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SIFMA Suggests Changes to Prevent Harmful Effects of BEAT Regs
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association has suggested several changes to proposed base erosion and antiabuse regulations (REG-104259-18),which the group says are inconsistentwith the relevant provisions of section 59A and that some provisionswill harm financial groups, their customers, and possibly the financial markets.
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TCJA Raises Thorny Issues for Cost Sharing
Many U.S. multinationals are responding to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's international provisions by terminating their cost-sharing arrangements, raising difficult transfer pricing issues associatedwith their existing cost-shared intellectual property.
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Practitioners See Treaty System Under Siege
Practitionersworry that the integrity of the bilateral tax treaty system is threatened by the spread of measures that circumvent treaty restrictions and the United States' failure to ratify any tax treaties in the past 10 years.
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News Analysis: Consolidated Groups Weigh GILTI Effect on Basis Adjustments
Proposed global intangible low-taxed income regulations may overreach in requiring downward adjustments to the basis of stock held in controlled foreign corporations. The proposed regulations (REG 104390-18) also call for basis adjustments to stock in members of a consolidated group. GILTI-related basis adjustments to CFC stock are distinct from basis adjustments to group member stock in timing and rationale.
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High Street Retailers Need Tax Aid to Compete, U.K. Report Says
U.K. business tax rates should be reduced and taxes on online merchants increased to protect High Street retailers from unfair competition, a parliamentary report says.
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New Zealand Commission Recommends Capital Gains Tax
A taxworking group commissioned by the New Zealand government has recommended the implementation of a capital gains tax and the adaptation of an existing emissions trading scheme to make it more "tax-like."
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U.K. Lawmakers Urge Action on Public Registers in Territories
Allowing British overseas territories to delay establishing public beneficial ownership registers until 2023 is unacceptable and poses a national security risk, a U.K. parliamentary committee said in a new report.
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U.S. Treasury May Limit FTC Branch Intangible Transfer Rule
Treasury is examining how it could limit its rule concerning foreign branch transfers of intangible property issued under its proposed foreign tax credit regulations.
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The Digital Economy and Online Advertising Services: Policy Approaches and Case Law Analysis
In this article, the author discusses some of the general concerns underlying efforts to tax cross-border digitalized transactions, including how these transactions affect both developed and developing jurisdictions. She then focuses more specifically on taxing digital advertising services by reviewing case studies and suggesting possible solutions.
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South Africa Mulling Transfer Pricing Tweak
South Africa is contemplating changes to align its domestic lawwith the OECD's model mandatory disclosure rules and transfer pricing provisions.
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Mexican Audit Practices Reflect Fraying International Consensus
Reports of aggressive transfer pricing enforcement practices by Mexico's tax administration ÔøΩ including excessive information demands and disallowance of marketing expenses ÔøΩ are another sign of broad dissatisfactionwith the existing allocation of taxing rights.
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HMRC Tries to Bust Making Tax Digital Myths
The U.K. tax authority has published a "mythbusters" document to clarify its Making Tax Digital (MTD) program, shortly after a top HM Treasury official told lawmakers that most affected businesses are preparing for the initiative.
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EU General Court finds Belgian excess profit ruling system is compatible with EU State aid rules
The General Court of the European Union (GCEU) rendered its judgment T-131/16 and T–263/16 regarding the compatibility of the Belgian excess profit ruling system ('Belgian EPR')with the EU State aid rules. PwC summarizes the GCEU judgment, issued on February 14, 2019, that annulled the European Commission's (EC's) final decision.
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Brazil remain cautious about its tax reform expectations
Brazil's complex federal and state structure has created a litigious framework for tax authorities, making tax reform in Brazil a continued political focus. The production and consumption of goods and services has born the heaviest tax burden in Brazil for years,which has brought forward series of disputes and challenges between Brazilian taxpayers and municipalities. For that reason, the area has beenwidely viewed as the main focus of tax reform in Brazil.
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European Bankers Seek Guidance Regarding Unintended CFCs
The European Banking Federation has requested clarification that unintended controlled foreign corporations created solely through the repeal of section 958(b)(4) by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Actwill not be treated as U.S. payors andwill not be disqualified from the portfolio interest exemption due to their CFC status.
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U.S. Tax Review (3)
In this article, the authors discuss recent U.S. international tax developments, including new regulations on the base erosion and antiabuse tax and sales of partnership interest.
