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Facebook, Amazon Blast French Digital Tax In USTR Hearing
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US digital giants worried about domino effect from French DST
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U.S. Plotting Strategy to Strike Back at French Digital Services Tax
By Peter Menyasz
Canada plans to hike taxes on stock options that top-paid executives receive from large companies. The changes proposed in draft legislationwould bring Canada's tax treatment of stock options more in linewith U.S. tax treatment of options and restore the tax break's focus on helping small companies, like start-ups.
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Apple, EU Set for September Showdown Over Record Tax Bill
By Stephanie Bodoni
Apple Inc.'s 13 billion-euro ($14.4 billion) battlewith the European Union reaches the bloc's courts next month in a hearing set to throw the spotlight on antitrust commissioner Margrethe Vestager's crackdown on tax deals doled out to big companies.
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Singapore Summarizes Responses to Draft Income Tax Consultation
By Tax Analyst
The Singapore Ministry of Finance issued a summary of responses to its consultation on proposed income tax changes thatwould, among other things, increase the deemed expense ratio and clarify the revocation of tax incentive awards.
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Norway Proposes Expanded Group Contribution Deduction
By Ryan Finley
The Norwegian government has proposed amended intragroup contribution rules to complywith a ruling by the European Free Trade Association Court,which held that the regime's residence restrictions violate the right to freedom of establishment.
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An Economic Analysis of Corporations" Reserves for Tax Audit Adjustments
By Thomas Horst
Thomas Horst continues his assessment of the effect the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has had on the effective tax rates of large U.S. nonfinancial corporations based on information corporations provide in the financial statements they includewith their annual SEC Forms 10-K.
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ATO Says Tough Transfer Pricing Enforcement Approach Is Working
By Ryan Finley
The Australian Taxation Office's focused and transparent transfer pricing enforcement approach is paying off as many multinationals are abandoning high-risk arrangements and engaging more in the compliance process, according to an ATO official.
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GLOBE and the Supranational "Nudges" Affecting Domestic Tax Policy
By Lucas De Lima Carvalho
Lucas de Lima Carvalho discusses pillar 2 of the OECDwork program,which is intended to address base erosion and profit-shifting issues that have remained unresolved after the conclusion of the OECD's BEPS initiative.
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Amazon Issues Testimony for French DST Investigation
By Tax Analyst
In testimony provided regarding the U.S. Trade Representative's investigation into the French digital services tax, Peter Hiltz, director of international tax policy and planning at Amazon, outlined the negative effect of the turnover tax and the inconsistency of unilateral digital tax laws as Amazon's primary concernswith the French DST.
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Using IPA 2015 as a Model for OECD Market Intangible Consultation
Bywilliam C. Barrett
William C. Barrett proposes a profit allocation approach to match the concepts under the OECD's pillar 1with the guiding principles previously established under the base erosion and profit-shifting project.
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Treasury's Proposal on Digital Content Sales May Cause Problems
By Kristen A. Parillo
While Treasury's proposed rules for characterizing cloud computing transactions contained no big surprises, some practitioners say the draft sourcing rule for sales of digital content could present big problems for some foreign companies.
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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Opposes Tariff Response to French DST
By Annagabriella Colon
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says the French digital services tax is the result of unsound tax policy, but it has recommended dispute proceedings at thewTO rather than tariffs on French imports.
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How the Vodafone Magyarország Opinion Affects EU Debate on Turnover-Based Digital Taxes
By Leopoldo Parada
Leopoldo Parada analyzes the EU advocate general's opinion in Vodafone Magyarország, explaining how the analysis of a Hungarian telecommunications tax affects ongoing debates regarding the legality of digital turnover-based taxes unilaterally passed by member states and then presenting an alternative technique for evaluating digital services taxes.
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OECD MAP Review Calls for U.S. Treaty Changes
By Ryan Finley
The OECD has released a second peer review monitoring report on U.S. mutual agreement procedures urging the United States to promptly amend its treaties that do not meet minimum dispute resolution standards.
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CJEU to Consider Double Taxation of Dividends
By Tax Analyst
The Court of Justice of the European Union has published the reference for a case (C-403/19) onwhether EU law allows for the double taxation of dividends paid to a company subject to corporation tax in its state of residence and in another member state inwhich it must paywithholding taxes.
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U.S. Think Tank Responds to French DST Investigation
By Tax Analyst
In their response to the section 301 investigation of France's digital services tax, U.S. think tank group the Tax Foundation, outlines the structure of the French digital services tax, the impact of the tax on foreign firms, and the costs of escalation using tariffs.
