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Push for Public Register for U.K. Crown Dependencies Hits a Snag
U.K. legislation that could require the crown dependencies to publish beneficial ownership registers hit a setbackwhen the British government pulled it ahead of a key parliamentary vote, prompting a mixture of outrage and relief.
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The End of Arm's-Length as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)
A ritual among politically obsessedwashingtonians is counting how many times the president of the United States uses a particularword during the State of the Union address. Like a modern-day form of tasseography (the ancient art of reading tea leaves),we presume that verbal repetition conveys insights about the speaker's priorities and ambitions. Democrats sprinkle their remarkswith terms like "healthcare" and "climate change,"while Republicans often favorwords like "defense" and "security."
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Individuals Score Big Win With GILTI Deduction Eligibility
Individual shareholders of controlled foreign corporationswill be relieved to learn that Treasury and the IRS have determined they are eligible for a 50 percent deduction on global intangible low-taxed income, ending months of speculation.
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The Latest: UK and Spain back new tax rules for Gibraltar
Spain and Britain have reached an agreement that sets out stricter rules for companies and citizens operating from Gibraltar, a British overseas territorywhich Spain considers a colony.
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Irish Tax Take Posts Annual Growth of 3.7 Percent in February
Ireland collected 3.7 percent more tax in February than in the same month last year, thanks to growth in value-added tax (VAT) receipts and income tax, the finance ministry said on Monday.
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Dems offer legislation to tax financial transactions
Democrats are introducing legislation in the House and Senate on Tuesday to tax financial transactions, as lawmakers in the party examine variousways to raise more revenue. Under the legislation, sales of stocks, bonds and derivativeswould be taxed at a rate 0.1 percent. The taxwould apply to sales made in the U.S. or by U.S. persons, and initial securities issuances and short-term debtwould be exempt.
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APA Workbook Doesn't Advocate Profit Split Method, IRS Says
The IRS isn't giving more consideration to the profit split method than it has in the past, despite a recent announcement about an advance pricing agreementworkbook that tax specialists have read to suggest otherwise, an agency spokesman said Monday.
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New Treasury Rules Shape Corporate Tax Break
The Treasury Department proposed the final major international-tax regulation under the 2017 tax law on Monday, outlining how businesses can claim a break related to certain foreign sales.
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Tax Reform Unleashed the U.S. Economy
The Commerce Department reported Thursday that real gross domestic product grew by 3.1% from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018ÔøΩthe largest rise in 13 years. And last month the Congressional Budget Office reported that even if the current surge in economic growth isn't sustained, the revenue residual from our current strong growth ratewill pay for some 80% of the projected cost of the 2017 tax reform.while these reports reflect only the initial impact of the tax cuts and the deregulatory effort, any objective evaluationwould give the administration's economic program high midterm marks.
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How The Netherlands Became a Tax Haven for Multinationals
The Netherlands tax environment for multinational foreign direct investment (FDI) has been characterized as 'a tax haven' or, perhaps more accurately, as a 'conduit financial centre'. Anyway,with a share of 25% in theworldwide market for tax-driven FDI diversion, the Dutch tax planning industry has become a prominent target of recent OECD and EU anti-avoidance measures. Adaptations in many of the relevant Dutch tax rules are by now underway. The paper aims at the interactions between (a) the making of the relevant tax environment and (b) the rise of a specialized industry for FDI tax planning over the last century.
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EU States Set to Scrap Digital Tax Plan, to Work for Global Reform
European Union finance ministers are set to ditch a plan to introduce an EU-wide digital tax nextweek but agree towork on a global reform of the taxation of internet companies, an EU document shows.
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EU to Broaden Tax Haven Blacklist, Weighs UAE, Bermuda Listing
European Union states have added 10 jurisdictions to a draft tax haven blacklist, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bermuda, an EU official told Reuters on Tuesday, in a move thatwould triple the number of listed countries.
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Silicon Valley Hit With New Digital Tax in France
The French government onwednesday introduced a new levy aimed at big tech giants, adding to momentum behind more than a dozen similar measures globally that could collectively cost Silicon Valley companies billions of dollars. The measure, likely the first in awave of proposed digital-services taxes to be applied in Europe,will apply a 3% tax on French-source revenue that companies like Alphabet Inc.'s Google or Inc. reap from specific services like targeted advertising or running a digital marketplace.
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Still No Progress on an EU Digital Tax
EU delegates meeting February 28 made no progress on a digital advertising tax (DAT) in place of a digital services tax, and remarks by the EU Council's Romanian presidency left member states puzzled.
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French Tax on Internet Giants Could Yield 500 Million Euros Per Year: Le Maire
A three percent tax on the French revenue of large internet companies could yield 500 million euros (568.5 million pounds) per year, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Sunday.Le Maire told Le Parisien newspaper the tax is aimed at companieswithworldwide digital revenue of at least 750 million and French revenue of more than 25 million euros.
