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LB&I Campaigns Target Transfer Pricing, Reporting Requirements
The IRS's Large Business and International Division has announced three new compliance campaigns that focus on transfer pricing for captive service providers and tax and information reporting requirements concerning offshore activities.
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France to ask EU partners to adopt its cryptocurrency regulation
Francewill push for the European Union to adopt a regulatory framework on cryptocurrencies similar to the one it brought in lastweek at a national level, becoming the first major country to do so, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Monday.
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EU Threatens to Tax $20 Billion of US Goods Over Boeing Aid
The European Union has drawn up a list of $20 billionworth of U.S. products it could tax in an escalating feud over plane industry subsidies, the EU's executive commission saidwednesday.
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Expect 'Looser' OECD Tax Avoidance Project Plan: Official
A deal among countries at the OECD on international tax avoidancewill likely be a "looser" plan leaving many of the details for individual countries to implement, an officialwith the U.S. Department of the Treasury said Tuesday.
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Singapore's consistent, agile support for innovation and IP in a digital age
Singapore has been agile in refining its support for companies investing in the acquisition, development, enhancement and exploitation of intellectual property rights,which is the key to innovation in the digitalized economy of the future.
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Austria proposes new, permanent digital tax
Austria has proposed a new digital services tax (DST), motivated by a desire to level the playing field for domestic media companies,which it says itwould not repeal even if the OECD reaches consensus on digital tax measures.
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Polish Finance Ministry Proposes Simplified APA Procedure
Poland's Ministry of Finance has issued a draft bill on a simplified advance pricing agreement process thatwouldwaive deductibility restrictions on intragroup expenses.
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Netherlands Launches Major Review of Tax System
The Dutch governmentwill begin a broad reassessment of its tax system thatwill examine the current tax mix and its distributive effects, taxation of income from digital sources, and the future of corporate taxation.
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South Korea to cut stock transaction tax from June 3 - media reports
South Korea's finance minister said the planned tax cut for stock transactionswill begin on June 3, according to local media reports on Sunday.
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U.S. Consumer Sentiment Drops as Tax-Cut Boost Fades
Consumers' outlook on the U.S. economyworsened in April, as a survey suggested the impact of tax cuts has now run its course for American households. The University of Michigan said Friday its preliminary index of consumer sentimentwas 96.9 this month, down from March's final reading of 98.4. That undershot economists' expectations for a preliminary reading of 98.0.
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EU Wants Members to Drop Veto Over Possible Carbon Tax
The European Union's executive branch is proposing that individual member countries drop their right to veto decisions on energy taxes, a move that could facilitate the introduction of a carbon tax across thewhole bloc.
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Report finds twice as many companies will pay zero in taxes this year
A new report, citing data from a left-leaning think tank, reveals that at least 60 companies avoided paying taxes this year as a result of the new tax law ÔøΩ a total that is about twice as many as previous years.
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Fixing our 'America Last' tax policy
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a regressive response to the challenges posed by today's global economy. Not only do the vast majority of the tax benefits from the legislation accrue to those at the top of the income distribution, but the legislationweakens the health security of ordinary Americans. Reduced spending on health insurance subsidies for poor Americanswill increase the number of uninsured Americans and generate more expensive premiums for those that remain insured.
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EU Commission Hopeful Backs Continental Minimum Corp. Tax
A top candidate for the European Commission presidency said Thursday he supports a Europewide minimum corporate tax because European Union countries are no longer powerful enough to extract a fair amount of revenue from the largest companies on their own.
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Elizabeth Warren Proposes New Corporate Tax
Democratic presidential candidate Elizabethwarren is proposing a new 7% tax on the largest, most profitable U.S. companies, a move thatwould increase corporate tax collections by about 30% over the next decade.
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Germany's Scholz Wants Progress on Global Corporate Taxation
German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz told Reuters in an interview onwednesday hewould urge financial leaders during meetings inwashington later thisweek to aim for a minimum level of corporate taxation globally.
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Why more tax reform is inevitable
The 2017 tax law looks appealing to many citizens because it handed out a lot of money thatwould otherwise have gone to the Treasury. However, the oversized budget deficits, caused in part by the unavoidable aging of our population,will force lawmakers to revisit that tax law. The American people should be prepared for another very different dose of tax reform.
