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Canada Proposes Limiting Stock Option Tax Breaks
Canada plans to hike taxes on stock options that top-paid executives receive from large companies. The changes proposed in draft legislationwould bring Canada's tax treatment of stock options more in linewith U.S. tax treatment of options and restore the tax break's focus on helping small companies, like start-ups.
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France Plans to Scrap 1 Billion Euros of Tax Breaks for Companies
France plans to scrap 1 billion euros (890.15 million pounds) of tax breaks for companies to help fund a pledged 5-billion-euro reduction in personal income taxes, Budget Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Sunday.
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Italy Deputy PM Di Maio Says EU Must Allow Italy to Cut Tax, Invest
The European Union should allow Italy to cut tax and invest in the green economy to boost the country's economy, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Monday.
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Conservative groups tell Congress: 'We oppose any carbon tax'
A group of 75 conservative organizations and leaders on Monday sent a letter to Congress expressing their opposition to a carbon tax, pushing back at an idea that has received support from politicians and policy experts on both sides of the aisle as away to combat climate change.
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Security Specialists Urge House Panel To Target Shell Cos.
A group of national security specialists urged a U.S. House of Representatives committee Monday to adopt legislation thatwould target shell companies, citing a report that says the anonymous ownership of businesses can facilitate tax evasion and other crimes.
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U.S. Corporate Cash Piles Drop to Three-Year Low
U.S. corporate balance sheets continue to feel the impact of the 2017 U.S. tax overhaul, as companies pivot their capital allocation strategies in response to the new law. Companies funneled record amounts of cash to stock buybacks, dividends, capital spending and acquisitions last year. As a result, U.S. corporate cash holdings fell to a three-year low of $1.685 trillion in 2018, according to a report from Moody's Investors Service Inc.
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The Tory Tax Debate
Britain's next Prime Ministerwill have the dual challenge of leaving the European Union and setting up the newly independent country for economic success. So it's a good sign that some top contenders for the Conservative Party leadershipÔøΩthewinnerwill replace Theresa MayÔøΩstartedwith tax reform as campaigning began on Monday.
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The application of global tax reforms to the extractive industries
Alexandra Readhead investigateswhether IMF and OECD proposals on how to tax the digital economy, apply formulary apportionment, shift taxing rights and address profit shifting could apply to the natural resources sector. Alternatively, could source-based taxation improvements hold the answer?
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Businesses disappointed with OECD's progress on digital tax reforms
As G20 countries ratify the OECD'swork on taxing the digital economy, tax executives expressed their concerns to International Tax Review that the body has not moved beyond proposals that they find problematic.
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Newly Elected EU Body Likely To Stay Progressive On Taxes
The European Parliament is expected to continue to push progressive legislation on tax matters following an election last month that saw eroded support for centrist parties. In recent years the Parliament has advocated laws requiring big corporations to publish their tax affairs and has voted for a common corporate tax base in Europe. It has also expressed support for taxing large digital corporations and pushed for laws that require tax advisers to disclose more of their activities to authorities.
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US companies fear TCJA amendments by Democrats
Some US taxpayers are considering inversions because they fear negative tax implications if the Democrats gain control of the presidency and Congress in the 2020 elections and raise tax rate.
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Changes in Final Section 956 Regs
Whilewe'rewaiting for the big Tax Cuts and Jobs Act regulations on June 22, section 956 is still in the law, so there are final section 956 regulations to think about. To recapitulate, global intangible low-taxed income and section 245A regulations are expected by June 22. The GILTI ruleswill be accompanied by a notice of proposed rulemaking, the scope ofwhich is unclear, according to Raymond Stahl, senior counsel, IRS Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International). Practitioners are particularly concerned about the effective date of the section 245A rules, because companies made interim distributions that they hopewill qualify for the dividends received deduction (DRD).
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The TCJA's Impact on GAAP Effective Tax Rates of Large U.S. Nonfinancial Corporations
The article assesseswhat effect the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act had on the effective tax rates (ETRs) of large U.S. nonfinancial corporations based on information in the generally accepted accounting principles financial statements corporations includewith their annual SEC Forms 10-K. I evaluate both the TCJA's one-time adjustments,which mainly affect corporations' ETRs for 2017, and the TCJA's permanent adjustments,which mainly affect corporations' ETRs for 2018.
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Costa Rica Considers VAT Rules for Cross-Border Digital Services
Costa Rica's Ministry of Finance has released a draft resolution implementing VAT rules for nonresidents supplying cross-border digital services in Costa Rica. The country is in the process of converting its sales tax to a VAT, effective July 1. The VATwill be levied on all supplies of goods and services. The standard ratewill be 13 percent, but reduced rates of 4 percent, 2 percent, and 1 percent, aswell as some exemptions,will apply to specific supplies. Export saleswill be zero-rated.
