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AG Says Progressive Turnover Taxes Don't Violate EU Law
By Ryan Finley
In a case that may affect future digital services tax challenges, a new advocate general opinion says that Hungary's progressive turnover tax does not violate the EU's freedom of establishment or state aid laws.
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Talks on BEPS 2.0 Deal Moving Fast, OECD Tax Chief Says
By Andrew Goodall
International discussions for consensus on a solution to tax the digital economy are progressing quickly, according to the OECD's tax chief,who stressed the need for political agreement as soon as possible.
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Extending Section 267A to Reverse Hybrids
By Carrie Brandon Elliot
Carrie Brandon Elliot describes how the section 267A proposed regulations apply to reverse hybridswhich are not covered by the statute.
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Treasury's Fantasy of an Integrated International System
By Mindy Herzfeld
In news analysis, Mindy Herzfeld discusses the recent temporary and proposed section 245A regulations that Treasury says are needed to prevent taxpayer abuse of the integrated international tax system put in place by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
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Australian Government Poised to Secure $110 Bln Tax Cut Plan
Australia's conservative government is close to securing enough votes to pass sweeping tax cuts after independent lawmakers said on Tuesday theywere poised to strike an agreementwith Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
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G-20 Considers 'Defensive Measures' Against Tax Havens
The G-20 leaders have said that "defensive measures" are being considered against jurisdictions, including Turkey and some Caribbean islands, that have not put tax transparency standards in place.
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Dutch Bill Aimed At Ending Exploitation Of Tax Rule Variances
The Netherlands intends to end hybrid mismatchesÔøΩ arrangements that take advantage of differences in countries' rules to avoid taxÔøΩ the Dutch government said in a statement Tuesday after legislationwas sent to the House of Representatives.
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Facebook ups the ante for global cryptocurency tax framework
The launch of Facebook's Libra currency and discussions at the G20 Summit about financial fraud and tax evasionwith digital assets has 'lit a fire under policymakers' to develop better regulatory responses.
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Portugal implements ATAD
Francisco Cabral Matos and Rita Pereira de Abreu of Vieira de Almeida & Associados explain how the EU Anti-TAx Avoidance Directive (ATAD) is being implemented in Portugal.
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X GmbH: German CFC Rules Upheld by CJEU in Absence of Exchange of Information Provision
By Tom O'shea
Tom O'shea examines the Court of Justice of the European Union's judgment in X GmbH v. Germany, inwhich the Court upheld the application of German controlled foreign corporation rules regarding a Swiss company owned by X GmbH.
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U.K. to Adopt EU Tax Dispute Settlement System Before Year-End
By Stephanie Soong Johnston
Although the United Kingdom has missed the deadline to transpose an EU directive setting out a new tax dispute resolution mechanism, it expects to adopt it before the end of the year,with retroactive effect.
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India's New Profit Attribution Proposal and the Arm's-Length Standard
By Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Ajitesh Kir
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Ajitesh Kir discuss a recent Indian public consultation document on amending the rules for profit attribution to permanent establishments and askwhether it might indicate a larger movement away from the arm's-length standard toward a unitary tax system.
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U.K. Lawmakers to Test Crown Dependencies" Transparency Promises
By Stephanie Soong Johnston
The British crown dependencies' pledges to pass legislation by 2023 to publish their beneficial ownership registers seem like a transparencywin, but U.K. lawmakerswill test those promises before decidingwhether to pass enforcement legislation.
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Federal Carbon Tax Constitutional, Ontario Court of Appeal Holds
By Annagabriella Colon
The Court of Appeal for Ontario in a 4-1 decision held that Canada's Parliament had the constitutional authority to enact the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act to address matters of national concern.
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U.K. Drafts Double Taxation Dispute Resolution Regs
By Tax Analyst
HM Revenue & Customs has issued the draft Double Taxation Dispute Resolution Regulations 2019,whichwould implement Council Directive (EU) 2017/1852 of October 10, 2017, on tax dispute resolution mechanisms in the EU; interested parties should respond by August 27.
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Glencore Vows to Consolidate or Eliminate Tax Haven Subsidiaries
Bywilliam Hoke
Glencore PLC, one of theworld's largest natural resources and commodities firms, said it is reviewing its use of subsidiaries in tax havenswith the intention of consolidating or eliminating as many as possible.
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Cross-Border Tax Dispute Settlement System Launches in Europe (1)
By Jennifer Mcloughlin
A new mechanism designed to facilitate faster resolution of tax disputes between EU member states took effect July 1.
