposal Seen as Fundamental Policy Change
The two new taxes on foreign income proposed by the administration as part of its fiscal year 2016 budgetwould significantly change how the offshore earnings of U.S. multinationals are taxedÔøΩand may raise concerns for business, practitioners said.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Bermuda to Follow Major Trading Partners On Public Beneficial Ownership Register
Bermudawill adopt a public beneficial ownership register onlywhen its major trading partnersÔøΩparticularly the U.S., the U.K. and CanadaÔøΩdo so, Finance Minister E.T. Richards said.
Richards told Bloomberg BNA on Nov. 24 that after U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron's call for British Overseas Territories to set up full, publicly available central registries to ensure corporate transparency, Bermuda undertook a comprehensive consultationwith stakeholders over several months.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Russia Amends Tax Code to Impose New Requirements on Use of CFCs
Russian authorities revised provisions of the nation's tax code related to the taxation of controlled foreign corporations.
According to a Nov. 25 statement from the presidential press-service, President Vladimir Putin signed into law Federal Law No. 376-FZ to amend parts 1 and 2 of the Russian Tax Code to counter the use of tax havens for gaining unfair tax preferences.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Thailand extends tax rate cuts and revises the investment incentives program
Thailand has extended the corporate and personal income tax rate cuts by Royal Decrees to apply beginning in 2015. The 7% value added tax rate has also been extended for an additional year to September 30, 2015.
The Board of Investment announced a new seven-year plan and a revamp of the incentives promotion packages on August 19, 2014. The Board is expected to release specific details later this year. However,we expect the Board to scale back the tax incentives.
For the PwC Insight, go here.
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PwC internal survey shows countries' different approaches to BEPS
PwC recently conducted an informal Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) survey internally among a number of our PwC firms. Their overall view of the PwC partners surveyed is that it provided some useful indicators of the approaches being taken by different countries. That includes an analysis of some trends depending onwhether they are a member of the G20, the 34 OECD member states, the 44 BEPS participating countries or none of these.
For the report, go here.
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Obama Tax Plan Hits Foreign Earnings, Boosts Public Works Investment
Mixing a few new revenue-raising ideaswith recycled proposals, President Barack Obama's latest budget blueprint includes provisions thatwould change theway many businesses pay taxes,while financing infrastructure through new taxes on top earners and overseas earnings.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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EU May Adopt Common Consolidated Base To Aid BEPS Implementation, Official Says
A European Union tax official said it may be necessary for EU member states to adopt a common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) in order to combat base erosion.
Hartmut Foerster, a national expertwith the European Commission's Taxation and Customs Union, said Nov. 27 that once EU member states implement the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's guidance on base erosion and profit shifting, the key questionwill be, "Is all of this sufficient?"
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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CRS Reviews U.S. International Corporate Tax System
The Congressional Research Service in a December 2 report examined basic concepts and issues relevant to the U.S. international corporate tax system, including fundamental tax system structures; deferral, subpart F income, and active financing; the foreign tax credit; cross-crediting; base erosion and profit shifting; and tax rate comparisons.
For the report, go here. (subscription required)
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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Urges Treasury to Drop Anti-Inversions Effort
Guidance meant to curb corporate inversions does little to stop the practice and instead harms the nation's business competitiveness, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said in comments submitted to the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service.
In its Dec. 4 letter, the Chamber said the guidance didn't address the core problem driving inversionsÔøΩtheworldwide tax system used by the U.S. and a 35 percent corporate tax rate.
Those factors are causing companies to move their headquarters overseas to reduce their tax bills, the Chamber said.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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EU Parliament OKs Reports on Tax Evasion, Legislation in Wake of Luxembourg Probe
The European Parliament agreed to draw up two reports on tax avoidance in the European Union in thewake of the revelations about hundreds of sweetheart tax agreements multinational companies signedwith Luxembourg in the past two decades.
The Dec. 4 approval for two reports by the leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament falls short of a request by the European Green Party and others for a special committee to probe the issue.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Koskinen: Risk of Double Taxation Grows As Global Transparency Efforts Gain Momentum
The U.S.will keepworkingwith other countries to ensure multinational corporations don't face double taxation as global efforts to share tax information across borders multiply, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen said.