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U.S. Advocacy Group Says French DST Will Hurt Innovation Ecosystem
By Tax Analyst
In their response to the U.S. Trade Representative's investigation into the French digital services tax, U.S. advocacy group Americans for Tax Reform said the French taxwill harm consumers and small businesses more than large technology companies, the French DST violates international tax policy standards, and the French DSTwill harm the innovation ecosystem.
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Observers Express Support for U.S. Investigation of French DST
By Annagabriella Colon
Joe Kennedy, senior fellow at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, is among several observerswho have expressed support for the U.S. Trade Representative's section 301 investigation of France's new digital services tax.
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Taxing the Digital Economy: Will New Zealand Tread Where Most Will Not Go?
By Adrian Sawyer
In this article, the author discusses New Zealand's proposed digital services tax, outlines the government's goals in implementing a DST, and analyzes the potential implications.
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The Concept of Substance in a Post-BEPS World
By Oliver R. Hoor
In this article, the author analyzes the importance of substance in international tax law and how it has been reshaped by the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project.
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Digital Services Taxes and Internation Equity: A Tribute to Peggy Musgrave
By Allison Christians
In this article, the author considers the late economist Peggy Musgrave and herwork's lasting influence on modern-day tax and public finance policy, especially regarding efforts to tax the digital economy.
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How Section 245A Temporary Regs Limit Dividends Received Deductions, Part 2
By Carrie Brandon Elliot
In the second part of her series, Carrie Brandon Elliot describes how the section 245A temporary regulations limit dividends received deductionswhen domestic corporate shareholders have extraordinary reductions in their CFC stock ownership.
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Inverters Return to the U.S., and Not Just for the Tax Rate
By Amanda Athanasiou
Earnings-season announcements of major pharmaceutical firms undertaking multibillion-dollar deals may be a sign of the increased flexibility enjoyed by U.S. multinationals considering cross-border mergers and acquisitions since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
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Proposed Regs Classify Cloud Computing Transactions
By Kristen A. Parillo
Treasury has issued proposed rules on classifying cloud transactions as either a provision of services or a lease of property.
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Economic Analysis: Quantifying the Benefits of Profit Shifting Under GILTI
By Martin A. Sullivan
In economic analysis, Martin A. Sullivan examines the incentives for U.S. multinational corporations to shift profit out of the United States.
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DST Proposals Get Pushback in Austria, Czech Republic
By Annagabriella Colon
Associations from Austria and the Czech Republic have criticized the digital services taxes proposed by their governments,warning that the move could be challenged as unconstitutional.
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U.K. Tech Firms Have Little Appetite for Tax Dodging, HMRC Finds
By Stephanie Soong Johnston
Many U.K digital tech businesses are against tax avoidance, and some have expressed frustrationwith the tax practices of global tech companies operating in the United Kingdom, according to new HM Revenue & Customs research.
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Paper Urges Cautious Transfer Pricing Safe Harbors for Africa
By Ryan Finley
African governments that lack the resources necessary to enforce complex transfer pricing rules should carefully design safe harbors that approximate arm's-length outcomeswhile simplifying tax administration, according to a paper released by a nongovernmental organization.
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Canada Enacts Multilateral Instrument: What Happens Next?
By Nathan Boidman and Michael N. Kandev
Nathan Boidman and Michael N. Kandev discuss Canada's ratification of the OECD's multilateral instrument, focusing on the rules of entry into force and effect of the MLI for Canada. They also consider Canada's position on the MLI and the principal purpose test.
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French Companies Suggest Tariff Alternatives to USTR
By Annagabriella Colon
The Association of Large French Companies has recommended that the U.S. trade representative postpone a final assessment concerning France's digital services tax until the OECD concludes its digital economy taxationwork in 2020.
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U.K. Lays Out Arguments Against State Aid Decision
By Annagabriella Colon
The United Kingdom asserts that the European Commission selected an artificially narrow reference frameworkwhen it found that an exemption from its controlled foreign corporation rules for intragroup financing profit constituted state aid.
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China to Grant Tax Breaks for Shanghai Free Trade Zone
Bywilliam Hoke
Qualifying businesses carrying out manufacturing and research and development in the newly expanded Shanghai Free Trade Zonewill pay income tax at a reduced rate of 15 percent, China's State Council has announced.
