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Int'l Tax News

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Accounting giants say corporate tax advice is within the law

Major accounting firms say they are not doing anything illegal in helping corporations to minimise tax liabilities.
For the ABC (Australia) story, go here.

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OECD urges multilateral approach to tax

Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey isworking on new laws to counter tax avoidance by global companies, but the OECD is urging countries not to go it alone. The Paris-based institution has beenworking on a so-called base erosion and profit-shifting action plan through the G20 since 2013 and is aiming to complete itswork by October.
For the story, go here.

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Global tax accounting services newsletter

  • By PwC

Designed to help multinationals stay aware of tax accounting and regulatory developments under US GAAP and IFRS,whilst providing technical guidance on challenging tax accounting areas. Among the topics featured in this edition are:
FASB's exposure draft on intra-entity asset transfers and balance sheet classification of deferred assets and a proposed exposure draft on tax accounting for stock compensation
The IFRS Interpretation Committee's exposure draft on the measurement of uncertain tax positions
SEC staff's tax accounting areas of focus
OECD's country-by-country reporting (CBCR) implementation package recommending that multinationalswith revenues above Euro 750 million file CBCR startingwith fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2016
Enactment of the UK Diverted Profits Tax
The European Commission's package of tax transparency measures
Technical guidance onwhich standards apply to various types of taxes or tax systems that could be helpful in accounting considerations associatedwith new or unusual taxes

For the PwC newsletter, go here.

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Manufacturing Groups Call For Corporate Tax Overhaul

Ahead of thisweek's income tax filing deadline, the National Association of Manufacturers and the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation Foundation said the U.S. should exempt its companies' foreign earnings from corporate taxes.
For the story, go here.

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Release of a discussion draft on BEPS Action 11 (Improving the analysis of BEPS)

  • By OECD

Public Comments are invited on adiscussion draftwhich dealswith Action 11 (Improving the analysis of BEPS) of the BEPS Action Plan.
Action 11 of the BEPS Action Plan focuses on improving the availability and analysis of data on BEPS, including to monitor the implementation of the Action Plan and to evaluate the effectiveness and economic impact of actions to address BEPS on an ongoing basis.
For the OECD release and discussion draft, go here.

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Billion-Dollar Companies Say Tax Planning Is Key to Growth-Oriented Business Strategy

  • By Bureau of National Affairs

Tax planning figures prominently in decision-making for large public companies looking to grow,with only 10 percent of tax directors saying their primary concern is that business decisions are being madewithout it.
"When seeking expansion opportunities, integrating tax planning into the early stages of that process can have a positive impact on both the organization and the jurisdiction inwhich itwill operate," said Matthew Becker, partner in the tax practice at BDO USA LLP.
For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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Treasury Officials: New OECD Guidance Allows for Flexibility on Reporting Template

Two Treasury Department officials say the forthcoming rewrite of Chapter 5 of the OECD's transfer pricing guidelines on documentationwill provide multinational enterpriseswith the necessary flexibility as they complete the new country-by-country reporting template.

For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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Microsoft Official: Product Recall Example In Risk Draft Should Adopt Pricing Analysis

by Kevin A. Bell (Bureau of National Affairs)

A Microsoft tax official said that an example involving product recall risk in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's discussion draft on risk, recharacterization and special measures should adopt a pricing analysis.

For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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Seychelles Releases Draft Ruling On Applying Arm's-Length Principle

The Seychelles Revenue Commission has issued a draft public ruling on applying the transfer pricing arm's-length principle to business transactions under the 2009 Business Tax Act.

For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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Internatrional Tax News Edition 26 April 2015

  • By PwC

International Tax News is designed to help multinational organisations keep upwith the constant flow of international tax developmentsworldwide. Among the topics featured in this month's edition are:

The new China/France double taxation treaty

The US proposal to modify FIRPTA

New Zealand's issues paper on related parties debt remission

The European Commission's infringement procedure against France

For the current edition of PwC's International Tax News, go here.

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BWC Software: Fifth Circuit reverses Tax Court on applying Rev. Proc. 99-32 to Section 965, looking to what a transaction has been, not what it could be

  • By PwC

Reversing a 2013 US Tax Court decision, the Fifth Circuit in BMC Software, Inc. v. Commissioner, No. 13-60684 (March 13, 2015), held that an actual debt obligation implicating Section 965 limitations did not spring into existence retroactivelywhen the taxpayer established accounts receivable to facilitate repatriation of Section 482 adjustments. The Fifth Circuit ruled that that the deemed backdating of the accounts established under Rev. Proc. 99-32 did not change the reality that no actual indebtedness existed as of the close of the relevant Section 965 testing period.

