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Int'l Tax News

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BEPS and Interest: A Bad Formula

James J. Tobin of Ernst & Youngwrites that the OECD's BEPS Action 4 discussion draft on interest deductions flows from a flawed premise and takes a biased view of multinational corporations as unfettered "manipulators" of the current global tax system. Given the drastic solution proposed in the draftÔøΩand the tight time constraints on the entire BEPS projectÔøΩTobinwrites that the result "is a radical, misdirected, unworkable proposal for allocating external group interest costswithin a global group."
For the viewpoint, go here. (subscription required)

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Shay Criticizes Minimum Tax's Corporate Equity Allowance

The Obama administration unwisely gave a preference to foreign investment by including an allowance for corporate equity (ACE) in its 19 percent minimum tax on foreign earnings budget proposal, argued Stephen E. Shay of Harvard Law School on March 27.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Tax Analysts Exclusive: Conversations: Ray Beeman

  • By Gattoni-Celli

Ray Beeman recently spokewith Tax Analysts' Luca Gattoni-Celli to discuss lessons he learnedwhilewriting a 900-plus-page tax reform discussion draft, Congress's tax reform efforts, and proposals for international tax reform.
For the interview, go here. (Subscription required)

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Tax Proposals Would Move U.S. Closer to Global Norm

U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle increasingly are finding appeal in an ambitious concept for overhauling the nation's income-tax system: a tax based on consumption, a tool long used around theworld.

For the story, go here.

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Indian government clarifies that offshore transfer taxation rules do not to apply to offshore dividends

  • By PriceWaterhouseCoopers

The Indian Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has issued a Circular clarifying that the offshore transfer taxation ruleswill not apply to dividends distributed outside India by an overseas entity evenwhen the shares of the offshore entity derive substantial value from assets located in India. Dividend distributions by offshore companies to overseas shareholders thereforewill not be taxable in India under the offshore transfer taxation rules.

This clarification by the Indian government - stating clearly the intent behind the offshore transfer rules - is awelcome step to provide certainty to foreign investors and multinational enterprises.

For the PwC Insight, go here.

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Release of a discussion draft on BEPS Action 12 (Mandatory Disclosure Rules)

  • By OECD

Public comments are invited on a discussion draftwhich dealswith Action 12 (Mandatory Disclosure Rules) of the BEPS Action Plan.

For the release, go here.

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OECD: "Don't let legal dentists take the teeth from the transparency package"

  • By European Parliament/News

The recent Commission proposal for automatic exchange of tax rulings is "a revolutionary step towards international transparency on taxation and the fight against base erosion and profit shifting. Itwill change theway theworld economyworks for the better", said the Secretary-General of the OECD, Angel Gurria in a discussionwith members of the committees for Tax Rulings and Economic and Monetary Affairs on Tuesday morning.
For the story, go here.

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Officials at Paris Conference Hint At Major Changes to OECD Draft on Risk

Officialswith the Treasury Department and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development say the OECDwill make significant changes to its recent discussion draft on risk, recharacterization and special measures.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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BEPS Plan Should Include Peer Review Mechanism' to Push Arbitration for Disputes

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's top tax official has proposed a mechanism for peer reviewing countries' implementation of the mutual agreement procedure, as part of the international program addressing base erosion and profit shifting.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Saint-Amans Urges Change to Sustain Arm's-Length Principle

Pascal Saint-Amans, director of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, urged practitioners to be open to changes to transfer pricing in order to make the arm's-length principle sustainable.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Observers Question BEPS Transfer Pricing Drafts

If the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting drafts on risk and recharacterization and on profit splitswere final deliverables, "Iwould absolutely tell you that they're going too far," Brian Jenn, attorney-adviser in the Treasury Office of International Tax Counsel, said March 30.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Australia Launches Discussion Paper on Tax System Overhaul

  • By Bureau of National Affairs

Australia Treasurer Joe Hockey released a long-awaited tax discussion paper on overhauling the country's tax system, throwing open the debate on how to modernize the existing tax structure to reduce the reliance on income taxes and manage the burden of an aging population.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Pascale Colin: Defining challenges for today's group tax manager

Pascale Colin, group tax manager at EFG Bank, tells Matthew Gilleard about the role of the tax director, her journey in getting there, and operating successfully in a rapidly-evolving Swiss, European and global tax environment.