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Impact Assessments of Tax Proposals Top OECD 2019 Agenda
The OECD's goal by fall is to release an initial report assessing the impact of various proposals for overhauling the international tax system in the digital age, according to officials.
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'Spirit of Compromise' Needed for BEPS 2.0 Agreement
Each country comes from different economic backgrounds, so it's no surprise that they have different views and opinions on how to address the tax challenges of digitalization, Asō added. For countries to reach consensus on a solution by the end of 2020, "we must all bring a spirit of compromise to the table," Asō said. The G-20 should lead by example, he said, because "high-level political engagement and endorsement by G-20 memberswill make it possible to overcome this hurdle and to close the remaining gaps in our views."
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Global FDI Down in 2018 Due to Government Interventions, Trump, Brexit-U.N.
Global foreign direct investment (FDI) fell by 13 percent last year because of government intervention, Brexit uncertainty and U.S. President Donald Trump's tax and trade policies, the United Nations trade and development agency UNCTAD said onwednesday.
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Dutch Lawmakers Step Up Tax Demands on Multinationals
Dutch lawmakers have launched an inquiry into how to make multinationals pay their fair share of tax, after public criticism that government reforms do not go far enough.
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Senate To Vote On Tax Treaties This Year, Lawmaker Says
U.S. Senate Republican leaders have decided to bring several bilateral tax treaties that have languished for years to a vote in the full chamber this year, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told Law360 on Tuesday.
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Germany Wants 0.2% Minimum EU Financial Transaction Tax
A proposed financial transaction tax in the European Union should be set at "no less than 0.2%" of the value of the transaction, according to a note from the German delegation to the EU's Economic and Financial Affairs Council,which is due to meet Friday in Brussels.
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Case study: Shell's participation in ICAP
Danny Houben, project lead for Shell's ICAP team, talks to International Tax Review about how his company got ready to participate in the OECD's International Compliance Assurance Programme (ICAP).
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Practitioners Pragmatic About Dutch Tax Changes
Although public and political opinion has shifted regarding the Dutch tax system's favorability to multinationals, not that much has changed in practical terms, according to practitioners. The Dutch parliament voted June 11 to establish a six-month expert committee to advise legislators on how to structure the country's tax system to ensure that multinational enterprises pay more taxes in the Netherlands.
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Presidential Hopeful John Hickenlooper Calls for Carbon Tax
A carbon tax is part of the climate plan that Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper is backing. He's the latest candidate to outline a plan to combat globalwarming. Alongwith the carbon tax, the former Colorado governorwould spend $350 billion on green infrastructure and efficient cars, rejoin the Paris climate accords and invest more in green technology research.
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EU Tries to Revive Plan for Financial Transaction Tax
European Union finance ministers have discussed on Friday a plan for a 0.2% tax on shares,which Germany sees close to be agreed, although furtherwork remains to be done. Plans for an EU financial transaction tax (FTT) have stumbled over the past years. After an initial proposal in 2011was blocked by member governments, a group of states pressed ahead,while the majority of the 28 EU states backed down.
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OECD Fleshes Out Int'l Tax Reform Plans During BEPS Webcast
During awebcast on June 11, the OECD provided a technical update on itswork to develop new, modernized international tax rules for the digitalized economy. Under a mandate from countries that have agreed to implement the BEPS minimum standards – the BEPS Inclusive Framework – the OECD is developing new digital tax rules thatwould be presented for adoption internationally at the end of 2020. At its January 23-24, 2019, meeting, the BEPS Inclusive Framework agreed that the OECD'swork should focus on two central pillars.
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Brazil's challenge to becoming a member of the OECD
Brazil made a formal application to join the OECD in 2017, but the process is still miredwith political uncertainty. Base Firma's Davi Stantana de Jesus outlines how the economy can expedite its application by reforming its transfer pricing framework.
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Shell to Publish CbC Report This Year
Royal Dutch Shell PLCwill publish its profit and tax by country this year, a Shell executive told Dutch legislators. At a May 29 hearing of the Dutch House of Representatives Finance Committee, Alan McLean, Shell's executive vice president of taxation, also confirmed that the company pays no corporate income tax in the Netherlands because of favorable tax laws benefiting multinationals.
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Netherlands Announces 2019 Fiscal Agenda
On May 28, 2019, Dutch State Secretary for Finance Menno Snel issued an update on the Government's 2019 fiscal agenda. According to the document, in the second quarter of 2019, the Government intends to submit the following proposals to parliament: a bill for a minimum CO2 price for electricity generation; a bill to introduce a national aviation tax; and legislation implementing the second European Union Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD 2) regarding hybrid mismatch arrangements.
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Trump's Tariffs Could Nullify Tax Cut, Clouding Economic Picture
President Trump's tax cuts provided a temporary jolt to the United States economy by putting more money into taxpayers' pockets. The tariffs that Mr. Trump has grown so fond of may have the opposite effect.
