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OECD Will Issue New Discussion Draft on Intangibles Soon, Hickman Says
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentwill issue another version of its discussion draft on the transfer pricing aspects of intangibles "around April," an official told the annual Pacific Rim Tax Institute.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Definition of BEPS Fundamental Economic Attributes Criticized
The definition of fundamental economic attributes in the OECD consultation draft for action items 8-10 is a "surprising area ofweakness," a practitioner said February 19.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Union Budget 2015 - Impact on foreign investors & multinational companies
The government in Indiawill announce its Budget (including tax and policy proposals) on February 28, 2015. As this is slated to be the first serious Budget for the new government after being elected 8 months ago, the government likelywill push through significant policy measures to revive economic growth and boost foreign investment. There is also high expectation from foreign investors and multinational companies for the government to address several long standing and pressing tax issues.
Join specialists from PwC's International Tax Services team to understand how the Indian Budget 2015 might impact foreign investors and multinational companies.
To register for the PwCwebcast, go here.
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BEPS Transfer Pricing Draft Struck Nerve, Official Says
Comments the OECD has received on its base erosion and profit-shifting transfer pricing discussion draft reveal that the draft seems to have struck four different "nerves," Andrew Hickman, head of the OECD's transfer pricing unit, said February 19.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Uncoordinated BEPS Adoption Could Increase Disputes
Uncoordinated implementation of OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project raises the possibility of increased disputes, a senior IRS official said February 19.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Sanders Report Summarizes Corporate Tax Haven Usage
In a February 18 report, Senate Budget Committee ranking minority member Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., listed information on Business Roundtable members that use offshore tax havens, including location of headquarters, bailout money received, subsidiaries in tax havens, profits kept offshore, and potential taxes on repatriated profits.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Italy's new Patent Box regime - additional flexibility
As outlined in the Tax Insight dated December 2, 2014, Italy has introduced a Patent Box regime based on the "nexus approach" set out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Only a month after the Italian Parliament approved the 2015 Finance Act (Law no 190 of December 23, 2014),which enacted the Italian Patent Box regime, the Italian Government has extended its scope through a Law Decree "Investment Compact",which is due to be converted into lawwithin 60 days of its publication in the Official Gazette on January 24, 2015.
For the PwC Insight, go here.
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Profit Sheltering in Overseas Tax Havens Targeted in Reintroduced Sanders Legislation
Old legislation aimed at offshore tax havens is on itsway back.
Senate Budget Committee ranking member Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) plans to reintroduce a bill he has backed before to better ensure U.S. taxes get paid on corporate profits allegedly shifted to offshore tax haven subsidiaries. If enacted, it could help capture at least an estimated $280 billion in forgone tax revenue, according to a report Sanders released Feb. 18.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Obama's international tax reform proposals provide a balanced approach to the lock-out problem
The Obama administration has proposed a balanced solution that fairly addresses the problems of overseas cash trapped abroad, good jobs and income leaving the United States and an unreasonably high current corporate federal income tax rate. The recommendations also take into consideration the goal that U.S. companies not to be put in an untenable competitive tax disadvantagewith foreign rivalswhich are generally not taxed on income from sources outside their place of residence.
For the story, go here.
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U.S. Senate Democrat urges tax overhaul to halt inversion 'virus'
The Senate Finance Committee's top Democrat called corporate tax inversions a "virus" on Thursday, saying they threaten to spread unlesswashington moves quickly to overhaul the U.S. tax code.
For the story, go here.
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G20 ministers maintain support for BEPS agenda
Work on the G20 / OECD base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project has entered a new phasewith the presentation of implementation guidance to a meeting of G20 finance ministers thisweek.
For the story, go here.