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Caution Urged Over Referendum for Swiss Corporate Tax Reform
Switzerland's Federal Council on February 18warned that if voters reject corporate tax reform legislation in an upcoming referendum, companieswill face legal uncertainty and the country could be subject to foreign countermeasures.
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Singapore's 2019 Budget to Boost Business With Tax Incentives
Singapore plans to extend tax incentives to help scale up businesses and offer a new individual income tax rebate to ensure the country remains nimble and progressive in a changingworld, the finance minister said.
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Ireland Seeks OECD Alignment in Transfer Pricing Proposals
The Irish government has called for input on proposals designed to better harmonize domestic transfer pricing ruleswith OECD standards, including adoption of the authorized OECD approach (AOA) to profit attribution and enhanced documentation rules.
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Court Upholds Belgian State Aid Approach, Vestager Tells Tax3
EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager is maintaining a sanguine outlook on state aid-related tax decisions, despite a court's rejection of the commission's ruling that Belgium offered illegal state aid to multinationals.
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Equity Firm Seeks Guidance on BEAT Regs
Golden Gate Private Equity Inc. has urged that proposed base erosion and antiabuse regulations (REG-104259-18) address the use of net operating losses for modified taxable income, the treatment of a life insurance company that reinsures risks to a foreign-related insurance company through a modified coinsurance contract, and the application of the de minimis dealer exception.
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TEI Suggests Clarifications for Proposed BEAT Regs
The Tax Executives Institute has commented on the proposed base erosion and antiabuse regulations (REG-104259-18) under section 59A, recommending 10 changes thatwould not only ease compliance and administration butwould also serve to better harmonize the final BEAT regswith the BEAT regime's purpose and scope.
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NYSBA Has Bone to Pick With BEAT's Nonrecognition Inclusion
The New York State Bar Association is dissatisfiedwith the section 59A proposed regs' inclusion, as a base erosion payment, of a noncash consideration transaction that otherwise qualifies for nonrecognition under the code.
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Big Decisions Loom as IRS Updates Transfer Pricing Rules
Over a year after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted the first statutory change to the transfer pricing rules since 1986, efforts to update the regulations and align themwith the statute remain underway.
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New Zealand Signals Move Toward Digital Services Tax
New Zealandwill likely start consulting on a unilateral digital services tax by May, citing the OECD's slow progress in finding a long-term solution by 2020 to adapt international tax rules for the digital age.
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New Zealand plans new tax for giants like Google, Facebook
New Zealand's government announced plans on Monday for a new tax targeting online giants like Google and Facebook that earn plenty of money in the country but pay little tax.
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Practitioners Urge Action as Digital Tax Debate Continues
As countries continueworkingwithin the OECD framework toward a consensus-based solution to tax the increasingly digital economy, companies shouldn't be complacent because that debate could fundamentally change theway multinationals are taxed, practitionerswarned.
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Germany Studying Potential Royalty Withholding Tax on Online Ads
Germany's Finance Ministry confirmed a report that it is reviewingwhether a 15 percentwithholding tax on royalties can be applied to payments received by foreign internet companies like Google and Facebook for online advertising.
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OECD Digital Proposals Are Latest Threat to Arm's-Length Concept
All of the OECD's new proposals for taxing the digital economy ÔøΩ including the U.S.-favored marketing intangibles approach ÔøΩwould radically depart from the arm's-length principle, compounding growing international pressures on traditional transfer pricing principles.
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News Analysis: The OECD Consults on a New Tax World Order
A newworld order is emerging from the OECD base erosion and profit-shifting project and U.S. tax reform. Those efforts, combinedwith larger economic and political forces, have mostly laidwaste to the previous international tax regime.
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News Analysis: Consolidated Group Members Become Single Under GILTI
New proposed section 951A regulations provide guidance on how consolidated groups should compute their global intangible low-taxed income.while the crux of filing a consolidated return is treating the group as a single taxpayer for purposes of calculating and paying a single tax liability, the proposed regulations (REG 104390-18) combine single taxpayer treatmentwith single-entity calculations.
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News Analysis: Implementing Taxation of Foreign Sales of Partnership Interests
Lee A. Sheppard looks at how the Tax Court's decision in Grecian Magnesite remains relevant, even after the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
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Austria Introduces New CFC Rules
Austrian Minister of Finance Hartwig Loeger recently issued an ordinance on the application of the controlled foreign corporation tax regime. The ordinance, published in the official gazette on January 25, took effect January 1.