For the story, go here.

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UN Tax Committee to Issue Draft Intangibles Chapter in 2016, Lennard Says

The United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters plans to issue a draft chapter on intangibles for the 2016 update to the UN Practical Manual on Transfer Pricing for Developing Countries, a UN official said.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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Irish Revenue official: Bringing MOSS to life (1)

Dermot Donegan, head of VAT policy at the Irish tax authority (Revenue), speaks exclusively to ITR about the EU's place of supply ruleswere finalised during the Irish presidency of the EU Council, his thoughts around their implementation and the possibility of expanding the mini one-stop shop (MOSS) to cover goods and other services.

For the story, go here.

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Rep. Boustany Working On International Tax Overhaul Bill

Hoping to curb base erosion and address intellectual property issues, Rep. Charles Boustany Jr. (R-La.) said hewasworking on bill language to overhaul the international portion of the tax code.

"This is my top priority," Boustany, a senior Houseways and Means Committee member, said March 26. "I'mworking on it as quickly as I can. It's difficult to put a time frame on it."

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Japan's 2015 Tax Proposals Reflects BEPS Work on Digital Economy, Treaties

Japan's parliament is expected to approve three tax amendments that address separate measures in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's action plan on base erosion and profit shifting, including a plan to apply Japan's consumption tax to providers of cross-border digital services

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Boustany Working on International Tax Reform Plan

Houseways and Means Committee member Charlesw. Boustany Jr., R-La., said March 25 that he plans to introduce an international tax reform bill later this spring thatwould use the 2014 tax reform plan by formerways and Means Chair Dave Camp as a starting point.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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UK Budget: North Sea tax cuts welcome, but DPT still causing concerns

George Osborne, UK chancellor of the exchequer, has delivered his final Budget speech before the general election,withwelcome tax cuts for the UK's oil and gas industry and a reduction in the number of companies that have to submit information to HM Revenue & Customs about their liability, or not, for the controversial diverted profits tax (DPT).

For the story, go here.

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Territorial Tax Reform Wont Curb Inversions: Study

Changing to a "territorial" tax system in the United Stateswon't ultimately stem the exodus of U.S.-based multinationals to lower-tax countries and could come at a significant cost in terms of good corporate governance, a new study contends.
For the story, go here.

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Post-BEPS Priority Is Improving Tax Administration, Stack Says

After the conclusion of the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project in 2015, the next goal for the United Stateswill be to improve international tax administration through expanding mandatory arbitration and best practices, Robert Stack, Treasury deputy assistant secretary (international tax affairs), said March 24.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Stack: Companies Will Face Greater Transparency Because of BEPS Project

A major consequence of the international project to combat base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)will be heightened levels of transparency into the tax affairs of multinational companies, a Treasury official said.
The biggest change arising from the BEPS project over the next few yearswill be "much greater transparency for companies among tax jurisdictions," U.S. Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary for International Tax Policy Robert Stack said March 24.
For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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McDonald, Bello Voice Strong Doubts On Profit Split Draft; China Wants New Rule

Revising transfer pricing guidelines to favor use of value-based profit splits under the international action plan on base erosion and profit shiftingwould be "a dangerous road" to take, given current lack of agreement among global tax officials, a U.S. Treasury Department official said in Paris.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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European Commission presents Tax Transparency Package

  • By PwC

The European Commission (EC) presented a 'Tax Transparency' package on March 18, 2015. The central feature is a transparency requirement for tax rulings. This means that tax authoritieswould be obliged to share a pre-defined set of information on all of their advance cross-border tax rulingswith all other Member States. Recipient Member Stateswould then be allowed to request more detailed information on a particular tax ruling if they believe that it is relevant to their own taxation rules.

With the Tax Transparency package the EC aims to re-establish the link between taxation and real economic activity and tackle corporate tax avoidance.
For the PwC Insight, go here.

