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Int'l Tax News

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Tough debate with multinational companies on corporate tax practices

  • By European Parliament News

MEPs grilled eleven multinational companies on their corporate tax practices in a five-hour debatewith the Special Committee on Tax Rulings on Monday. These companies had declined the committee's first invitation to appear before it, but later changed their minds and accepted its last chance invitation. Of the 13 original invitees, only Fiat Chrysler andwalmart declined the final invitation. The meeting startedwith a minute of silence for the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks.
For the European Parliament release, go here.

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G20 leaders endorse OECD measures to crack down on tax evasion, reaffirm its role in ensuring strong, sustainable and inclusive growth

  • By OECD

At their Summit in Antalya, Turkey, the G20 leaders committed to the implementation of theBase Erosion and Profit Shiftingproject (BEPS)which closes gaps that allow corporate profits to "disappear" or to be artificially shifted to low or no tax environments. They called on the OECD to monitor progress and to develop, by early next year, an inclusive framework including the participation of developing economies on equal footing.
For the OECD release, go here.

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Taxing issue: multinationals respond to EP proposals to make them pay their fair share

  • By European Parliament News

Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, told the tax rulings committee that something needed to be done. "The current system of corporate tax rules is unfit for purpose and unjust. Some companies are losing out,whereas otherswin by hiding behind a variety of national rules," he said at the committee's September meeting. Juncker stressed that the fight against tax fraud and tax evasionwas one of the Commission's priorities.
For the European Parliament release, go here.

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Economic Analysis: The Rise of the Intangible Economy

The U.S. economy is changing, and how the government measures it is starting to catch up. In its 2013 revision of the national income and product accounts, the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) expanded its measurement of intangible investment. Previously the only spending on intangible assets that the BEA countedwas on computer software (and a relatively minor amount of spending on mineral exploration). The revised official accounts now include spending on research and development and on artistic originals -- mostly motion picture and sound recordings.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)

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G-20 Leaders Set to Approve Overhaul of Corporate-Tax Rules

A push to close international corporate-taxloopholes is expected to spur competition for lower rates overseas and increase pressure inwashington for a bipartisan deal to revamp the corporate-taxcode.
Leaders from theGroup of 20largest economies, meeting in Turkey on Sunday and Monday, are set to give their final stamp of approval to a major overhaul of the international rules governing corporate taxes.
For thewall Street Journal story, go here.

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A Tax-Cutting Move That Pfizer Can Hardly Resist

Give Pfizer, the giant drug maker, points for boldness and persistence: The company has bravely put ''taxinversions'' back in the headlines.
Pfizer,which already holds roughly $140 billion overseas and is quite skillful at minimizing its taxes, is considering a deal that could move its legaltaxheadquarters from New York to Dublin,where it could save bundles more.
This has drawn plenty of criticism, naturally.
For the New York Times story, go here.

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After Outcry, Ireland Adjusts Its Corporate Tax Draw

As lord mayor of this quiet seaside city in southern Ireland, Chris O'Leary seems to have a situation most other local politicians can only dream about.
Blue-chip international companies like Apple,DellandIBMhave all set up shop in and around this city, filling newly built office blocks near the city's port and sprawling office parks in the suburbs. The companies set up shop here for the cheapworkers, business-friendly lawmakers and -- above all -- Ireland's low corporatetaxrate. Since the height of the financial crisis in 2011, the region's unemployment rate has fallen by more than four percentage points, to 9.9 percent, or roughly the national average, according to government statistics.
For the New York Times story, go here.

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OECD holds first Asia-Pacific Technical Meeting on BEPS in Indonesia

  • By OECD

The OECD has held an Asia-Pacific technical meeting on BEPS inwhich tax policy and administration experts discussed outcomes of the base erosion and profit-shifting project and challenges of implementing BEPS measures in the region, according to a November 13 release.
For the release, go here.

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News Analysis: $240 Billion More in BEPS Taxes -- Who Wins? Who Loses?