For the PwC Insight, go here.

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Multinationals will be concerned about additional complexity in controlled foreign company proposals

  • By PwC Tax Policy Bulletin

Multinational enterprises (MNEs)will be concerned about the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) discussion draft on controlled foreign company (CFC) rules published over the Easterweekend. This discussion draft relates to Action 3 of the BEPS Action Plan as agreed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)with the G20 countries. The proposals are complex and, in practice, the difficulties are likely to beworsened by the degree of latitude accorded to states in applying or varying the proposed approach.
For the PwC Tax Policy Bulletin, go here.

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Dozens of Companies Admit Using Tax Havens

  • By Citizens for Tax Justice

It's beenwell documented that major U.S. multinational corporations are stockpiling profits offshore to avoid U.S. taxes. Congressional hearings over the past few years have raised awareness of tax avoidance strategies of major technology corporations such as Apple and Microsoft, but, as this report shows, a diverse array of companies are using offshore tax havens.
For the CTJ report, go here.

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India-U.S. Bilateral APAs May Need 'Creative Approach'

With the Indian tax authority's limited resources for reviewing advance pricing agreement applications and its large backlog of cases, the United States and India may need to find a "creative approach" to streamline the bilateral APA process, Michael Danilack of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said.

For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD rules will hurt cross-border funds, forum told

Draft plans to remove tax benefits for cross-border funds to eradicate Base Erosion and Profit Shifting could significantly impact investment into UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) funds, the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (Alfi) conferencewas told.

For the AsianInvestor story, go here.

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Malaysia issues principal hub incentive guidelines

  • By PwC

The Malaysian Ministry of International Trade and Industry on April 6 issued guidelines on incentives for multinational corporations (MNCs) seeking to establish or expand their presence in ASEAN or the Asia Pacific region through a Malaysian Principal Hub. The incentives are structured in 3 tiers based on various criteria including minimum annual sales, employment, annual business spending and other qualifying activities.

For the PwC Insight, go here.

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Global oil price plunge shakes up the way govenments do taxes

  • By McBride Meredith

Read April's International Tax Review cover story on how authorities around theworld are turning to tax in reaction to the oil price drop.

For the story, go here.

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Israel Tax Authority Redefines Web-Based Activity in Order to Tax It

The Israel Tax Authority's decision to impose value-added tax and income tax on multinational Internet companies could cost them up to 1.3 billion shekels ($332 million) annually, according to the lawyerwho has long been pressing Israel's government to tax the local business activity of such companies.
For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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Hickman: BEPS Will Force Companies To Explain Risks and Functions in Contracts

One of the pending impacts of the international project to combat base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)will be to require practitioners to better explain how transactions treat risks and functions, an officialwith the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said.

For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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EU Directive on Tax Ruling Exchanges Called Revolutionary' Move to Be Embraced

The European Commission's three-week-old initiative to ensure the automatic exchange of advance pricing agreement and tax ruling data between its member states is the latestÔøΩand perhaps strongestÔøΩmove toward ensuring uniform tax transparency in the international corporate tax system.
But according to one practitioner, taxpayers should greet the European initiativewith open arms, not fear.
For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD Calls for Broad Definition Of CFC in Latest Discussion Draft on BEPS

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recommended a broad definition of a controlled foreign corporation in the latest discussion draft under its base erosion and profit shifting project, butwasn't able to settle on a CFC income definition.

For the BNA story, go here. (subscription required)

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The outlook for BEPS in 2015

National tax laws are struggling to keep pacewith the rise of the digital economy and the progress of multinational companies. These factors leave gaps that are susceptible to misuse and lead to cases of double non-taxation,which undermine the integrity and fairness of tax systems around theworld. The Base Erosion and Profit Shifting ("BEPS") Project seeks to address this problem through measures that focus on three core principles -- coherence, substance and transparency -- andwill result in fundamental changes in international tax standards.
For the BusinessWorld article, go here.

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Risk, Recharacterizationand a Tsunami of Double Tax Cases

The authorswarn that the approach in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's December 2014 discussion draft on recharacterizationwill empower tax authorities to disregard taxpayers' transactions as structured, leading to an increase in double tax cases forwhich governments are unprepared. In addition to urging a change in direction, the authors recommend implementing mandatory, binding arbitration to copewith the anticipated increase in disputes.
For the BNA Insight, go here. (subscription required)

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Indian POEM: A melodious reading?

