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What is happening with the tax treatment of foreign insurance undertakings?
Public information contained in the official register of the Spanish insurance supervisor states that there are 77 insurance and reinsurance undertakings operating in Spain under the EU freedom of establishment regime. Most - if not all - of these foreign insurers are subject to non-resident income tax under the regime for permanent establishments in Spain. Under that regime,without prejudice towhat is established in the applicable tax treaty, they must pay corporate income tax on all of the income obtained through their permanent establishments in Spain. Until recently, the tax position of foreign insurers' PEswent unchallenged, but that peace of mind has gone since the Spanish tax agency started an 'audit campaign' in relation to those PEs, unexpectedly resulting in big headaches for tax managers.
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"Digital Services Tax" - Taxation Fit for the Digital Age?
The new tax on digital services announced in the U.K. Autumn Budget 2018 raises many questions around its implementation and application.
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EU Plan to Tax Facebook, Amazon Heads for Brussels Showdown
A scrap among European Union countries over a proposed tax on tech giants is set to resume on Tuesday,when finance ministers try to strike a balance between luring business and addressing popular discontent about companies not paying their fair share.
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Lockheed Martin, Others Want Tax Perk for Foreign Military Sales
Lockheed Martin Corp. and fellow defense industry giantswant to know if foreign military sales are eligible for a tax deduction aimed at increasing U.S. exports. The 2017 tax overhaul includes a tax break to encourage companies to export U.S.-made goods, known as the foreign-derived intangible income deduction, but the lawwaswritten in away that doesn't make it clearwhether income from foreign military sales qualifies for the deduction, given that the U.S. government acts as an intermediary in the sales.
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The global hunt to tax Big Tech
Philip Hammond, a man so detail-focused as to have earned the nickname "spreadsheet Phil", looks an unlikelywarrior in the latest "tech-lash". But thisweek the UK's chancellor of the exchequer joined the vanguard of finance ministers fighting back against tax arbitrage by theworld's largest technology companies.
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Digital services tax is credit negative for tech giants - Moody's
Britain's proposed "digital services tax"would reduce the cash flow of big tech companies for years to come and scale back the benefits accrued from US President Donald Trump's tax cuts, according to credit rating agency Moody's.
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New Zealand Mulling Short-Term Options to Tax Digital Economy
As discussions on a long-term global solution continue, New Zealand has joined the ranks of countries exploring interim measures to tax the digital economy, asking its tax officials for advice.
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IRS Still Weighing Quirks of Anti-Grecian Magnesite Rule
The IRS is aware of apparent anomalies created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's (P.L. 115-97) new provisions on foreign partners' gains from a U.S. partnership andwill continue to examine how to address them.
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News Analysis: BEAT and Banks
Banks got awhack in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97). Although industrial multinationals of all parentage initially complained about the base erosion and antiabuse tax, they quickly figured out how to prevent deductible payments to foreign related parties from exceeding 3 percent of their group deductions. It's hard to avoid BEAT for bankswith cross-border operations,whose U.S. affiliates make deductible payments to foreign related parties all day long. Two panels at the recent American Bar Association Section of Taxation joint fall CLE meeting in Atlanta considered the problems.
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From Farms to Pharma, What the Midterms Mean for Business
From taxes to trade, this year's midterm electionswill have an impact on a range of issues facing American corporations. The Trump administrationwants to make permanent new income tax cuts for individuals passed last year, a move thatwall Street analysts say could bolster consumer confidence and lift prospects for retailers, auto makers, tech firms and other consumer-goods companies.
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The Problems With Britain's New Digital Tax
The UK's finance minister has taken the plungewith a new plan for taxing technology giants ÔøΩ but it is flawed. The digital-services tax appears to target Amazon, Facebook and the Alphabet business Google. All of those companies have been criticized for shifting revenue and costs between jurisdictions, allowing them to minimize profitwhere taxwould otherwise be burdensome. Operating in the virtualworld ÔøΩ andwith the resources available to three of the six largest public companies on the planet ÔøΩ makes that easier than for traditional businesses that have a physical presence.
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Australian Debt-Equity Test Doesn't Limit Transfer Pricing Rules
A draft ruling by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)would prevent taxpayers from shielding related-party debt from transfer pricing adjustments orwithholding tax by claiming that Australia's debt-equity characterization ruleswould treat it as equity.
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EU makes new offer to reluctant states on digital tax: document
European Union finance ministerswill discuss nextweek awatered down proposal on an EU-wide digital tax, a document seen by Reuters shows, trying to persuade reticent governments to agree on the plan by the end of the year.