The risk is increasing as governments around theworld take part in such efforts as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development'swork to combat base erosion and profit shifting and the creation of a new standard for automatic exchange of information by the OECD and the Group of 20 nations, Koskinen said Dec. 4.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Attorneys Say Foreigners Can Use Spinoffs To Access Vietnam Companies, Reap Breaks
Investors can respond to Vietnamese laws restricting foreign stakes in certain companies by using spinoffs, a form of corporate restructuring that is gaining traction for its tax advantages, attorneys say.
Spinoffs, or demergers, allow buyers to acquire one division of a companywhile retaining the parent company's already-established tax breaks.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Belgian Tax Breaks for Multinational Companies Probed by EU
The European Union is investigating Belgium's tax dealswith multinational corporations, potentially dragging dozens more companies intowidening probes of sweetheart fiscal pacts handed out by national governments.
The European Commission is targeting Belgium's so-called excess-profit rulings. Companies could get deductions on 50 percent of the profits covered by the Belgian agreements and in some cases, as much as 90 percent, the regulator said in an e-mailed statement.
"This is a scheme for multinationals, not only American multinationals," EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager told reporters at a press conference. "It's not for standalone businesses and it's not for Belgian groups."
For the story, go here.
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EU Tax Working Group to Propose Retool of Patent Boxes
European Union nations that offer "patent box" tax breaks should retool their laws so that only deserving companies can claim benefits tied to technical innovations, according to a draft report from a European Unionworking group.
Countries that use this kind of technology tax break should start legislativework next year on redesigning their rules so they can phase out the old system, according to the report,whichwill be discussed by EU finance ministers on Dec. 9. The group recommends that existing tax breaks be closed to new entrants as of June 30, 2016, followed by a total shift to revamped rules by mid-2021.
For the story, go here.
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Business leaders attack UK Google tax
George Osborne's crackdown on companies "that go to extraordinary lengths" to cut tax billswill impose a new charge on multinationals that make "inflated" payments to tax havens.
Under draft legislation to be published onwednesday, the new "diverted profits tax", unofficially dubbed the 'Google tax', is designed to side step Britain's treaty obligations by introducing a new charge thatwould fall outside the corporate tax system.
For the story, go here.
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US envoy defends Facebook over tax and Rigby incident
The US ambassador to London said on Tuesday he believed Facebook, alongwith other US companies such as Amazon, Google and Starbucks,were doing nothingwrong by using legal methods to cut corporation tax bills in the UK.
For the story, go here.
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Prospects for International Tax Reform in the 114th Congress
When this commentary is beingwritten (in mid-December), several recent developments and comments from important people have made it modestlyworthwhile to discuss the prospects for enactment of international tax reform during the 114th Congress. It's still an exercise in crystal ball gazing, of course, but at least there are a few fuzzy signalsworth analyzing. Perhaps the most important question to analyze iswhether business/corporate-only tax reform has a chance.
For the story, go here.
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Corporate Tax Reform: Focusing on Where the Money Is, Not Where the Jobs Are
Discussions of corporate tax policy involve a lot of rhetoric aboutwhether it encourages companies to move overseas.
What some of those discussions are really about is "shipping jobs overseas." But that's off base.
For the blog post, go here.
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International Tax News Edition 24 February 2015
International Tax News is designed to help multinational organisations keep upwith the constant flow of international tax developmentsworldwide. Among the topics featured in this month's edition are:
2015 Korean tax law changes
The Irish Knowledge Development Box consultation process
The Netherlands new decree regarding cross border fiscal unities
The OECD releases six more BEPS discussion drafts
For the latest edition, go here.
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Obamas Corporate Tax Plan? CFOs Weigh In
President Barack Obama's proposed 2016 budget calls for aone-time 14%tax on companies' overseas earnings. Futureforeign profitswould incur a 19% tax, lower than the current 35% rate. Finance chiefswith overseas operationswill have to adjust their balance sheets should the budget be approvedwith this provision in its current form.
CFO Journal is talking to finance executives today about the proposed budget and, if passed, the implications it could have for their companies going forward.
For the story, go here.
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Obamas Budget Seeks International Minimum Tax for Corporations
Sometimes, a tax increase saves jobs.
President Obama's fiscal year 2016 budget introduces a one-time 14 percent tax on approximately $2 trillion of so-called unrepatriated foreign earnings. The taxwould raise about $248 billion over the next five years,whichwould be used to help pay for infrastructure projects and replenish the Highway Trust Fund.
For the article, go here.