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Tax writers eye 'patent box' to keep U.S. profits home

Some lawmakers have their eye on a new silver bullet to keep companies paying taxes in the United States ÔøΩ borrowing an idea from Europe in a so-called patent box.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Developing countries participate in global meetings to counter BEPS

Delegates from over 90 jurisdictions have gathered at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris in two meetings devoted to discussing solutions to base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). The Global Forum on Transfer Pricing and the Task Force meetings built on the structured dialoguewith developing countries and complement the direct involvement in the CFA's BEPSwork and theregional meetingson BEPS held in Seoul, Lima, Libreville, Ankara and Pretoria.

For the OECD release, go here.

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Investment Manager Regime revised exposure draft exempts foreign funds from Australian tax

  • By PwC

The Australian government on March 12, 2015, released revised exposure draft legislation for the third and final element of the Investment Manager Regime (IMR 3). Broadly, the revised exposure draft exempts foreign funds (including eligible US onshore and offshore funds) from Australian tax on Australian-source gains. The revised draft also addresses a number of industry concerns regarding previous exposure drafts, by better aligning the draft IMR3 provisionswith the UK's Investment Manager Exemption (IME) equivalent. Consultation on the revised exposure draft legislation closes on April 9, 2015.

For the PwC Insight, go here.

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The Global VAT Craze

  • By Wall Street Journal

It's the hottest trend among tax collectors, raising a gusher of revenue for spendthrift governmentsworldwide.we refer to the value-added tax (VAT), and a new report from accounting firm Ernst & Young says that VAT "systems are spreading" around theworld and "rates are rising." Americans, bewarned.

For the story, go here.

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AstraZeneca Official Details How Capital,' Capability' Rewarded at OECD Consultation

An AstraZeneca Plc official explained in a Paris Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development consultation how the arm's-length principle in the pharmaceutical industry measures related-party "reward to capital" and "reward to capability."

For the story, gohere. (subscription required)

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Simplicity Versus Flexibility Is OECD Transfer Pricing Dilemma

Participants in Paris for the March 20 OECD consultations on the base erosion and profit-shifting project's action item 10 drafts on transfer pricing for low-value services and commodities agreed that more guidance is needed, but they differed onwhether flexibility should be sacrificed for simplicity.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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News Analysis: Managing Subpart F Services Income for Tech Companies

In news analysis, Lee A. Sheppard examines how the foreign base company rules apply to intragroup services.
For the article, go here. (subscription required)

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No Agreement on Extending Profit-Split Guidance to Expanded Use

While participants at the OECD's March 20 consultation on transfer pricing matters agreed that more guidance is needed on the application of profit-split methods to supply chains, they differed onwhether to expand on the situationswhere a profit split should be used.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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U.S. Companies Bring More Foreign Profit Home

U.S.-based multinationals booked a ticket home last year for an estimated $300 billion in foreign profits -- the most in nearly a decade -- chipping away at an enormous offshore cash pile that has drawn scrutiny from regulators and lawmakers.

For the story, gohere.

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Business Community Urges Recognition for Contracts in OECD Draft

Business representatives at a March 19 OECD transfer pricing consultation in Paris acknowledged that there's room in the OECD's draft for additional guidance onwhen contractual arrangements should be respected, but urged that the final report on risk, recharacterization, and special measures not diminish the importance of contracts.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD: Developing Countries Gearing Up' For More Participation in Key BEPS Work

A new group of developing countrieswill participate in upcoming meetings to discuss transfer pricingwork under the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's plan to fight base erosion and profit shifting, the organization's top tax official told Bloomberg BNA.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Hickman to OECD Business Delegates: What Is Best Way to Allocate Risk?

An Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development official questioned business delegates to the organization's Paris transfer pricing consultation about the bestway to allocate risk among related parties.

Andrew Hickman, head of the OECD's transfer pricing unit, said during the March 19 Paris consultation that "there is a feeling among the country delegates that someway of being able to verify allocation of risk is necessary to implement the transfer pricing rules."

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Obama crackdown fails to stop foreign mergers

The Obama administration just can'twin. Despite a crackdown on foreign mergers that help American firms slash their tax bills, a slew of overseas takeovers continue to rob the Treasury Department of tax revenue.
For the story, go here.