  • By Tirthesh Bagadiya

byBagadiya, Tirthesh (International Tax Review)

Read about the lingering concerns held by businesses after place of effective management (POEM) changeswere announced in the Indian Budget at the end of February.

For the story, go here.

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Multinationals should consider proposals for wider reporting of international tax arrangements

  • By PwC

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) should consider the details of the discussion draft published on 31 March on disclosure of tax planning arrangements to tax authorities and, in particular, the potential extension of existing regimes to incorporate 'international tax arrangements'. The discussion draft relates to Action 12 of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan agreed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)with the G20 countries. Changes in international tax standards and other promised increases in cooperation between jurisdictions and alternative methods for addressing avoidance activity suggest a serious review of the costs and potential benefits is needed before the recommendation of any new disclosure regime for international tax arrangements.

For the PwC Insight, go here.

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EP takes stance on tax transparency, burdens, avoidance and evasion

  • By European Parliament News

Tackling tax evasion should be a top EU priority. EU countries and the European Commission should play a leading role in discussing how to fight tax fraud and aggressive tax planning in the OECD and other relevant fora, says Parliament in its resolution on tax, voted onwednesday.

For the story, go here.

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OECD'S CFC Rule Draft Likely to Spur Controversy

The OECD's discussion draft on strengthening controlled foreign corporation rules, released April 3 under action item 3 of the base erosion and profit-shifting project, is expressly not a consensus document.
For the Tax Notes story, go here. (subscription required)

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News Analysis: Foreign Tax Credit on Chinese Capital Gains

In news analysis, Lee A. Sheppard discusses how a recent Chinese push to collectwithholding taxes might affect the availability of U.S. foreign tax credits.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)

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News Analysis: Lessons From FATCA for Country-by-Country Reporting

In news analysis, Marie Sapirie explains how the OECD can use lessons from the implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act to helpwith the creation of country-by-country reporting.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)

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Musings on Truthiness in the Tax Reform Debate

Frank Lee responds to Stephen Shay's article on the "Truthiness of Lockout," and the debate onwhether to transfer to a territorial tax system.
For the Tax Notes letter, go here. (subscription required)

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Release of a discussion draft on BEPS Action 3 (Strengthening CFC Rules)

  • By OECD

Public Comments are invited on a discussion draftwhich dealswith action 3 (Strengthening CFC Rules) of the BEPS Action Plan.
In July 2013, the Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting directed the OECD to commencework on 15 actions designed to ensure the coherence of corporate income taxation at the international level. The first seven of these actionswere presented to G20 Leaders at the Brisbane Summit in November 2014.
For the release, go here.

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EU's BEPS Agenda Should Go Beyond' OECD's Plan, Commission Tax Chief Says

The European Unionwants to impose "more binding" rules against base erosion and profit shifting than are likely to come out of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's project to combat BEPS, a top European Commission tax official said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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BEPS Draft Recommends Mandatory Disclosure Rules

The OECD on March 31 released a discussion draft laying out the key features countries should includewhen designing mandatory disclosure regimes.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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EU Financial Transaction Tax Back from the Dead or Going Through the Motions?

Mariano Giralt and Sabine Burneleit of BNY Mellonwrite that the EU financial transaction tax project had been thought by many commenters to be a dead letter, but after a recent meeting of participating nations the member states involved have issued a joint statement renewing commitment for the introduction of the tax in January 2016. Given the outstanding issueswith implementation, the deadline may be unrealistic, the authorswrite.
For the viewpoint, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD Issues Draft on Mandatory Disclosure, Seeking Responses for May 11 Consultation

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development released a discussion draft on mandatory disclosure rules, scheduled for a public consultation in Paris May 11.
The document, released March 31, outlines key features of a mandatory disclosure regime and considers how effective those regimes are, based on the experiences of countries that have adopted them.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD Working Party No. 6 Delegates Don't Favor Thick Capitalization' Option

There is little support among the delegates toworking Party No. 6 of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to adopt a "thick capitalization" special measure, eitherwithin or beyond the arm's-length principle, the chair of theworking party said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD Working Party 6 May Take Up Cross-Border Finance After BEPS