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EU Finance Ministers Won't 'Force' Digital Tax, Official Says
European Union finance ministers are likely to recognize at their upcoming meeting that they can't "force" even a lighter digital services tax andwill "proactively" support an international effort on taxing the digital economy, an EU official said Friday.
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Paying Out Calif.'s Proposed 'Data Dividend' Won't Be Easy
The recent proposal to compensate California residents for the use of their data is another sign of consumers' growing awareness of how tech giants monetize users' digital footprints, but logistical and philosophical concerns make it little more than an intriguing idea for now, experts say.
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Tax directors pushed into aggressive tax tactics as authorities lose funding
Corporate tax departments are under pressure to find aggressiveways of reducing their effective rates to take advantage of under-resourced tax authorities that are unable to tackle tax avoidance effectively.
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APMA Issues Profit-Split Model for 'Distinct Minority' of Cases
The IRS has developed a standardized residual profit-split model for use in advance pricing agreement applications by the minority of applicants that cannot reliably use a one-sided transfer pricing method.
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News Analysis: Moving to Market: Competing Considerations
The OECD has issued a consultation document requesting comments on proposals that attempt to address countries' concerns about taxing the digital economy, the first pillar ofwhich involves reallocating tax rights among countries, not necessarily confined to profits of tech companies. (The second pillar,which involves the expansion of antiabuse rules, is the subject of other articles.)
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News Analysis: Practitioners Debate Protectionist Effect of TCJA
In news analysis, Nana Ama Sarfo outlines discussions about U.S. tax reform and unilateral actions at the TCPI conference inwashington DC.
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EU Urges Switzerland To Secure Tax Reform's Passage
The European Council has called for the swift enactment of Switzerland's proposed corporate tax reform package. The recommendationwas one of a number of conclusions adopted by the Council regarding the EU's relationswith the Swiss Confederation.
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CPAs Urge Revising Interest Definition In Proposed Regs
Proposed rules rewriting the federal business interest deduction should be revised to narrowwhat constitutes business interest, members of an accountants trade group testifiedwednesday at a public hearing.
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N.J. Slaps More Tax on Multinationals With Foreign-Income Levy
Bloomberg Tax - BySony Kassam
New Jersey is taking an aggressive new stance to raise taxes on foreign income from multinational companies. New Jersey is including a new federal category of foreign income in its tax base, and is the first state to tax 50 percent of that income,while choosing to grab its share of the income pool through a specialÔøΩand surprisingÔøΩcalculation involving its gross domestic product. Lobbying groups, like the State Taxes After Reform (STAR) Partnership and the Council on State Taxation (COST), are up in arms to stop states from following New Jersey and adopting similar approaches.
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Germany Plans Tax Breaks Worth 1.5 Billion Euros for R&D-Sources
German Finance Minister Olaf Scholzwants to support companies that are investing in research and development (R&D) by granting them annual tax breaks of at least 1.5 billion euros (1.3 billion pounds), two people familiarwith the matter said on Thursday.
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Exclusive: Nigeria Hits Oil Majors With Billions in Back Taxes
Nigeria has ordered foreign oil and gas companies to pay nearly $20 billion in taxes it says are owed to local states, industry and government sources said, in a move that could deter investment in Africa's largest economy.
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Role of carbon tax in Green New Deal
As the climate solutions conversation expands, some Democrats still seem fixated on the half-solutions of cap-and-trade or a carbon tax, lacking the vision ofwhat real action on climate change looks like. Given the immediacy of the climate crisis, market pricing schemes should no longer be the centerpiece of a comprehensive climate strategy.
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Japan to make internal reorganisations easier with tax break
The Japanese government has announced changeswhichwill give companies more flexibility in tax structuring, lessening the sizeable tax burden on downstream mergers and making triangular reorganisations easier.
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MNEs still cautious of Denmark's TP audit strategy despite Microsoft's win
Microsoft's landmark transfer pricingwin in the Danish Supreme Court is not enough to lessen the tax authority's aggressive position on TP audits and discretionary assessments, said tax heads.
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Tax brown energy or subsidize green? The choice is easy
Progressive Democrats assert that the Green New Deal is the bestway to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. But this claim ignores the fact that subsidizing "green" energy technologies, such aswind and solar, is less effective than taxing the greenhouse gas emissions produced by brown energy sources, such as oil, natural gas and coal.
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US banks made $28 billion in extra profits thanks to GOP tax bill
Federally insured U.S. banks made more than $28 billion in additional profits in 2018 thanks to the Republican tax-cut law enacted at the start of the year, according to data released Thursday. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) revealed that the nation's 5,406 federally insured banks reeled in $236.7 billion in profits last year, according to the agency's quarterly banking profile.