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Investors want a global standard for MNE tax disclosures
Investors are using multinational companies' tax disclosures, such as country-by-country reports, to inform their investment decisions - andwant consistent disclosure formats to make comparisons easier.
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Taxing the Digital Economy Post BEPS ... Seriously
For years the advent of the digital economy has left countries stumped in their attempt to tax income earned by foreign firmswithout physical presencewithin their jurisdiction. International organizations and their member countries have failed in their attempts to tweak the rules of the international tax regime and address these challenges presented by the digital economy. This article argues that such conservative approach could notwork, and fundamental reform is inevitable.
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Austria Announces Five Percent Digital Tax
The Austrian Government announced on April 3, 2019, a package of tax measures aimed at the digital economy, including a five percent tax on revenue derived from the sale of digital advertising services and the removal of the low-value VAT exemption threshold.
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Australia Issues Ruling On Hybrid Mismatch Rules
The Australian Taxation Office has opened a consultation on a draft Law Companion Ruling on the targeted integrity rule thatwill apply under the new hybrid mismatch regime.
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EU Justice Commissioner Addresses Digital Taxation at Brookings Institute
Vera Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers, and Gender Equality, spoke about digitalization, data protection legislation, and challenges that the United States and European Union face regarding online data control in an April 11 speech at the Brookings Institute.
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Trade Misinvoicing Creates Trillion-Dollar Value Gap, GFI Says
Deliberate misstatements on trade invoices have created a trillion-dollar gap in the actual value of goods, leading to about $200 billion in annual tax revenue losses, according to estimates by Global Financial Integrity (GFI).
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Latin American Tax Challenges Sway Favored Digital Solution
Latin American countries' preferred proposal for addressing the tax challenges of the digital economy is driven by an eroding tax base, according to a tax specialistwith the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).
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EU Money Laundering Blacklist to Get a Reboot, Commissioner Says
A revamped money laundering blacklistwill be submitted to the EU Council in October, EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová told Tax Notes.
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OECD Digital Work Expected to Yield Small Shift in Taxing Rights
A modest reallocation of taxing rights that is palatable to countries losing some tax revenues could be key to addressing the challenge of generating OECD consensus on new global tax rules.
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Tax Transparency in Fits and Starts
Mindy Herzfeld describes recent proposals to make corporate tax data more transparent, including those by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Global Reporting Initiative.
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Consolidated Groups Still Facing Hybrid and DCL Problems
In news analysis, Carrie Brandon Elliot reviews how the new hybrid proposed regulations solve some, but not all, of thewell-known problems related to dual consolidated losses.
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The Limits of Friendlier Tax Administration, Part 2
In news analysis, Lee A. Sheppard discusses emerging trends in tax collection in developing economies and how these are causing difficulties for traditional organizations like the OECD and IMF.
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Canada Seeks International Consensus on Digital Taxation
Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau reiterated that Canada is awaiting the OECD's report concerning digital taxation and noted the importance of the United States' position to Canada's future decisions.
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Mexican Government to Propose a Digital Services Tax in 2020
A recent statement by Deputy Finance Minister Arturo Herrera that the Mexican government intends to tax digital services has prompted concerns that pending legislation might be used to implement the plan.
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U.N. Transfer Pricing Manual Draft Updates Seek OECD Alignment
The U.N. has released a package of draft updates to its transfer pricing manual for developing countries, including a new chapter on financial transactions and revised profit-split guidance consistentwith recent OECD updates.
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Tax Committee Leaders Caution Against Digital Services Taxes
In an April 10 release, the chairs and ranking minority members of the Houseways and Means and Senate Finance committees expressed support for OECD negotiations on the digital economy and said digital service taxes, even on an interim basis, can have negative effects on U.S. businesses, the economy, and diplomacy.
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H.R. 2210 Would Repeal FIRPTA Provisions
H.R. 2210, the Invest in America Act, introduced by Houseways and Means Committee member John B. Larson, D-Conn.,would repeal provisions of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 concerning capital gains taxation of U.S. investments by foreigners, in addition to repealing other provisions to stimulate foreign investment in the United States.