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Germany rejects call for tax cuts as revenues head towards $tn
German finance minister Olaf Scholz has rebuffed calls from the country's business leaders for corporate tax cuts, despite new figures showing that tax revenueswill continue to rise sharply.
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US tax cut said to have little impact on investment
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Brazil's President Elect Pledges Hefty Corporate Tax Cut
Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's president elect, has a bold tax plan including a flat 20 percent corporate tax rate.
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Tax Policy Could Undermine Israel's IP Outreach
Israel's tax authority is coming under criticism from tax advisers for undermining efforts to encourage more multinational investment in Israeli technology companies.
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EU Makes New Offer to Reluctant States on Digital Tax: Document (1)
European Union finance ministerswill discuss nextweek awatered down proposal on an EU-wide digital tax trying to persuade reticent governments to agree on the plan by the end of the year.
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Beyond U.K., Google and Tech Peers See Rising Tax Tide
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Merkel's Adieu Opens Door for Tax Reform Successor
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$405M in Cognizant Funds Tied Up in India Tax Dispute
IT giant Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. faces continued troubles over a tax disputewith Indian authorities that has tied up $405 million. India's tax authority is seeking the equivalent of $455 million in taxes originating from a disputed 2016 share buyback.
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Unbundling Your Way out of BEAT - Can Cost Allocations Make a Difference?
As companies close their first tax year following the TCJA, many multinational firms are planning around new provisions thatwill impact their intercompany transactions. One area that is attracting significant attention is the new BEAT provision and how the identification and classification of intercompany expenses can minimize its potential effects. This articlewill summarize the BEAT provision and discuss tax and transfer pricing considerationswhen determining the appropriate allocation of intercompany expenses.
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House's Top Tax Writer Slams U.K. Digital Tax for Aim at U.S.
Houseways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) called the U.K.'s new cross-border digital services tax troublesome, saying itwould prompt the U.S. to review its own tax and regulatory approaches in global markets.
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Profit Shifting Before and After the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
In recent years, estimates of profit shifting by multinational companies have indicated substantial revenue costs to the U.S. government, likely in excess of $100 billion per year. The TCJA has changed the climate for profit shifting in several importantways: the lower U.S. corporate rate should lower the incentive to shift profits away from the United States,while "territorial" tax treatment (of some income) and the removal of tax upon repatriation should raise the incentive to shift profits abroad. This paper evaluates tax law changes under the TCJA, discussing their likely effect on the magnitude of profit shifting.
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Businesses Write EU Finance Ministers to Oppose Digital Services Tax
A group of 15 European businesses havewritten a letter to EU finance ministers about their "serious concerns" about the proposed digital services tax,which they saywould deprive businesses of an essential source of capital and subsequentlyweaken their ability to compete in the global economy.
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Tax Academic Defends Merits of Digital Services Tax
Despite growing opposition to the digital services tax (DST) concept being floated in the EU, one Canada-based academic sees a clear case for it as away to tax location-specific rent that digital platforms earn.
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Brady Threatens U.S. Action in Wake of U.K. Digital Tax Proposal
The United States is prepared to act if the United Kingdom and other countries press aheadwith digital services taxes (DSTs),which are attempts to grab extra revenue, a top U.S. House taxwriter has said.
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Proposed Regs Reduce Income Inclusions for Some CFC Shareholders
The IRS has issued proposed regulations (REG-114540-18) that reduce the amount determined under section 956 for some domestic corporations that own, or are treated as owning, stock in foreign corporations.
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IRS Changes Course on Taxing CFC Investment in U.S. Property
When it comes to changes in long-standing policy of taxation of a controlled foreign corporation's investment in U.S. property, the IRS and Treasury have proven that big things come in small packages.
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General Dynamics Seeks Regs on 'Foreign Use' Requirement
Kenneth Hayduk of General Dynamics has requested guidance providing that documents typically created in the ordinary course of a taxpayer's business are sufficient to establish a presumption of foreign use to satisfy the foreign use requirement in section 250(b)(4)(A)(ii).
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U.S. Chamber Seeks Cooperation With EU on Digital Services Tax
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has urged Treasury to redouble its efforts to get the European Union to engage in multilateral discussions regarding any plan for a digital services tax, saying in part that proposals from individual EU member states improperly target large American technology companies.
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U.S. Antitrust Law and EU State Aid: A Common Endeavor?
In this article, the author discusses trade and competition and compares U.S. efforts to regulate monopolieswith EU attempts to regulate state aid.