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Ten Corporations Would Save $82 Billion in Taxes Under Obama's Proposed 14% Transition Tax
Earlier thisweek, President Barack Obama released details of his proposed federal budget for the fiscal year ending in 2016. The proposal includes a one-time "transition tax" on the offshore profits of all U.S.-based multinational corporations. The President's planwould tax these profits at a 14 percent rate immediately, rather than at the 35 percent rate that should apply absent the "deferral" loophole.
For the CTJ report, go here.
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High Court clarifies test claimant's entitlement to recover compound interest in CFC and dividend GLO
The High Court's recent ruling on quantification in the controlled foreign company (CFC) and dividend group litigation order (GLO) clarifies that the test claimant is entitled to recover compound interest on claims for unlawful corporation tax paid both in open and closed accounting periods. However uncertainty remains aboutwhen, and bywhich court or tribunal, the test claimant may recover the sums due.
For the story, go here.
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UK wins Marks & Spencer cross-border relief case against Commission
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that the UK's cross-border relief rules are compatiblewith European legislation, and threw out the European Commission's (EC's) case against the country.
For the story, go here.
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GE, Pfizer Face $506 Billion Foreign-Cash Tax in Obama Plan
by:Katherine Chiglinsky and Thomas Black
U.S. companies including General Electric Co., Microsoft Corp. and Pfizer Inc.would pay $506 billion over the next decade under President Barack Obama's proposal to encourage them to bring back profits held overseas.
That trio tops the list of Standard & Poor's 500 Index companies in earnings reinvested outside the U.S., according to Bloomberg Intelligence analysts Brian Friel and Tiffany Young. Obama's budget estimates the stockpile of corporate earnings outside the U.S. at about $2 trillion.
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U.K. Wins EU Top Court Clash Over Marks & Spencer Exception
Britainwon a court fightwith European Union regulatorswho claimed its tax relief rules discriminate against companieswith cross-border units.
The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled Feb. 3 that the EU failed to back up claims that the U.K. makes it "virtually impossible" for parent companies in the country to use losses on foreign subsidiaries to cut their British tax bill.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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E.U. Focuses on Belgium in Tax Avoidance Inquiry
The European Union authorities on Tuesday broadened their drive against tax avoidance by multinational companies, opening an investigation into theway Belgium appeared to grant unfair state aid.
European officials declined to discusswhich companies they suspected of cutting special tax dealswith the Belgian government. But the inquiry is part of awider investigation intowhether other countries and multinational companies have broken European Union competition rules through tax-cutting deals not available to all businesses in those countries.
For the story, go here.
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India Won't Appeal Vodafone Transfer Pricing Ruling in Move to Reassure Investors
by: Amy Thomson (Bloomberg BNA)
Indian authoritieswon't appeal a court ruling that sidedwith Vodafone Group Plc in a tax dispute, as Prime Minister Narendra Modiworks to reassure foreign investors about governance rules in the country.
By accepting the Bombay High Court's October decision in the mobile phone operator's favor, the government hopes to "bring greater clarity and predictability for taxpayers aswell as tax authorities," the Cabinet said in a statement. "Thiswill also set at rest the uncertainty prevailing in the minds of foreign investors and taxpayers."
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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News Analysis: No Promises for Hedge Fund BEPS Relief
Lee A. Sheppard discusses alternative investment funds and the relief they seek from the OECD base erosion and profit-shifting project and examines remarks from the Treasury Department questioningwhether and how that relief should be granted.
For the article, go here. (subscription required)
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OECD Pushes Redistribution In New Report
by: Michael Tasselmyer (National Taxpayer Union Foundation)
Policymakers should look to address income inequality through broad, system-wide tax reform thatwould benefit many, rather than the redistributive tax policies and government transfers recommended by the OECD thatwouldwork against only a few, the National Taxpayers Union Foundation said in a January 28 review of an OECD report.
For the report, go here.
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Tax Fairness Coalition Slams Repatriation Tax Plan from Senators Boxer and Paul
by: Frank Clemente (American For Tax Fairness)
A proposal from Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Rand Paul, R-Ky., to cut taxes on repatriated earnings and use the revenue for the Highway Trust Fundwill fail because prior repatriation tax cuts have failed to raise revenue, create jobs, or increase research investment, Americans for Tax Fairness said in a January 29 release.
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Top Taxwriters Dismissive of New Repatriation Tax Holiday Push
by: Luca Gattoni-Celli (Tax Analysis)
Congress's top two taxwriters on January 29 dismissed the idea of replenishing highway fundingwith a corporate repatriation tax holiday following the release of different bipartisan proposals in the Senate and the House to do so.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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New Italian laws include numerous changes relevant to US MNCs
The Italian Budget Law for 2015, effective January 1, 2015, introduces several tax law changes relevant to multinational companies. In addition, recently enacted legislation,while still subject to Italian parliament approval, favorably changes the Italian patent box regime.