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Manufacturers Seek Modification of Business Interest Expense Regs
The National Association of Manufacturers has urged the IRS to either modify proposed business interest expense deduction regulations (REG-106089-18) regarding the treatment of depreciation capitalized into inventory or risk hurting manufacturers and slowing the growth of the economy.
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Association Says Business Interest Regs Harmful to Manufacturers
The American Forest & Paper Association has asserted that the treatment of depreciation capitalized into inventory under proposed business interest deduction regulations (REG-106089-18) does not provide equal treatment to taxpayers and unintentionally harms those in the business of manufacturing or producing goods for sale.
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Extending German Nonresident Income Taxation to Disposals of Real-Property-Rich Corporations
In this article, the author discusses the important changes and associated complexity in nonresident income taxation of offshore indirect transfers resulting from Germany's Annual Tax Act 2018.
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Mexican Tax Authorities' Nonbinding Position Expands Business Profits Definition
In this article, the author discusses a nonbinding position published by Mexican tax authorities in November 2018 that attempts to revoke a provision in Mexican law limiting the definition of "business profits"when applying Mexican tax treaties.
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Expected Adverse Effects of Proposed U.S. Anti-Hybrid Regulations on Inbound Financing by Canadian MNEs
In this article, the authors examine the extensive regulations proposed under the alreadywide-ranging anti-hybrid provision of the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, focusing on the possible impact of the proposals on the structures that Canada-based multinationals and other foreign entities use to finance U.S. acquisitions and expansions.
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Final TAX3 Report Labels 7 EU Member States Tax Havens
A European Parliament investigative committee report chastises seven member states for operating as tax havens, recommends the end of golden visa programs, and calls for a European financial police force and anti-money-launderingwatchdog.
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U.S. Throws Weight Behind French Push for Global Minimum Tax
The United States supports France's push for minimum corporate taxation and hopes for an OECD solution to taxing the digital economy before the end of 2019, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.
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MEPs Pressure EU Member States Over CbC Reporting
The European Parliament on February 25 decided to put pressure on member states by closing the first reading on the European Commission's proposal for public country-by-country reporting.
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Brexit and NAFTA Demise Could Jeopardize U.S. Treaty Benefits
In this article, the authors discuss the impact of Brexit and the end of the North American Free Trade Agreement on the derivative benefits test in U.S. tax treaties.
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Irish Drug Maker Pursues Judicial Review of $1.6 Billion Tax Bill
Irish pharmaceutical giant Perrigo Co. PLC has mounted an aggressive response towhat iswidely considered one of the largest corporate tax assessments in Irish history, and is seeking assistance from the Irish High Court.
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Tech Group Suggests Changes for Business Interest Regs
The Information Technology Industry Council has requested changes to proposed section 163(j) regulations (REG-106089-18) regarding the definition of interest and exclusions from the definition, the application of the interest limitation to controlled foreign corporations, the group CFC election, and the depreciation phaseout.
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Groups Urge IRS to Exclude CFCs From Interest Limitation Rules
Treasury's proposed regulations that apply business interest expense limitations under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to controlled foreign corporations are inconsistentwith congressional intent andwould create complex, burdensome rules, industry groups say.
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EU Law Sufficient to Deny Tax Break in Cases of Abuse, CJEU Says
Member states should deny tax relief provided in directives that companies exploit to advance abusive or fraudulent agendas, even in the absence of domestic law combating such abuse, according to the EU's highest court.
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German Coalition Nearing Agreement on R&D Tax Incentive Proposal
Germany's Ministry of Finance said government ministers are discussing proposals for research and development tax incentives butwould not confirm reports that the benefitwould cost the government at least ÔøΩ1.5 billion a year.
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EU Parliament Report Criticizes Proposed Digital Services Tax
Although the OECD's failure to address the tax challenges posed by digitalization leaves a void, a report found the proposed digital services taxwould apply too broadly and may cause economic distortions and international retaliation.
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OECD Faces Tough Test With Global Minimum Tax
Structuring a uniform and comprehensive global minimum tax regime could be a technically difficult process at the OECD level.
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OECD and U.N. Eye Next Steps for Tax Inspectors Without Borders
The OECD-U.N. Tax Inspectorswithout Borders (TIWB) initiative may expand its scope to include other tax issues beyond tax audits,with pilot programs starting soon.
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U.S. Chamber Comments on Proposed Hybrid Regs
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has sent the IRS a chart identifying issues arising under proposed regulations (REG-104352-18) on section 951 and section 951A hybrid arrangements, providing suggested solutions and explanations the group believeswill be helpful in addressing those issues.
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CFC Partners Must Adjust E&P for Section 951 (a) Inclusions
Irish power management multinational Eaton Corporation PLC,which is facing tax-related litigation on multiple fronts in the United States,was dealt a blow by the U.S. Tax Court concerning the consequences of partnership section 951(a) inclusions.