Mindy Herzfeld reviews the conclusions reached in the final report on BEPS action 11 and discusses the shortcomings in the OECD's attempts to quantify the extent of the problem, aswell as the potential for governments to recoup additional tax revenues as a result of the recommendations and the potential consequences to economies around theworld.
For the TNI story, go here. (subscription required)

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NGOs Call for Deeper Tax Changes Ahead of G-20 Meeting

Nongovernmental organizations campaigning for tax fairness and an end to profit shifting by multinational corporations have called on the Group of 20 finance ministers to make "deeper reforms" than those announced in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's base erosion and profit shifting action plan.
The "Still Broken" report, released jointly by the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Tax Justice Network, Oxfam and Public Services International on Nov. 10, examined the tax affairs of U.S. multinationals and showed that the gap betweenwhere companies pay tax andwhere they really do their business is huge,with G-20 countries losing out the most.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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EU Power Struggle Stalls Country-by-Country Tax Reporting

A legislative push by the European Parliament to impose mandatory country-by-country tax reporting for all European Union listed companies as away to enhance shareholder rights has stalled and turned into a tax legislation power strugglewith EU member states, according to EU officials.

For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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Next Step for BEPS Project: Monitor Double Taxation, Disputes

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development should try to introduce a formal system to monitor any cases of double taxation that may emerge from its base erosion and profit shifting project, according to the global tax chief of a multinational consumer goods company.

For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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BEPS Action 6: The (not quite) final report on preventing treaty benefits in inappropriate cases

  • By PwC

The OECD, on 5 October, 2015, issued its Final Report on Action 6: 'Preventing the Granting of Treaty Benefits in Inappropriate Cases' (the Report) as part of the complete package covering all fifteen BEPS Action Plans.

The Report broadly recommends a minimum standard for treaties, comprising a Limitation on Benefits (LOB) clause plus anti-conduit rules, a principle purpose test (PPT) or an LOB in combinationwith a PPT. It also proposes a number of additional targeted rules dealingwith specific circumstances.

For the PwC Tax Policy Bulletin, gohere.

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Allergan warns US against any move on tax inversion deals

The chief executive of Allergan, in talks about selling itself to Pfizer to form theworld's largest drugmaker, has cautioned that any attempt by the Obama administration to block a deal aimed at cutting a company's tax billwould be a "short-sighted intervention".

Pfizer is in negotiationswith Dublin-based Allergan about buying the group inwhatwould be the biggest ever "tax inversion" ÔøΩ allowing the company to report much lower tax costs by moving its domicile to Ireland. The movewould create a companywith a value of more than $330bn.

Tax experts said an inversionwould improve the presentation of Pfizer's earnings, aswell as helping it escape potential future US tax bills on more than $128bn of profits it had earned overseas.

For the Financial Times story, go here.

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The Facts on Tax Reform

  • By Business Roundtable

Countries around theworld have focused on driving increased investment, growth and job creation by lowering their corporate tax rates and modernizing international tax rules. The United States stands as an exception to thisworldwide trend at a timewhen U.S. businesses face unprecedented global competition.
America is in urgent need of tax reform to increase growth and provide greater economic opportunity for all Americans.
For the Business Roundtable Report, go here.

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Proposed Rules on Property Transfers Offer Dramatic Change'

Proposed regulations changing the definition of property that qualifies for the active trade or business exception mark a "dramatic change" but one designed to uphold Congress' original intent, an Internal Revenue Service official said.
The proposed regulations under Section 367would limit the active trade or business exception to an enumerated list of property, including tangible property, interests in oil and gas property, and some financial assets, Robert B.williams Jr., senior counsel in Branch 4 of the IRS Office of the Associate Chief Counsel (International), said Nov. 10.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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Transfer Pricing Practice to Be 'Final Issue Owner,' Varley Says

The transfer pricing practice (TPP)within the IRS Large Business and International Divisionwill generally be the transfer pricing "final issue owner" following the LB&I reorganization, according to David Varley, acting director of transfer pricing operations.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)

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IRS: Reorganization to Expand Transfer Pricing Practice

The forthcoming reorganization of the Large Business and International Division of the IRSwill expand the scope and staffing of the Transfer Pricing Practice, an agency official said.
David Varley, acting director of Transfer Pricing Operationswith the Internal Revenue Service, said that under the reorganizationÔøΩexpected to "stand up" in FebruaryÔøΩa number of examiners and all the economists inwhat is now the International Business Compliance unitwill be shifted to the TPP.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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News Analysis: Why Not Withhold on Hybrid Instruments?