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OECD Will Add 'Muscle' to Next BEPS Dispute Resolution Draft
The OECD recognizes the shortcomings in its action 14 discussion draft on dispute resolution mechanisms andwill issue a "strengthened" follow-up draftwith more hard-hitting proposals to address the impediments to resolving mutual agreement procedure cases, said Pascal Saint-Amans, director of the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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CFOs for Procter & Gamble, Eli Lilly Say Tax Concerns Crucial to Decision-Making
Uncertainty on policy and the chances of intense media focusÔøΩespecially over issues of international base erosion and profit shiftingÔøΩhave elevated tax issues from a compartmentalized concern to a key issue in corporate decision-making, according to two chief financial officers.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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More Litigation May Be Road to Clarity In Cost Sharing, Former IRS Economist Says
Taking more and better cases to court is the best route for the Internal Revenue Service to advocate for its position on the transfer of high-value intangibles in cost sharing, the agency's former chief economist, R.william Morgan, told Bloomberg BNA.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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OECD Draft on Risk Should Clarify Reliance on Contracts, Treasury Official Says
A discussion draft on risk, recharacterization, and special measures issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development could be made more clearwith the addition of direct language on the role of contracts, a U.S. Treasury official said.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Tax rulings: are member states unfairly helping multinationals to pay less tax?
Do multinationals pay their fair share of taxes? The European Commission is not convinced; it has launched investigations targeting member states that in its view give multinationals preferential tax treatment. On 12 February, Parliament decided to conduct its own inquiry by setting up a special committee on tax rulings.
For the story, go here.
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European Commission lays the foundation for a fairer and more transparent approach to taxation in EU
The European Commission today launched itswork on its ambitious agenda to combat tax avoidance and aggressive tax planning. The College of Commissioners held a first orientation debate on possible key actions to ensure a fairer and more transparent approach to taxation in the EU.
For the release, go here.
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New Australian Law Limits Access to R&D Tax Subsidy
Industry groups have criticized a new law that caps access to a tax offset scheme designed to encourage corporate investment in research and development in Australia.
The Tax Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill, first introduced in 2013with the aim of scaling back the R&D incentive,was passed by parliament Feb. 12,when the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, accepted major amendments made by the Senate two days earlier.
For the story, go here. (Subscription required)
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U.S. Parent Must Increase Earnings, Profits By Foreign Subsidiary's Income Inclusion
A U.S. parent corporation must increase its earnings and profits by the amount of its foreign income inclusionwith respect to a subsidiary regardless of the year of inclusion.
In an Internal Revenue Service Office of Chief Counsel advice memorandum (AM 2015-001) released Feb. 13, the IRS said that the appropriate time to increase a U.S. shareholders's earnings and profitswith respect to a foreign subsidiary is at the time of the foreign income inclusion under tax code Section 951, not at the time of a previously taxed income distribution from the subsidiary to the parent.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Changes to Repatriation Policy Best Left to Tax Reform
Repatriation policy changes should be left as part of broad tax reform thatwould include a shift to a territorial system because otherwise such changeswould have questionable revenue effects and could make tax reform more difficult, Curtis Dubay of the Heritage Foundation said in a February 17 report.
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OECD Action 4 Draft Consultation Focuses on Fixed Ratios
At a public consultation on the OECD's discussion draft on interest deductions, participants lamented the impracticality of a groupwide allocation approach and debated how a fixed ratio test could provide the flexibility needed to address base erosion and profit shiftingwithout hurting legitimate financing arrangements.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Anti-Inversion Regs Could Be Released in 2015
While admitting there is no specific time frame for the release of the much-anticipated anti-inversion regulations, a Treasury official said February 17 that the regs could be released this year.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Business Delegates Ask OECD to Adopt Combined Approach' to Interest Deductions
Rather than adopt a fixed ratio or group-wide test to determine the deductibility of interest on related-party debt, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development should combine both tests, business delegates said at a public consultation in Paris.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Treasury Tweaked Anti-Inversion Proposal To Address Taxpayer Concerns, Official Says
The Treasury Department dropped a heightened "substantial business activities" test from a legislative proposal to counteract inversions after receiving feedback from taxpayers that the rules could capture legitimate mergers, according to a Treasury official.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Rules Implementing Anti-Inversions Notice Possible by Year's End, Treasury Official Says
The Treasury Department possibly could issue rules implementing its anti-inversions Notice 2014-52 by the end of 2015, a key agency official said.