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EU Court to Hear U.K. Appeal of Commission CFC Group Financing Exemption Ruling
By Tax Analyst
The General Court of the European Union has published the reference for the United Kingdom's appeal (T-363/19) of a European Commission ruling that found a U.K. CFC group financing exemption constitutes unlawful state aid that benefited some U.K. companies in violation of the EU freedom of establishment.
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Formation of European Commission to Affect EU Tax Policy
By Frans Vanistendael
Frans Vanistendael discusses the recent European Parliamentary elections and the process of choosing the top EU institutional leaders,whowill set the EU tax policy agenda for the next five years.
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Digital Services Tax Plans Affect WTO Obligations, Tech Group Says
By Tax Analyst
An organization identified by Treasury as the Information Technology Industry Council has raised concernswith digital services tax (DST) proposals in several European countries, sayingwhen implemented the DSTswill infringe the EU's and the member states'wTO obligations by discriminating de facto against digital service providers from otherwTO members.
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Alberta Calls Federal Carbon Tax Unwarranted in Appeal
By Annagabriella Colon
Alberta filed legal arguments in its fight against Canada's Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act as Canada's attorney general pushed back on Saskatchewan's request to postpone the hearing of its appeal regarding the carbon tax.
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IRS to Enforce Stock-Based Compensation Rule After Altera
By Ryan Finley and Kristen A. Parillo
Despite a pending request before the Ninth Circuit for an en banc rehearing in Altera v. Commissioner, the IRSwill resume enforcement of a regulation that requires sharing of stock-based compensation costs by cost-sharing participants.
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The OECD's Digital Economy Taxing Rights Allocation Mash-Up (1)
By Tatiana Falcao
In this article, the author examines the status of the OECD'swork program on the digitalization of the economy and considerswhat a consensus solution might look like. She also discusses the potential effect of a proposed modified residual profit-split method for multinational entities on the extractive industries, analyzing a recent Nigerian transfer pricing case.
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Comparing CFC Rules Around the World
By Sebastian Duenas
In this article, the author examines controlled foreign corporation tax regimes in Japan, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Colombia, the Netherlands, China, and Spain regarding the possible expansion of existing anti-base-erosion CFC regimes or the potential adoption of a minimum tax.
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Taxing the Sharing Economy and Digital Platforms
By Yue "Daisy" Dai
In this article, the author examines how companies like Uber and Airbnb present themselves to tax authorities, how different jurisdictions respond to and tax the sharing economy, and the unique challenges of taxing platform businesses in China, the United States, and around the globe.
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How Section 245A Temporary Regs Limit Dividends Received Deductions
By Carrie Brandon Elliot
Carrie Brandon Elliot reviews how new section 245A temporary regulations curtail section 245A's participation exemption for distributions of E&P earned after the transition tax final measurement date but before the effective date of GILTI.
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DOJ Claims Calculating Transition Tax Doesn't Give Suit Standing
By Andrew Velarde
As litigation over the validity of the transition tax regs advances, the Justice Department is continuing to fight the taxpayer's attempt to establish standing through incurred compliance costs.
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Former Foreign Tax Officials Say Altera Threatens Treaty System
By Ryan Finley
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Gaps in the TCJA Guidance
By Mindy Herzfeld
Mindy Herzfeld continues her series on guidance interpreting the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, focusing on questions left unresolved by final and proposed regulations.
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Facebook, Google, Twitter Reveal Tax Hit From Altera Ruling
Google, Facebook and Twitter have taken a combined $1.6 billion income tax hit from June's Ninth Circuit decision to reinstate IRS rules requiring related parties in intercompany cost-sharing arrangements to share stock-based compensation expenses, recent SEC filings show. The Silicon Valley powerhouseswere among major tech industry players to disclose, in financial statements to investors via the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, negative effects from the appeals court's opinion in Altera Corp. v. Commissioner.
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Blockchain could create tax certainty in transactional taxes
In-house blockchain experts and consultants say companies and tax authorities can use distributed ledger technology to report and administer transactional taxes as real-time reporting increases.
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Some Irish Debt Issuance Is Tax Driven, Report Says
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Facebook Digital Currency Faces Potential Tax Woes
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Mexico to Adjust Tax Framework to Realities of Digital Economy
Mexico's governmentwill propose adjusting the tax system to address the "realities" of the digital economy and e-commercewhen the 2020 budget is presented in September, Finance Ministry official Francisco Arias said onwednesday. Arias said that no new taxeswill be created and that existing taxeswill not be increased, but the governmentwill aim to incorporate more taxpayers.