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Pfizer News Hasn't Accelerated Earnings Stripping Guidance
Despite news that Pfizer Inc. is considering inverting to engage in a debt push-down strategy thatwould generate interest deductions allowing the pharmaceutical company to reduce its U.S. tax bill, Treasury's position on future earnings stripping guidance hasn't changed since the IRS issued its 2014 anti-inversion notice.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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OECD warns business: Playtime is over
The time of gaming the international tax system is over for big business, following the endorsement of the OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project
For the economia story, go here.
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LONG READ: dispute resolution in BEPS - the good, the bad and the absent
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OECD Global Forum presses forward on transparency at Barbados meeting
The latest meeting of the OECD's Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes took place in Bridgetown, Barbados between October 29 and October 31.
For the ITR story, go here.
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When U.S. firms decide to desert the country, we all pay a price
When I contemplate the spectacle of a New York City company combiningwith a company based in Parsippany, N.J., to form a company based in Ireland, I can't decidewhether to laugh or rant. So Iwill do a little of both.
What I'm talking about, of course, is the attempt by New York-based Pfizer to lower its income tax bills by buying New Jersey-based Allergan,which is a faux-Irish firm nominally based in Dublin. Pfizerwould become an Irish company, presumably called Pfizer PLC.
Polite people call this a corporate inversion ÔøΩ but I call it desertion. Pfizerwants to keep all the benefits of being in the United States ÔøΩ our rule of law, deep financial markets, great places for employees to live, first-rate education systems ÔøΩwithout having to pay for them.
For thewashington Post story, go here.
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EU Reportedly Eyeing Dutch Rulings for Microsoft, Pfizer, Kraft, GlaxoSmithKline
The European Commission is reportedly investigating Dutch tax rulings for Microsoft Corp., Pfizer Inc., GlaxoSmithKline PLC, and Kraft Foods Inc. (now Mondelez International Inc.), but neither the commission nor the Dutch Ministry of Financewould confirm the information reported by a Dutch newspaper.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)
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EU Reviews Dutch Deals With Microsoft, Kraft, Pfizer, Glaxo
Dutch government tax rulings signedwith Microsoft Corp., Kraft Foods Inc. and pharmaceutical companies Pfizer Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Plc are among more than 300 being reviewed for offering illegal state aid. According to officials, the EU is seeking to determinewhether they provide the kind of illegal transfer pricing arrangements and corporate tax rate reductions the Netherlands gave to Starbucks Corp.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Treasury: Earnings Stripping Considered in Inversions Work
The government is exploring its options on the controversial area of earnings stripping as itworks on regulations to implement the anti-inversions Notice 2014-52, a senior Treasury Department official said.
Douglas Poms, senior counsel in the Treasury Office of International Tax Counsel, said the agency continues to consider earnings stripping possibilities "in a manner consistentwith the notice," but no definite course of action has been decided, includingwhether earnings stripping might be addressed as part of the inversions guidance now underway.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Treasury Open to Goodwill Exception When Abuse Is Unlikely
Treasury is open to narrowing its rule that eliminated the foreign goodwill exception in the context of recognition of gain upon outbound transfers so that such an elimination does not apply in cases inwhich there is no likelihood of abuse, a Treasury official said November 4.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Higher tax burden on M&A transactions in Brazil
As Brazil endures economic and political instability, the valuation of businesses for M&A purposes is suffering.
For the ITR story, go here.
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Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
The OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes has issued a statement of outcomes on its October 29-30 meeting held in Bridgetown, Barbados, duringwhich participants reiterated their commitment to implementing automatic information exchange and agreed on a framework for the next round of peer reviews.
For the summary, go here.
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Fifty Shades of Tax Dodging: the EU's role in supporting an unjust global tax system
Eurodad has issued a report on the role of the European Union and its member states in supporting an unjust tax system, finding that the EU continues to allow awide range of options for tax dodging by multinational corporations and excludes developing countries from decision-making processes regarding international tax standards.