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Beijing Tax Bureau to levy 10% tax on QFII investors, with no deductions for losses

Inward investors have expressed concern about proposals that Chinawill levy a 10% capital gains tax on profits earned by foreign investors,with no opportunity to deduct for losses.while some tax adviserswelcomed the clarity, some funds may struggle to pay the higher-than-expected tax bills on gains earned over five years between 2009 and 2014.
For the story, go here.

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U.K. to Legislate for Google' Tax On Diverted Profits by April

  • By Ali Qassim

The United Kingdom is set to introduce a 25 percent tax on multinational companies' profits that are diverted from the country by the end of March.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Does The U.N. Matter In The Tax World?

The OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project has dominated the international tax scene for over a year. Ever since the G-20 tasked the organizationwith finding solutions to the perceived problem of multinationals paying low effective tax rates, the international tax community has talked about little else. The OECD hoped that BEPSwould preempt unilateral action by developing countries (particularly India, China, and Brazil) to move away from its model treaty and the arm's-length method. In that regard, the BEPS project tried to steal the thunder of another group that has yet to be taken seriously by the developedworld: the United Nations' tax committee.

For the blog post, go here.

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European Commission unveils tax transparency measures and makes automatic exchange of information central to combating evasion

The European Commission is promoting its Tax Transparency Package, published March 18, as a tool for "healthier" tax competition aswell as for helping member states identify abusive tax practices.

For the story, go here.

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Life After Sweetheart Tax Breaks Means Luxembourg Needs Plan to Stay on Top

Luxembourg's status as a fortress ofwealth in the heart of Europe is in peril.
The country transformed itself from a rural economy into the European Union's richest in less than a century by swapping fields and steel mills for hedge funds and multinationals. That model may now be at risk from regulatory clampdowns, first on banking secrecy and now on the corporate tax accords that helped bring the profits of giant companies such as Inc. to the nation.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Tech Companies Affected by Foreign Base Company Services Income Rules

Lowell D. Yoder of McDermottwill & Emery and Marjorie Rollinson, IRS deputy associate chief counsel (international), discussed the application of subpart F rules to intragroup services at the International Tax Institute luncheon on March 18 in New York.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Europe Could Broaden Scope of Tax Transparency Rules

New tax-transparency requirements between multinational corporations and European governments may be broadened further this year to encompass public disclosure of the companies' tax arrangements in Europe.

For the story, go here.

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European Union Moves to Limit Special Tax Deals

European Union officials onwednesday proposed new rules to try to discourage tax-avoidance dealswith multinational corporations,which critics say give some countries unfair business advantages.

For the story, go here.

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EU Seeks to Stamp Out Tax Loopholes So Firms Pay Fair Share

by Rebecca Christie and Stephanie Bodoni (Bloomberg Business)

The European Union launched a new salvo in its battle against tax evasionwith a slate of proposals thatwould make it harder for companies to avoid taxes.

Countrieswould need to share information on cross-border tax rulings every three months under one piece of the tax package, announced in Brusselswednesday.

For the story, go here.

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Obama crackdown fails to stop foreign mergers (1)

The Obama administration just can'twin. Despite a crackdown on foreign mergers that help American firms slash their tax bills, a slew of overseas takeovers continue to rob the Treasury Department of tax revenue.

For the story, go here.

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Testimony of Dr. Rosann Altshuler Professor of Economic and Dean of Social and Behavioral Science, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University

  • By

The current U.S. system of international taxation is complex and induces inefficient behavioral responses, Rosanne Altshuler of Rutgers University said at a March 17 Senate Finance Committee hearing atwhich she highlighted six areas that are important for U.S. policymakers to consider as they contemplate international tax reform.

For the testimony, go here.

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U.S. Exploring Multilateral Instrument To Expand Arbitration Network, Rolfes Says

Countries interested in promoting mandatory binding arbitration to resolve double tax disputes may have found away forward, despite a lack of consensus from countries participating in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's project on base erosion, a Treasury Department official said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Fair Approach for Taxing Previous Untaxed Foreign Income

by Jeffrey M. Kadet (Tax Analysts)

Jeffery M. Kadet suggests two approaches to identifying controlled foreign corporation earnings that should be subject to the full 35 percent corporate tax ratewhen transitioning to a new tax system.

For the viewpoint, go here. (subscription required)

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