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Netherlands to Put Minimum Price on Carbon Emissions
As of 1 January 2020 the governmentwants to introduce a minimum price for CO2 emitted in the Netherlands during the production of electricity. State Secretary for Finance Menno Snel and Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Ericwiebes submitted a bill on this matter to parliament today. A minimum carbon pricewill encourage businesses to make their operations more sustainable. The measurewill give electricity producers long-term certainty about their minimum costs, stimulating them to consider the effects of carbon emissions for people and the environment in their investments.
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Luxembourg's Amended Definition of a Permanent Establishment: Is It Really Something New?
Luxembourg's 2019 tax reform implements the EU anti-tax-avoidance directive (Council Directive (EU) 2016/1164, ATAD) and other base erosion and profit-shifting-related measures into domestic tax law, including an amendment of the permanent establishment definition. The new provision concerns the interpretation of the PE conceptwhen Luxembourg taxpayers have a PE in a treaty country.
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OECD Navigating Design Labyrinth for Minimum Tax Proposal
The United States' global intangible low-taxed income provision may provide some pointers as the OECD mulls a minimum tax proposal that could later serve as a model for changes to the GILTI regime.
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IRS and CRA Mulling Informal Consultations on APA Programs
The IRS and the Canada Revenue Agency are consideringworking together on informal consultationswith stakeholders about how to improve their respective advance pricing agreement programs, an IRS official said.
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Merkel Says International Corporate Tax Situation Unfavorable for Germany
The international corporate taxation landscape has changed to Germany's disadvantage recently, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday, adding that her ruling coalitionwould try to address this.
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EU to Focus on Trade Tensions at G20, Seek Tax on Digital Firms-Document
Resolving global trade tensions must be a top priority to preserve an expected modest rebound in global growth, European Union finance ministerswill tell G20 counterparts thisweek amid an escalating U.S.-Chinese trade conflict.
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Germany's Scholz Views G20 Meeting as Milestone for Minimum Corporate Tax
German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz told Reuters onwednesday that he expects progress in tax cooperation at a G20 meeting in Japan thisweekend as a growing number of countries support a German-French proposal for a minimum corporate tax level.
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South African Carbon Tax Introduced On June 1
On May 26, 2019, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law the Carbon Tax Act No 15 of 2019,which came into effect on June 1, 2019, as announced by the Minister of Finance in the 2019 Budget.
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Profit Split Is Tough Solution To Digital Tax, Experts Say
The profit split method stands a decent chance of becoming the internationally agreed approach to taxing the digital economy, but itwill be far from easy to apply, according to transfer pricing specialists speaking at a conference Tuesday.
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Global Digital Economy Work Partly a Product of U.S. Tax Overhaul
The 2017 tax overhaul "set the stage" for U.S. participation in the OECD'swork to adapt global tax rules to the digitalization of the economy said Brian Jenn, Treasury's deputy international tax counsel, said at the U.S. Council for International Business/OECD International Tax Conference inwashington.
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Aim OECD Tax Work at 'Above-Normal' Profits, U.S. Official Says
Global negotiations on taxing the digital economy should focus on "reallocating out of above-normal profits," according to Lafayette "Chip" G. Harter, deputy assistant secretary of international tax affairs at Treasury.
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Achieving Global Minimum Tax at OECD a 'Slippery Slope': Harter
Establishing a global minimum tax for multinationals' foreign entities at the OECD level could become tricky as countries try to define that rate, a Treasury official said.
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Global Tax Plan Could Stifle R&D, Former Microsoft Tax Exec Says
The OECD's plan to rewrite global tax rules to give more taxing rights to additional countries could harm investment in research and development, a former vice president forworldwide tax at Microsoftwarned.
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Digital Tax Still on the Horizon for New Zealand, Official Says
New Zealand's government is still mulling adoption of a digital service tax like one being considered by several European Union countries, a senior tax official said.
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Accounting Group Calls on Senate to Ratify Bilateral Tax Treaties
The Senate should approve eight pending bilateral tax treaties, the American Institute of CPAswrote in a May 23 letter to the chair and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
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Solo Digital Taxes Exacerbate Trade Tensions, Irish Minister Says
Unilateral digital tax planswill increase trade tensions and hurt efforts to reach global consensus on how to tax the digital economy, Irish Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe said.
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Trudeau Faces Carbon Tax Fight as Alberta Prepares to End Levy
Alberta's new United Conservative Party government introduced a bill to repeal the oil-rich province's carbon tax, setting up a legal showdownwith Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over a cornerstone of his environmental policy.
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Intangibles-Focused Digital Tax Fix Most Likely From OECD: CPAs
The OECD's rewrite of global tax rules should focus on a plan that uses brand-related assets to shift more taxing rights to countrieswhere companies' consumers are, the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants said.
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Poland Says Tax Award Shouldn't Pause For Appeal In France
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A new chapter in Brazil's tax reform
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SEC filings show US MNE uncertainty over long-term impact of TCJA