For the report, go here.
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Maruca: Weak U.S. Transfer Pricing Enforcement Led to BEPS
An international tax climate that has grown increasingly hostile to U.S. multinationals is an outgrowth of corporate tax planning strategies run amokÔøΩand enabled by ineffective transfer pricing enforcement, a former IRS official said.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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U.S. Ranks As Top Tax Haven, Refusing To Share Tax Data Despite FATCA
Over the last seven years, America has flexed its muscles at tax havens everywhere.withSchwarzenegger-like bulk, the U.S. has crushedSwiss banks and rootedout U.S. account holdersworldwide.with its ambitious FATCA undertaking, the U.S. has cowed theworld into submission. making foreign banks and foreign governments handoverwhatwould be secret bank data about depositors.
Yet ironically, a new reportby the Tax Justice Network says that the U.S. doesn't practicewhat it preaches. Indeed, the report ranks America as one of theworst. How bad?worse than the Cayman Islands.
For the Forbes story, go here.
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Lower tax rates, territorial regime are still priorities, former Ways & Means chair tells AICPA
Measures he championed in a comprehensive tax reform bill in Congress last year are still needed to grow the U.S. economy and improve its global competitiveness, former Rep. Dave Camp told AICPA members Monday at the 2015 National Tax Conference inwashington.
For the Journal of Accountancy story, go here.
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Federal Claims Appeals: redetermined foreign taxes relate back to the year incurred, not the year when finalized
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Japan's distance-selling VAT regime a mystery to foreign companies
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News Analysis: Bitcoin: Currency or Property; Tangible or Intangible?
Ajay Gupta compares the Court of Justice of the European Union's recent ruling that bitcoin is currency for EU VAT purposeswith IRS Notice 2014-21 declaring the cryptocurrency to be property, and considers how to determine its situs for U.S. transfer tax purposes.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)
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A Pharmacist's Dirty Socks Are Key to Cutting Pfizer Tax Bill
In 1968, McClay started a drug company in Craigavon, a half-hour's drive from Belfast. Not one to stand on ceremony, he sometimes held employee meetingswhile he peeled potatoes in the company kitchen. After McClay took his Galen Holdings public in 1997, he became one of his country's most active philanthropists andwas knighted by the Queen.
But his company may have a bigger impact than McClay,who died in 2010, everwould have guessed. Galen has turned into a vessel that has allowed four successively larger American drug companies to pull their operations out from under the U.S. tax regime. Pfizer, theworld's largest drug company, could be the fifth to renounce its U.S. corporate citizenship and reduce its corporate taxes.
For the Bloomberg story, go here.
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OECD issues final report with recommendations on a best practice approach to interest limitation rules (BEPS Action 4)
The OECD has published its final report on the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) Action Plan item 4 dealingwith interest deductibility. The aim of Action 4 is to produce recommendations for best practice rules to prevent BEPS through the use of interest expense, although they do not represent a minimum standard.
For the PwC Tax Policy Bulletin, gohere.
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U.S. Tax Review -- Part 1
In the first of a two-part article, James P. Fuller comments on U.S. tax developmentswith international implications, focusing this month on the 13 base erosion and profit-shifting final reports released by the OECD October 5.
For the TNI article, go here. (subscription required)
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News Analysis: Spinning China and Tracking Clouds -- Yum and Dell
Mindy Herzfeld reviews the tax aspects of two recently announced business deals -- the Yum! Brands Inc. spinoff of its Chinese business and Dell Inc.'s proposed acquisition of EMC Corp. -- and discusses how the base erosion and profit shifting final reports might lead to unintended consequences.
For the TNI article, go here. (subscription required)
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IRS Offers Audit Approach for Foreign Base Company Income
The IRS issues its agents a slew of training materials on foreign areasÔøΩsuch as the treatment of foreign base company sales and services incomeÔøΩin seven new international practice units. The units are intended to teach agents about how to approach and audit cross-border issues.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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News Analysis: The Impact of BEPS Implementation for U.S. Tax Planning
In news analysis, Marie Sapirie says that the effect on U.S. multinationals of the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting projectwill depend on the degree of consistency achieved in implementing the proposed changes.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)
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Economic Analysis: Should We Promote or Punish Excess Profits?