At the November 11 International Tax Institute lunch in New York, Robert Cassanos of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP discussed the OECD BEPS hybrid instrument recommendations and concluded that awithholding tax might be a simpler approach for governments that are offended by deduction/non-inclusion results.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)

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AM 2015-002: The IRS Reinterprets the Tax Rate Disparity Test

This article provides an overview of foreign base company sales income (FBCSI), the branch rule and the tax rate disparity test under the regulations, explains and evaluates the guidance provided by IRS AM 2015-002, and addresses certain issues that the AM leaves unanswered (some ofwhich are pre-existing issues left open in the regulations).
For the International Tax Journal article, go here.

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EU States Cite Progress on FTT While Tension With U.K. Grows

Eleven European Union member states made "substantial progress" in moving toward a final agreement, set for December, on a financial transactions tax, according to Austrian Finance Minister Hans Jorg Schelling.
However, demands by some countries for exemptions, including for some derivatives aswell as foreign company shares and bond trades, are unresolved, he said.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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International Tax Rewrite Still Possible for 2015: Sen. Portman

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said key lawmakers agree on the basics of revamping international provisions in the U.S. tax code and that he hasn't given up on passing changes in Congress this year.
"We have remarkable consensus," Portman said Nov. 10 in a speech at the Bipartisan Policy Center, a think tank that promotes collaboration between Democrats and Republicans.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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Treasury Attorney: Built-In Loss Regulations Nearly Complete

Issuing final regulations thatwould restrict taxpayers from importing losses into the U.S. is a priority, a senior Treasury Department attorney told tax practitioners.
Krishna Vallabhaneni, Treasury deputy tax legislative counsel, said Nov. 10 that his staff isworking hard to finalize regulations under tax code Sections 334(b)(1)(B) and 362(e)(1), the "anti-loss provisions" of the tax code. The provisionswere enacted under the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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Pfizers Tax Dodging Rx: Stash Profits Offshore

  • By Americans for Tax Fairness

Despite plans to invert to Ireland to reduce its taxes, Pfizer Inc. "appears to be dramatically overstating its corporate tax rate," has not been handicapped by the U.S. tax system, and has significant offshore profits that are not taxed, according to a November report by Americans for Tax Fairness.
For the report, go here.

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NGOs Criticize OECD and G-20 BEPS Project

Recent high-profile actions undertaken by the G-20 and OECD countries, such as the base erosion and profit-shifting project, have failed to live up to their promises to end international corporate tax avoidance, and G-20 countries are losing out as a result, according to the Tax Justice Network (TJN) and other nongovernmental organizations.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)

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Stack Predicts Tough Road Ahead for Multinationals Post-BEPS

While pulling together the final base erosion and profit-shifting reportswas a big lift, the bigger challenge isworking toward fair, effective, and rule-of-law tax administrationwith high stakes for multinationals if governments get itwrong, according to Robert Stack, Treasury deputy assistant secretary (international tax affairs).
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)

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Pending Tax Treaties Clear Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has approved eight pending tax treaties, allowing them to proceed to the full Senate.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)

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Democrat targets corporate tax-avoidance deals in U.S. Congress

Tax-driven "inversion" deals that let companies flee the U.S. tax system by relocating abroad, if only on paper,would be curbed under legislation introduced in Congress, as Pfizer Inc pursues such a dealwith rival Allergan Plc.
Wisconsin Democratic Representative Mark Pocan's bills likely have little chance of advancing in the Republican-run Congress. But they represent renewed concern about the transactions. Awave of them peaked in September 2014when a Treasury Department crackdown slowed, but did not halt them.
For the Reuters story, go here.

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The Latest Lure From Abroad for U.S. Firms

The recent merger talks between New York-basedPfizerand Dublin-basedAllerganare the latest signal that America's approach to taxing international profits is luring U.S. companies to relocate abroad, or mergewith foreign companies. Unfortunately, the situation is about to get significantlyworse.
For thewall Street Journal story, go here.