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G-20 Leaders Greenlight OECD BEPS 2.0 Roadmap
By Stephanie Soong Johnston
Leaders of theworld's biggest economies endorsed the OECD's "ambitiouswork program" to get global agreement on a solution to tax the digital economy by 2020, promising to intensify their efforts to reach that goal.
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EU Issues Nike State Aid Opening Decision
By Tax Analyst
The European Commission has issued an opening decision for Nike's European tax arrangements, finding that the Netherlands' advance pricing agreements to two Dutch companieswere based on flawed applications of the transactional net margin method and therefore constituted state aid.
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Luxembourg Issues Updated Patent Box Guidance
By Ryan Finley
Luxembourg's tax administration has released a circularwith guidance on the country's amended patent box regime adopted in 2018, including details on the asset and income eligibility rules and documentation requirements.
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Finnish EU Presidency Favors Global Solution to Digital Taxation
By Teri Sprackland
Digital taxation remains the most contentious issue as the EU Council presidency shifts from Romania to Finland,which favors an OECD-led approach.
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Dutch Conduits Cut MNEs" Royalty Taxes by 1.2 Billion Euro a Year
Bywilliam Hoke
Routing royalty payments through Dutch special purpose entities allowed multinational enterprises to avoid roughly 1.2 billion Euro of tax a year, according to a recently published academic study.
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EU Tax-to-GDP Ratio Is Up Again
By Amanda Athanasiou
EU tax revenueswere higher in 2017 than in the previous decade, and the tax burden on labor hit a historic high that year, according to a new report on tax trends across the EU.
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G-20 Leadership Needed to Forge Path Toward BEPS 2.0 Accord
By Stephanie Soong Johnston
Countries face difficult obstacles as theywork toward a unified approach on the reallocation of taxing rights, but G-20 political leadershipwill be necessary for a global solution in 2020, the OECD's chief said.
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Hybrid Regulations: Overreach or Underdone?
By Carrie Brandon Elliot
Carrie Brandon Elliot reviews how the unintended consequences of hybrid regulations can reflect overreach as applied to notional interest deductions and group relief, and incompleteness as applied to inclusions under the global intangible low-taxed income and subpart F regimes.
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Tax heads: DSTs are not illegal or discriminatory
A panel of tax experts surveyed by International Tax Review say digital services taxes (DSTs) are distortive and must be temporary - but few thought theywere illegal or discriminatory.
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The negative aspects of ICAP
While feedback on the International Compliance Assurance Program (ICAP) has been overwhelmingly positive, unsurprisingly,the first pilot did encounter some teething problems.
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Senate Panel Approves 4 Bilateral Tax Treaties
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday approved four bilateral tax treaties, rejecting an effort by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., to include more privacy protections for Americans in the agreements. The committee approved by voice vote tax treatieswith Spain, Switzerland, Japan and Luxembourg and voted down Paul's proposed amendment to the bilateral treatywith Spain thatwould have raised the standard the U.S. government must meet to request or share taxpayer information under the agreement.
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Companies Win - Somewhat - as Treasury Trims Reach of Minimum Tax
Businesses are getting helpÔøΩbut not everything theywantedÔøΩas the Treasury Department addresses one of the biggest corporate frustrationswith the 2017 tax law. Under a new rule proposed earlier this month, Treasurywould make it easier to escape a minimum U.S. tax thatwas supposed to hit only companieswith low foreign taxes but also ended up affecting those operating in high-tax countries. Once the rule is final, U.S.-based companies could choose to have subsidiarieswith tax rates of at least 18.9% excluded from that minimum tax.
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OECD won't rush ICAP expansion despite scheme's popularity
The OECD's Achim Pross says his ultimate aim is to expand the International Compliance Assurance Programme (ICAP), but companies may be disappointed to learn that it could be a relatively slow process.
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Americans Demand Climate Action (as Long as It Doesn't Cost Much): Reuters Poll
Nearly 70 percent of Americans, including a majority of Republicans,want the United States to take "aggressive" action to combat climate change - but only a thirdwould support an extra tax of $100 a year to help, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll releasedwednesday.
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G20 Will Discuss Minimum Tax for IT Companies: Germany
A compromise position on minimum levels of corporate taxation for IT companieswill be discussed at thisweekend's G20 meeting of leading economies in Japan, a German government official said onwednesday, adding that their hopewas that final agreements could be reached by the end of 2020.