In economic analysis, Martin A. Sullivan notes the growing interest in taxing normal and excess profits differently, and he sorts out the confusion overwhether excess profits should be penalized or promoted by examining the different reasons excess profits arise and the policy implications of those reasons.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)
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News Analysis: How Much Trouble Can Cash Management Be?
In news analysis, Lee A. Sheppard discusses how the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project can change cash management in Europe and affect income stripping using loans.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)
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Pfizer deal provokes further anger over tax inversions
The Obama administration is moving towards finalising measures to deter mergers designed to slash US companies' taxes as further outrage over the deals is stoked by Pfizer, the drugmaker.
After a 13-monthwait, the US Treasury could announce a second round of action to deter the inversion deals before the end of this year, saywell-connectedwashington tax experts.
For the Financial Times story, go here.
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Patent Boxes and the Location and Amount of Income From Intangibles
Philip Morrison of McDermottwill & Emery looks at how efforts of multinationals to shield intangible property income from U.S. taxation have evolved, and questions the potential impact of proposed "patent box" legislation intended to encourage domestic R&D.
For the BNA Insight, go here. (subscription required)
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Film Decrying International Tax Avoidance Premieres in U.S.
The U.S. premiere in New York on October 28 of the film The Pricewe Pay,which documentswhat the director says iswidespread tax avoidance by multinational enterprises,was followed by a panel discussion inwhich the participants said serious steps must be taken to allow shortchanged governments to meet vital social need
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Pending Treaties Adopt U.S., International Standards, Says Stack
Currently pending amendments to the Switzerland-U.S. tax treatywould allow for information exchange between tax authorities under a broader range of circumstances, according to testimony provided at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing October 29.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Officials Explain Rationale Behind Partnership Subpart F Regs
Moving between the various portions of recently issued regs that seek to address issues regarding subpart F inclusion in the context of loans involving foreign partnerships, officials from the IRS and Treasury explained their rationale for the new rules on October 29.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Possible Pfizer Merger With Allergan -- Biggest Inversion Ever?
One of the largest U.S. pharmaceutical companies, New York-based Pfizer Inc., may have finally found a merger partner thatwould enable it to move its domicile to Ireland and reduce its U.S. tax bill, even though the dealwould likely trigger the surrogate foreign corporation rules and be subject to limitations in a 2014 anti-inversion notice.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Pfizer Deal for Allergan Could Spark Political Fight Over Taxes
Ian Read, meet Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
If the Pfizer Inc. chief executive officer does eventually make a dealwith Ireland-domiciled Allergan Plc, it could be away for the biggest U.S. drugmaker to finally escape the country's high corporate tax rate throughwhat's known as a tax inversion.
It could also put the drugmaker squarely in the middle of a political tug ofwar.
For the Bloomberg story, go here.
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The Cunningham Column: Every little helps in international tax reform
To start his new monthly column, Ralph Cunningham, the Hong Kong-based managing editor of International Tax Review, argues that capacity buildingwill be critical to BEPS implementation in the Asia-Pacific region if piecemeal, unilateral measures are to be avoided.
For the ITR column, go here.
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Malta: Malta Budget 2016: New and revised tax measures
Malta's Budget 2016was presented to parliament on October 12. See how your businesswill be affected.
For the ITR article, go here.
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Switzerland: How Switzerland intends to implement BEPS
Read about the Swiss response to BEPS recommendations, including plans to implement the country-by-country reporting (CbCR) and information exchange provisions put forward by the OECD.
For the ITR article, go here.
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Brand management centres in the age of BEPS
In the third of a series on intangibles, Philip de Homont and Alexander Voegele, both of NERA Frankfurt, look at brand management centres in the age of BEPS.