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Barack Obama Plans to tax overseas cash piles
by: Megan Murphy, Vanessa Houlder and Sam Fleming (Financial Times)
President Barack Obamawill propose raising $238bn by levying a one-off tax on the cash piles held by US companies overseas to repair the US's crumbling roads and bridges. The measure, a key plank of the US president's budget to be outlined on Monday,would impose a 14 per cent "transition" tax on the estimated $2tn in earnings US companies have amassed overseas, thewhite House said on Sunday. For the story, go here.
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Obama budget pitch: Tax offshore profits to fix U.S. roads
President Barack Obamawill revive his pitch to revamp business taxes in his budget vision on Monday ÔøΩ including a mandatory 14 percent tax on corporate profits now stashed abroad ÔøΩ to fix roads, bridges and other infrastructure, according to awhite House document.
Obamawill propose tapping taxes on the $2 trillion in profits sitting outside the U.S. to "to make critical new investments in our roads, bridges, transit systems and freight networks as part of a $478 billion, six-year surface transportation reauthorization," according to a summary of the plan.
For the story, go here.
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Obama Proposes One-Time 14% Tax on Overseas Earnings
President Barack Obama is making an opening bid on overhauling corporate taxes and linking it to boosting infrastructure spending, a move that could clear a rare path toward common ground in a deeply divided capital.
Mr. Obamawants U.S. companies to pay a 14% tax on the approximately $2 trillion of overseas earnings they have accumulated, awhite House official said Sunday. Theywould face a 19% minimum tax on future foreign profits. Companies could reinvest those funds in the U.S.without paying additional tax.
For the story, go here.
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Moral Hazard' Cited as Area of Controversy In Coming BEPS Draft on Recharacterization
A senior Treasury Department official involved in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's project to combat base erosion said the first draft on risk and recharacterization should be released in a "week or so"ÔøΩand that he anticipates significant areas of continued disagreement over it, including on issues of "moral hazard."
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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IRS 'Very Confident' in Its Authority for Inversion Notice
The IRS is 'very confident' in its authority to issue guidance regarding inverted companies to prevent the avoidance of section 956 as enunciated in its recent anti-inversion notice (Notice 2014-52, 2014-42 IRB 712), an IRS official said December 11.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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OECD Considering CbC Reporting Exemption for Small Taxpayers
The OECD might exempt taxpayerswith consolidated group sales below a threshold amount from country-by-country reporting requirementswhen it releases its CbC reporting implementation package, a Treasury official said December 11.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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OECD Wants Non-Consensus in BEPS Draft to Spur Comment
The OECD included areas of non-consensus on risk and recharacterization in its base erosion and profit-shifting discussion draft to spur comments from stakeholders, according to Michael McDonald, financial economist (business and international taxation), Treasury Office of Tax Analysis.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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FTT delayed again as countries failed to reach agreement
The European financial transaction tax (FTT) is unlikely to be implemented by January 1 2016 as planned.
For the story, go here.
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Spain approves major tax reform
The Spanish government, on November 27, 2014, passed Laws Nos. 26 and 27 amending the Personal Income Tax Law, the Nonresident Income Tax Law, and the Corporate Income Tax Law. The new provisionswill generally come into force for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2015.
While the amendments to the corporate income tax regime reduce the tax rate, they also introduce measures to limit the deductibility of certain costs and the use of net operating losses. The amendments also introduce some measures in linewith the OECD's base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project.
For the PwC Insight, go here.
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Canadian Parliament Passes Statute On Base Erosion, Other Tax Measures
The Canadian Parliament gave final approval to legislation containing measures intended to avoid erosion of the tax base by preventing the shifting of domestic income to no- or low-tax jurisdictions.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Coalition Urges Treasury to Get Tougher On Inversions, Fight Earnings Stripping
The U.S. government should do more to stop abusive corporate inversions and earnings stripping, a coalition of organizations seeking "an honest and fair tax code" is urging the Treasury Department.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Obama Proposal on Hybrid Deals May Raise Tax Treaty Issues, JCT Says
The Obama administration's efforts to recoup more tax revenue from cross-border financial arrangements may be hard to coordinatewith other countries, the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation said.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)