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Dutch Government Presents Measures to Cut Carbon Emissions
The Dutch government presented Friday awide-ranging raft of measures ÔøΩ from a carbon tax for business to more bicycle parking at railway stations ÔøΩ that aim to slash by a half by 2030 the Netherlands' emission of carbon.
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Few expect digital tax breakthrough by 2020
Tax experts have told ITR that they do not expect the OECD to achieve consensus on new tax rules by 2020, or maybe ever.
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Hungary Hooks European Court's Approval of Advertising Levy
By Jennifer Mcloughlin
The European Commission fell short in swaying support for its decision that Hungary's progressive advertising tax violated EU state aid rules.
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GILTI, Subpart F Regimes Warrant Legislative Consideration
By Emily L. Foster
Congress should contemplate legislation to address policy issues regarding the 2017 tax law's international tax regime, pending the release of tax return data and the OECD's proposal on minimum taxes, according to a congressional staffer.
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FTT Countries Could Receive at Least €20 Million Each
By Elodie Lamer
France and Germany have proposed a method for the "mutualization" of financial transaction tax revenues thatwould ensure that each of the 10 participating countrieswould get at least ÔøΩ20 million.
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U.K. Government Appeals Against EU State Aid Decision on CFCs
By Andrew Goodall
The United Kingdom government has appealed against the European Commission's decision that an exemption from the U.K. controlled foreign company rules for intragroup interest granted a selective advantage and constituted state aid.
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French Lawmakers Reach Compromise to Advance DST
By Stephanie Soong Johnston and Teri Sprackland
France's Senate and National Assembly have ironed out compromise legislation for a digital services tax,which includes a provision seeking clarification onwhether the European Commissionwould raise state aid issues.
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U.S. Congress Looks to Roll Back Executive Tariff Authority
By Annagabriella Colon
Congress may step in to reevaluate and limit the constitutional authority it has been sharingwith the executive branch regarding tariffs, and Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., said he expects bipartisan support for a restriction.
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EU Divided Over Minimum Effective Taxation
By Elodie Lamer
Both the European Parliament and the EU Council cannot agree internallywhether to further discuss the need for minimum effective taxation.
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Treasury Releases P&G Presentation for OECD Working Group Discussion
By Tax Analyst
Treasury has released a draft slide presentation submitted by Procter & Gamble for discussion purposeswith an OECDworking group.
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Fix Needed for Treatment of NOL Taxpayers Under BEAT Regs
By Tax Analyst
Treasury has released an individual's alternative proposal for the treatment of pre-2018 net operating loss taxpayers, asserting that the current section 59A regulations place otherwise identically situated taxpayers in significantly different economic positions for base erosion antiabuse tax purposes solely through the presence or absence of a net operating loss.
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Individual Raises Issues With FDII, GILTI Regs
ByTax Analyst
Treasury has released an individual's comments that address issues under proposed foreign derived intangible income and global intangible low-taxed income regulations (REG-104464-18) regarding person and foreign use requirements in some situations and the foreign use exploitation rule.
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Taxpayers Encouraged to "Kick Tires" of GILTI High-Tax Exclusion
By Jennifer Mcloughlin
U.S. officials selected the prospective effective date for a proposed high-tax exclusion under the global intangible low-taxed income provision to allow time to test the exception.
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Taxpayers Encouraged to "Kick Tires" of GILTI High-Tax Exclusion (1)
By Jennifer Mcloughlin
U.S. officials selected the prospective effective date for a proposed high-tax exclusion under the global intangible low-taxed income provision to allow time to test the exception.
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IRS's GILTI Partnership Pivot Could Mean Big Changes
By H.David Rosenbloom
The IRS and Treasury's change of approach in newly proposed regs navigating partnerships under the global intangible low-taxed income provision could result in significantly less income inclusions for some taxpayers.
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GILTI Regs Make Room for High-Tax Exclusion
By H.David Rosenbloom
The proposed regulationswould allow domestic shareholders of a CFC to elect to exclude from gross tested income amounts that have been subject to foreign tax at an effective rate that exceeds 90 percent of the U.S. rate.
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EU FTT Is a "Political Laboratory," Moscovici Says
By H.David Rosenbloom
Reaching an agreement on a financial transaction tax (FTT)would serve as a "political and institutional laboratory," said EU Tax Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, noting itwould mark the first tax directive adopted through enhanced cooperation.
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T Danmark: A Milestone CJEU Decision on Abuse of the Parent-Subsidiary Directive
By H.David Rosenbloom
the author examines two cases regardingwithholding tax exemptions on dividend and interest payments recently resolved by the Court of Justice of the European Union.