OECDworking Party 6 hopes to take on a long-delayed project to address cross-border financing transactions after it completes itswork on the base erosion and profit-shifting project, said Michelle Levac, chair ofworking Party 6 and a transfer pricing specialistwith the Canada Revenue Agency.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Tax Section Urges Extension of PTI First Approach to Controlled Foreign Corporations

  • By Bureau of National Affairs

The IRS's final rules for tracing distributions from controlled foreign corporations to previously taxed earnings and profits (PTI) should eliminate the potential disparity between the treatment of distributive and dispositive transactions existing under the proposed rules (REG-121509-00), the New York State Bar Association Tax Section said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Japanese Parliament Passes Corporate Tax Cut to Spur Growth

Japan's parliament approved a corporate income tax cut to help spur economic growth by encouraging companies to increase investment and raisewages.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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The fiscal role of multinational enterprises: towards guidelines for Coherent International Tax and Investment Policies

  • By UNCTAD Investment and Enterprise Division

Thisworking paper aims specifically to add value to the debate that is ongoing in the international community on MNE tax avoidance, providing an investment and development perspective.

For the paper, go here.

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Moscovici debate: MEPs make the case for fairer taxation

  • By European Parliament/News

EU member states must be more transparent about their national tax rulings, because unfair tax competition distorts competition among companies and could lead to a "race to the bottom",warned many MEPs inwednesday's debatewith taxation Commissioner Pierre Moscovici.
For the story, go here.

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Swiss tax authorities confirm modified interpretation of principal company taxation

  • By PwC

Swiss principal companies have long benefited from the rules of Swiss Federal Tax Administration (SFTA) Circular 8 (2001). On March 6, 2015, the SFTA confirmed, in an official letter to the cantonal tax authorities, that it has adopted new interpretations of Circular 8 that vary from those the SFTA issued in January 2014.

Existing Swiss principal companies may need to review their positionswith respect to the modified interpretation thatwill take effect in 2016.

For the PwC Insight, go here.

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Australia to follow UK lead on taxing diverted profits

Joe Hockey, Australia's treasurer,warned taxpayers thisweek that his Budget on May 12will target corporate profit shifting, following the UK's diverted profits tax (DPT or so-called Google tax).
For the story, go here.

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Hong Kong offers tax exemption to entice private equity

In an effort to place itself at the centre of venture capital and private equity investment in Asia, the Hong Kong government introduced a Bill in its Legislative Council on March 25 to extend an exemption from the territory's 16.5% profits tax to include offshore private equity funds,which is already extended to other types of offshore funds.
For the story, go here.

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Australia eyes taxation overhaul in tax reform discussion paper

On March 30, Australia's treasurer Joe Hockey announced a tax reform discussion paper titled Re:think, in prelude to awhite paper expected late this year. Advisers say that reform of corporate and personal income tax hinges on changes to the rate and base of GST – an option that remains politically unpopular.
For the story, go here.

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U.K. Google Tax Takes Effect With 25 Percent Levy on Diverted Profits

  • By Bureau of National Affairs

Legislation implementing the U.K.'s diverted profits tax, dubbed the "Google tax," entered into force April 1, introducing a 25 percent tax on multinational company profits that are artificially diverted from the country.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Lennard Says CBC Reporting Key Test Of BEPS Outcomes for Developing Countries

The country-by-country reporting mechanism mustworkwell for developing countries if the outcomes of the international project to combat base erosion are going to gain general acceptanceworldwide, the UN's top tax official said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Burning our Bridges

  • By Center for Effective Government

Congress could ensure that U.S. corporations pay their fair share of public services and infrastructure investments by closing offshore "loopholes," ending deferral, and asking corporations to pay the taxes they owe on untaxed offshore profits, the Center for Effective Government and Institute for Policy Studies said in an April 1 report.
For the report, go here.

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Territorial Imperative

The $2 trillion in U.S. corporate cash that is held, or "trapped," in locations overseas may be the most potent evidence for the case that the nation needs to switch to a territorial system for taxing multinational companies based here. Under the United States' so-calledworldwide tax system, U.S. MNCs face a 35% tax on cash repatriated to this country, minus credits for foreign taxes paid.
For the story, go here.

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Choosing Outbound Liquidations Over Splitting Up

Jasper L. "Jack" Cummings, Jr., explains the selection of a less-than-30-percent threshold for complete liquidation in a recent letter ruling, and he examineswhy the taxpayerwanted the outbound liquidation to be viewed as a liquidation rather than a section 355 split-up.
For the article, go here. (subscription required)

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