"This is a priority of ours andwewill definitely be issuing regulations," Brenda Zent, a taxation specialist in Treasury's Office of International Tax Counsel, said at a Feb. 17 forum.
For the story, gohere. (subscription required)
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U.K. Strongly Supports BEPS as Effort Goes On to Attract Business, Official Says
The U.K.will continue strong support for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's project on base erosion and profit shifting even as itworks to make the country attractive for business and investment, an official said.
"The U.K believes in low taxes, but taxes that are paid," Benedictwagner-Rundell, first secretary (economic) at the British Embassy inwashington, said Feb. 12. During the past five years, he said, alongwith a tax overhaul to help the business environment, there has been "a real effort to clamp down more on tax avoidance."
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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White House Aide: Corporate Tax Code Is De Facto Stupid Territorial Tax System'
When economist Jason Furman looks at the U.S. economy, he sees a bunch of distortionsÔøΩdecisions made for tax reasons, rather than business ones.
"I like to refer to our system right now not asworldwide, but as a stupid territorial tax system," Furman, chair of thewhite House Council of Economic Advisers, said at a Feb. 12 event hosted by the Tax Council Policy Institute.
For the story, gohere. (subscription required)
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End Tax Deferrals on Overseas Earnings In Reshaping U.S. Tax Code, Wyden Says
Deferral's day has passed, said Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ronwyden (D-Ore.).
The system needs change, he said in a speech to the Tax Council Policy Institute on Feb. 12.wyden said hewants to retain the credits multinational companies get for the taxes they pay overseas, but made no secret of his distaste for the same companies' ability to keep profits abroad to escape U.S. taxes.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Obama FY 2016 Budget proposes minimum tax on foreign income and adds other significant international tax proposals
Treasury's 'Green Book,' released February 2, 2015, outlines the Administration's FY16 Budget proposals. It explains a new proposal for a 19% minimum tax on foreign income and a one-time 14% transition tax on previously untaxed foreign income. It also significantly changes some international tax proposals made in previous Budgets. The Budget reaffirms President Obama's support for 'business tax reform' thatwould lower the top US corporate rate to 28% (25% for domestic manufacturing income).
For the PwC Insight, go here.
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Impact of Obama FY 2016 Budget on US inbound companies
On February 2, 2015, the Obama Administration released its fiscal year 2016 Budget (the Budget) and companion Green Book. This Tax Insight summarizes the US inbound-specific proposals in the Budget. Some of the more noteworthy proposals include restrictions on US interest deductibility generally, restrictions on deductibility of interest and royalties in certain hybrid arrangements, aswell as a broadened controlled foreign corporation definition.
For the PwC Insight, go here.
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Obama Proposes Tax for Upgrade of Infrastructure
President Obama's proposed budget envisions a nearly half-trillion-dollar transportation construction spree thatwould seek to upgrade the nation's roads, bridges and ports by imposing new taxes on overseas earnings by American companies.
For the story, gohere.
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Firms Back Tax Reform Just Not Obamas
American companies are happy to see President Barack Obama get the ball rolling on corporate-tax reform. They just don't likewhere it's going.
The president has proposed letting companies bring back the approximately $2 trillion of profits now held at overseas subsidiaries at a tax rate of 14%. His proposalwould then tax their ongoing foreign earnings at a minimum of 19% -- a discount to the 35% standard corporate rate, but still higher than zero.
For the story, go here.
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U.S. Supports Joint, Multilateral Audits; Logistics, Trust Important, IRS Official Says
The U.S. supports a framework that allows multiple countries to examine one taxpayer simultaneously, but challenges remain, a top IRS official said.
"I think joint and multilateral audits make good sense," Large Business & International Division Deputy Commissioner Douglas O'Donnell told Bloomberg BNA Feb. 13 following a discussion of "cooperative compliance" at a global tax symposium hosted by the Tax Council Policy Institute.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Binding Arbitration Not Off the Table, OECD Official Says, Predicting More Work
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is more favorably disposed toward mandatory binding arbitration than a recent discussion draft on dispute resolution indicates, an OECD official said.