For the ITR article, go here.
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Dutch publish cross-border tax consolidation draft legislation
Dutch legislators published draft proposals for consolidation (fiscal unity) in the Netherlands on October 16, 2015. The legislation proposes:
a Dutch fiscal unity between a Dutch parent company and a Dutch sub-subsidiary owned by an intermediary company established in another EU member state, and
a Dutch fiscal unity between Dutch sister companies owned by an EU parent
For the PwC Insight, gohere.
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Panel: U.S. States Moving Fast to Enact Tax Haven Legislation
Although U.S. states have been dealing for yearswith domestic issues related to base erosion and profit shifting, the OECD's BEPS project has now spurred an explosion of interest in addressing foreign-source income, particularly tax haven legislation, panelists said October 28.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)
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Corporate Income Tax Rates and Base Broadening from Income Shifting
Cutting the corporate tax rate to 25 percentwould raise $278 billion in corporate incomewhile maintaining the same tax revenue as at a 35 percent rate and providing less incentive for multinational corporations to shift income overseas,w. Gavin Ekins of the Tax Foundation said in an October report.
For the report, go here.
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South Africa-Cyprus tax treaty takes effect, could affect dividends paid since 2012
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Council deal on automatic exchange of tax rulings is amissed opportunity
The EU member states' deal on plans for them to exchange details of their tax rulings for multinationals automaticallywas a "missed opportunity" to take a big step forward in fighting aggressive tax planning and unfair tax competition, says Parliament in an opinion voted on Tuesday. MEPs are unhappy that the 6 October deal unduly restricts both the scope of the draft "automatic exchange" directive and the European Commission's access to this information.
For the European Parliament release, go here.
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Fairer corporate taxes: Special Committee on Tax Rulings votes recommendations
Parliament's Special Committee on Tax Rulings recommended measures to make corporate taxes in the EU fairer and more transparent, after eight months of fact finding, in a vote Monday evening in Strasbourg.
The report – prepared by co-rapporteurs Elisa Ferreira (S&D, PT) and Michael Theurer (ALDE, DE) -was approved by 34 votes to 3,with 7 abstentions.
For the European Parliament release, go here.
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BEPS implementation: The role of a multilateral instrument
Jeffrey Owens, director of the Global Tax Policy Centre at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law (IAITL) and former OECD tax chief, and Nathalie Bravo, research associate at the IAITL, explore the role of a multilateral tax instrument in implementing BEPS Project measures, and analyse the treaty issues and technical challenges to be overcome.
For the ITR story, go here.
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Ireland's 6.25% Knowledge Development Box
The Irish Finance Billwas published on October 22 2015. Besides country-by-country reporting, it provides draft legislation of the first OECD modified nexus intellectual property box – the Knowledge Development Box (KDB). As expected, the tax rate applying to eligible income under the new regimewill be 6.25%. Gains from the disposal of IP remain taxable at 33%.
For the ITR story, go here.
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Indian tax clarity key to attracting investment
Vitthal Dehadray of Franklin Templeton Asset Management and Rajeshree Sabnavis of BMR & Associates look at the emerging direct tax debates impacting the asset management industry in
For the ITR article, go here.
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The Time To Start Reforming Our Tax Code Is Now
Congress has a number of urgent items to consider in the next few months – how to dealwith the debt limit, how to fund the government, and how to fund our highway programs. For the sake of U.S. businesses andworkers, there's another urgent item that needs Congress's attention sooner rather than later – tax reform.
For the Forbes article, go here.
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EU TAXE Committee Approves Draft Report in Midnight Vote
After eight months of growing dissatisfactionwith existing mechanisms to ensure corporate tax fairness and transparency, the European Parliament's Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect on October 26 voted 34 to 3 to approve a draft report of its findings
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)
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Revamped dependent agent rule a marked change in the OECD's final BEPS permanent establishment report
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Brazil proposes tighter limits on deductibility of interest on net equity