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U.K. Budget Is a 'Gamble' With Public Finances, Think Tank Says
U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond's budgetwas "a bit of a gamble" that offered "sticking plasters rather than long-term solutions" to tax issues, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).
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U.S. Downward Attribution Change May Wreak Havoc With Info Reporting
The potential parade of horribles from changes to the U.S. downward attribution rule continues to grow as new anxieties arise over the burdens it imposes on information reporting andwithholding.
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Revision Coming to GILTI CFC Inclusion Date Definition
The IRSwill revise the inclusion date definitionwithin its guidance on the global intangible low-taxed income provision, according to an official.
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Contextualizing the History of Subpart F
In this report, Ram discusses the history of the enactment of subpart F and reviews crucial documents and ideas that helped shape it.
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U.K. Autumn Budget 2018 - Four Key Business Tax Changes
Looking behind the headlines from the Chancellor's speech, the U.K. government's Budget sets out a number of important tax changes for business. Has the U.K.'s business tax code become more complex as a result of the Budget measures?
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Here's the U.K. Tax Big Tech Really Needs to Worry About
While tech companies and investors digested the finality of a digital services tax, announced in the U.K.'s budget, the fact that the government quietly amended its royaltieswithholding tax ruleswithin its 106-page red Budget book escaped their attention. Now, U.K. income linked to intellectual property in low-tax regionswill be taxedwhichwill further effect tech firms already hurting from digital services tax.
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Pfizer's 3Q Profit, Up Due to Tax Cut, Beats Expectations
Pfizer posted a 45 percent jump in third-quarter profit, as it benefited from sharply lower taxes due to this year's federal tax cut and slightly higher revenue.
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A Chinese Auto Tax Cut Wouldn't Solve the Car Industry's Big Problems
China may try to dress thewounds of global carmakers, but itwill be able to provide little more than a Band-Aid. The country's top economic-planning body is consideringwhether to cut in half the 10% tax that customers pay on new cars thereÔøΩthat might help prop up falling demand, but the industry has bigger problems.
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Britain to Target Online Giants With New 'Digital Services Tax'
Britain said itwould tax the revenue that online platforms such as Google, Facebook and Amazon make in the country to update a system that had not kept pacewith changing digital business models.
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U.K. Issues Digital Services Tax Brief
HM Treasury has issued a brief regarding the 2 percent tax on the revenues of specific digital businesseswhose revenues are linked to the participation of U.K. users; the taxwill take effect April 2020 barring a globally agreed solution on digital economy taxation.
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ABA Members Craft Recommendations for Transition Tax Regs
The American Bar Association Section of Taxation has requested changes to proposed transition tax regulations (REG-104226-18), focusing its comments on passthrough entities and individuals (but not S corporations), the netting of accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign incomewith deficits in other related entities, and the foreign tax credit.
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Tax Outlook Murky After Brazil Elects Populist President
Although Brazilians have elected a new president, some practitioners and analysts say it's not clearwhether the country's controversial new leader can deliver on his ambitious tax plans, or evenwhat his specific plans are.
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Dutch Government Proposes EU-Compliant Anti-Hybrid Rules
The government of the Netherlands has launched a six-week consultation on legislation targeting hybrid mismatches ÔøΩ including the infamous Dutch CV/BV structure ÔøΩ in linewith the EU's second anti-tax-avoidance directive.
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U.K. Corporate Tax Avoidance Study Under Fire
A new report estimates that five U.S. multinational technology companies avoided a combined £5 billion in U.K. tax over the last several years, but at least one commentator says the report's conclusions are dubious.
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Digital Services Tax Not Covered by Tax Treaties, EU Argues
EU member states in favor of the European Commission's proposal for a digital services tax (DST) are trying to demonstrate that the taxwould not fallwithin the scope of member states' tax treaties.
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UK to introduce 'Google tax' in 2020
The U.K. moved on Monday to extract more tax from the likes of Google and Facebook, even as London pushes aggressively to make itself aswelcoming as possible to the tech industry as the country prepares to leave the European Union next year.
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U.K. Goes It Alone With Digital Tax Pending OECD Solution
The U.K. government plans on introducing a new digital services tax (DST) in April 2020 ÔøΩ butwould consider dropping the tax if a globally agreed solution on digital economy taxation emerges from the OECD's discussions.
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You Say Harmful, I Say Harmless: Countries Take a Closer Look at the FDII
Ever since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act introduced the term "foreign-derived intangible income" (FDII) into the popular tax lexicon, there's been some disagreement about how to pronounce the acronym ÔøΩ so much so that even the national media took note.