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OECD Provides Updates on Treaty Shopping, Dispute Resolution
Jurisdictions under the OECD's Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting areworking diligently on their treaty relationships and continue to make progress on timely and accessible dispute resolution mechanisms.
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Global Digital Tax Solution Might Strip Out B2B Transactions
Political pressures motivating some global digital tax discussions appear to originate principally from concernswith the business-to-consumer market, according to a U.S. Treasury official.
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U.S. Predicts 'Modest' Outcome of OECD Digital Economy Project
U.S. officials believe the OECD'swork on the digital economywill lead to a modest reallocation of taxing rights, most likely based on the marketing intangibles approach set out in the OECD discussion draft.
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U.S. Treasury Moving June Goal Posts on Some International Regs
Treasury appears to be hedging its bets on its June 22 goal for delivering several pieces of international guidance from the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act thatwould statutorily allow retroactivity for its rules.
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European Commission Loses Belgian State Aid Case
The European Commission failed to convince the EU General Court that Belgium's tax rulings exempting companies from tax on "excess profits" attributable to their being part of an international group constituted an illegal state aid scheme.
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Panama to Call Its EU Envoy for Consultations Over 'High Risk' List
Panama said onwednesday itwill call home its ambassador to the European Union for consultations over the renewed inclusion of the Central American tax-haven on a blacklist of countries that haveweak anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regimes.
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Belgium Tax Break for BP, Others, Upheld by EU Court
BP, BASF and more than 30 other multinationals stand to benefit after EU judges overturned an order demanding Belgium revoke a tax break. The European Commission failed to prove that the Belgian tax break constituted aid, said the ruling by the General Court, the lower branch of the Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
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U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law
Federal tax revenue declined 0.4% in 2018, the first full calendar year under the new tax law, despite robust economic growth and the lowest unemployment rate in nearly five decades.
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World's Tax Collectors Look to Divvy Up Tech Giants Billions
Theworld's tax collectors have been gunning for Silicon Valley. Now they're trying to figure out how to divide up the spoils. Onwednesday, The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development began seeking public input on proposals, including one from the U.S., to determinewhere digital companies' profits should be allocated, and thereforewhich countries get to tax them.
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The OECD's four proposals to tax the digital economy
The leading proposal in the OECD's two-week consultation on four possible approaches to taxing the digital economy focuses on marketing intangibles, expanding the number of businesses that could fall under its scope.
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Germany Looks Into Tax Move on Foreign Internet Firms: Report
Germany's finance ministry is looking into the possibility of a 15 percent special tax on online advertising revenue collected by foreign internet companies such as Google or Facebook from German operators,wirtschaftswoche magazine reported on Friday.
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WSJ Tax Guide 2019: The Tax Cuts Economic Impact
President Trump and Republicans bet that the 2017 tax overhaulwould invigorate the U.S. economy after a long but slow expansion, putting controversial economic theories about growth to a crucial test. A broad measure of business investment surged early in 2018 but slowed in the second half of the year, in part reflecting changes in energy prices. Shipments of capital goods tailed off after rising briskly early in the year.
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Businesses Welcome Int'l Push For Digital Tax Solution
Businesses havewelcomed confirmation from the OECD that countries have committed to a seek an international agreement on the taxation of the digital economy, rather than pursue unilateral measures.
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Mediolanum Takes $102.5 Million Hit From Italian Tax Settlement
Italy's Banca Mediolanum S.p.A. said its net profit for 2018was reduced by ÔøΩ102.5 million because of extraordinary costs related to the settlement of a tax dispute involving the banking group's Irish unit.
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EU Money Laundering Blacklist Contains U.S. Territories
Four U.S. territories ÔøΩ Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico ÔøΩ have been blacklisted by the European Commission for being lax on money laundering and terrorist financing controls.
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IRS Silent Amid Claims That GILTI Regs Skirt Legislative Intent
For the second time in as many hearings on key international provisions from the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, government officials sat in silence as tax experts launched critiques on proposed guidance.
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OECD Tax Proposals Tackling Digital Economy Draw Mixed Reactions
A new OECD discussion draft containing more detailed proposals to address the tax challenges of the digital economy is drawing diverse responses from the tax community, setting the stage for lively debates in Paris.