"This is one of the issues discussed extensively in the OECD," said Grace Perez-Navarro, deputy directorwith the Center for Tax Policy and Administration, speaking Feb. 13 on a panel at the Tax Council Policy Institute's annual symposium.
For the story, gohere. (subscription required)
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O'Donnell Fears Misuse of Data On Country-by-Country Reporting
The country-by-country reporting template now being developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development could be a vehicle for serious misjudgments, an Internal Revenue Service official said Feb. 13.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Corporate Tax Officials Fear Countries Will Leak Reporting Template to Media
Companies should anticipate that some countrieswill leak the country-by-country reporting template developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to the press, three U.S. corporate tax officials said.
Ronald Dickel, vice president of global tax and tradewith Intel, said Feb. 13 that once the country-by-country reporting template is adopted, "we are just assuming that it is going to get leaked."
For the story, go here. (Subscription required)
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OECD Pursuing Aggressive BEPS Timetable To Head Off Unilateral Action, Official Says
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentwill continue to pursue an "aggressive timetable" for completingwork on the action plan for its base erosion and profit shifting project as more countries begin to take unilateral action, an OECD official said.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Former IRS Official Questions Authority to Exchange CbC Data
The IRS and Treasury Department may lack authority under existing information reporting and collection mechanisms to implement country-by-country reporting, according to Michael Danilack, former deputy commissioner (international), IRS Large Business and International Division, nowwith PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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BEPS Could Be a 'Nightmare' for Corporate Tax Departments
Country-by-country reporting is "going to be a nightmare, a real game-changer" for corporate tax departments, said Ronald D. Dickel, vice president of finance and director of global tax and trade at Intel Corp., at a tax conference inwashington February 13.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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U.K. Treasury Panel Sounds Warning Over Diverted Profits Tax, Sees Threat to BEPS
The U.K. Treasury Committee has raised concerns about the government's proposed diverted profits tax, saying the draft legislation for the tax is "long and highly complex."
It alsowarned that the initiative should "not be permitted to destabilise the international effort" on base erosion and profits shifting being carried out by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, according to a report released Feb. 13.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Multinationals Face Uncertainty from EU, Unilateral BEPS Actions
by David D. Stewart(Tax Analysts)
The European Commission's investigations into possible illegal state aid being granted through administrative rulings aswell as unilateral actions by countries to address base erosion and profit shifting are increasing uncertainty for multinationals, according to practitioners.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Foreign Credit Splitter Rules Seen Critical As Global Operations Grow, Practitioners Say
It is critical to keep new final IRS rules on foreign credit splitter transactions in mindwhen doing business in an increasingly globalworld, practitioners told Bloomberg BNA.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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BEPS Presents Slippery Slope Toward Formulary Apportionment
Aspects of the OECD's recent draft on transfer pricing released under actions 8, 9, and 10 of the base erosion and profit-shifting project raise the danger of reallocations of income that bring transfer pricing closer to formulary apportionment, practitionerswarned February 11.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Observers Urge Formulary Apportionment as BEPS Solution
The answer to the problem of base erosion and profit shifting is formulary apportionment, panelists said at a February 10 Capitol Hill policy briefing.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Practitioners and IRS Disagree on 'Skinny-Down' Retroactivity
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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Changes to U.K. Diverted Profits Tax Likely Before Enactment, Practitioner Says
A proposed tax on "diverted profits" likelywill be alteredÔøΩand possibly softenedÔøΩbefore it is enacted into law in the United Kingdom, according to a practitioner.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)
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UK corporate tax not top of G20 league table, says Oxford study
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IRS Releases Final FTC Splitter Regs
The IRS and Treasury Department on February 9 released final regs on foreign tax credit splitting events that amend previously released guidance and retain the general scope of the rules but fail to address some mechanical issues.
For the story, go here. (subscription required).