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EU Energy Union Seconds Switch to Qualified Majority Voting
The EU Energy Union said it supports the European Commission's proposal to move away from unanimity to qualified majority voting (QMV) on energy taxation.
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Top Taxwriters Urge Collaboration on Digital Tax Problem
Countries shouldn't enact unilateral digital services taxes but should insteadworkwith the international community to find a solution, U.S. lawmakers urged in a statement.
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Minnesota Provision Creates GILTI Trigger for Combined Reporting
Minnesota House lawmakers have introduced a bill thatwould include foreign corporations that generate global intangible low-taxed income in the corporate unitary group.
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U.S. Treasury Criticism of EU Anti-Money Laundering Blacklist Shows Cracks in Financial Enforcement
In this article, the author discusses the process and rationale behind the EU's anti-money laundering blacklist and the U.S. Treasury's response.
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BEPS Aftermath: Mechanisms to Curtail Treaty Shopping and Abuse
In this article, the author examines OECD and U.S. approaches to counteract treaty shopping and abuse and provides a framework of topics that taxpayers might need to focus on to claim treaty benefits. He also explores the symbiotic relationship between U.S. tax treaty policy and the action plans released as part of the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project.
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Germany to mull carbon tax as part of national climate pact
Germany's environment minister says the governmentwill discuss introducing a carbon tax as part of its national plan to curb climate change.
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Corporations are cheating the global tax system. World leaders can't afford to ignore it
There is no gap in the architecture of globalization more serious than the failure of nations to prevent global companies andwealthy individuals from escaping taxation through tax havens, accounting devices and pressure to bring down business tax rates.
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Czech Republic Implements ATAD Measures
The Czech Republic has published corporate income tax amendments in connectionwith its implementation of the EU's anti-tax-avoidance directive (ATAD). Most of the new measures took effect April 1.
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European Commission Speaks Out Against Tax Unanimity
The European Commission rerouted an informal discussion on growth and taxation by the Economic and Financial Affairs Council April 6 to promote a shift toward qualified majority voting in tax matters. Three member states said they oppose the move.
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France Must Cut Taxes Quickly to Quell Public Anger, PM Says
The French public is exasperated over the country's high tax burden, so the government must respond quickly and decisively, France's prime minister said following the close of a national consultation initiated after violent protests.
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Swiss Corporate Tax Reform- Considerations for Multinationals
The objective of the proposed Swiss corporate tax reform is to ensure that the Swiss corporate tax system is in linewith international minimal standards,which recognize as harmful the cantonal preferential tax regimes for holding, domicile and mixed companies. Accordingly, these privileged tax regimes need to be abolished by the cantons. The proposed new tax provisions are intended to achieve international acceptancewhile at the same time maintaining Switzerland's attraction for multinational enterprises.
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Treasury Pressed to Fix Tax Mistake That May Push R&D Offshore
The Treasury Department is being pressed by Republican lawmakers and business groups to correct a defect in a new tax on foreign earnings that has companies like biotech giant Amgen Inc. saying they may move their research and development operations offshore. They are asking Treasury to clarify how to properly allocate research and development expenses under the new rules,which are meant to ensure multinationals pay at least a minimum amount of tax on overseas profits earned in countrieswith lower tax rates than the U.S.
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Tax Treatment of Stock Payments High on Treasury's Agenda
The treatment of stock payments under the new base erosion and anti-abuse tax is high on Treasury's list of outstanding items to tackle, an official said. The Treasury Department has received comments on pending issueswith the BEAT, includingwhether non-cash or property payments, including stock payments or the assumption of a liability, should be captured under the new tax.
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Slicing the Shadow: OECD Consultation Highlights Profit Allocation Difficulties
Jeff VanderWolk of Squire Patton Boggs querieswhether the OECD needs to revise profit allocation rules to address digitalization.
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Germany, Netherlands Team Up to Push for Minimum Corporate Tax
Germany, Netherlands plan towork together to establish "minimum tax standard" to counter tax havens, according to joint statement supplied by Germany's Finance Ministry.
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Brace Yourself, Corporate America: Taxes Are About to Go Up
President Donald Trump's signature tax cuts are set to end starting 2021, and Corporate America must prepare for an increase in levies as it's unlikely Congresswill extend the stimulus, according to Morgan Stanley.