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Commission Wiser Going Into Next Tax Ruling Decisions, Vestager Says

EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager defended the limited nature of the European Commission's decisions on the Starbucks and Fiat tax rulings November 9, saying itwas important to establish the matter of principle that excessively generous tax rulings are an illegal form of state aid.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)

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India to accelerate corporate tax cut

India could slash its corporate tax rate sooner than expected, as the government sets out a roadmap for curtailing tax exemptions.
For the ITR story, go here.

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EU's Vestager Lauds Rulings Prior to Apple, Amazon Decisions

The European Union's top antitrust official lauded rulings ordering two companies to repay tens of millions of euros in back taxes, as she considers similar decisions involving Apple Inc. and Inc.

For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD BEPS Heralds Big Changes for Tax Pros and Corporate Treasurers

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting action plan is likely to have a major impact on tax planning at multinational corporations by both tax professionals and corporate treasurers.
Tom Driscoll, U.S. managing partner for international tax, transfer pricing, and indirect tax at Deloitte Tax LLP and Melissa Cameron, a principal in Global Treasury Advisory Services at Deloitte & Touche LLP, believe tax professionalswill be facing a "Global Tax Reset" as a result of the OECD BEPS action plan.
For te Accounting Today story, go here.

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BEPS implementation and beyond: Developed and developing countries gather at the OECD to tackle reforms to the international tax system

  • By OECD

In-depth discussions took place thisweek as the international community continues to make progress on the international tax agenda. Officials from more than 100 countries drawing from tax authorities, ministries of finance, development agencies, aswell as regional and international organisations, business and civil society came together in a series of meetings hosted by the OECD. The role of tax in State building and domestic resource mobilisation, enhanced cross-border co-operation and the development of global solutions to international tax challengeswere important topics debatedamongst participants as theyworked together to shape the solutions.
For the OECD release, go here.

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Business Welcomes International VAT/GST Guidelines and Calls for Consistent Implementation Globally

  • By BIAC

At the 3rd OECD Global Forum on Value Added Tax (VAT) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) held in Paris today, BIACwelcomed the endorsement of the completed OECD International VAT/GST
Guidelines and called for their consistent implementation globally to remove VAT/GST obstacles to cross-border trade in services and intangibles.
For the BIAC release, go here.

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OECD delivers international standard for collection of VAT on cross-border sales

  • By OECD

Governments have taken an important step towards ensuring that consumption taxes on cross-border transactions are effectively paid in the jurisdictionwhere products are consumed,while minimizing the risks that uncoordinated tax rules distort international trade.
For the OECD release, go here.

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U.S. Tax Review -- Part 2

In the second of a two-part article, James P. Fuller comments on U.S. tax developmentswith international implications, focusing this month on the 13 base erosion and profit-shifting final reports released by the OECD October 5.
For thewWTD article, go here. (subscription required)

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Countries Continue to Develop OECD Multilateral Instrument

The OECD's ad hoc group for the development of a multilateral instrument concluded its first substantive meeting on November 6, capping off aweek of consecutive meetings of various OECD groups on implementation of the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting measures and other international tax reform issues.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)

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Countries Approve New OECD Indirect Tax Guidelines

More than 100 jurisdictions on November 6 endorsed the OECD's final international VAT/goods and services tax guidelines as the international indirect tax standard to ensure that consumption taxes levied on cross-border transactions are paid in the placewhere supplies are consumed.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)

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News Analysis: Implementing BEPS (or Not) in the Developing World

Mindy Herzfeld reviews the recently concluded annual meeting of the United Nations tax committee and discusses the reactions of the committee and nations in the developingworld to the final reports released in the OECD's BEPS project.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)

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EU States Face Pivotal Meeting on Core Engine of FTT Base

Plans by 11 European Union member states to agree on a financial transactions tax (FTT) base by the end of the year face an important crossroads Nov. 9,when finance ministerswill try to resolve differences on exemptions.
Pushed by France to reach an agreement in advance of the upcoming United Nations climate change summit in Paris on Nov. 30–Dec. 11, the 11 EU finance ministerswill try to resolve differences overwhether the scope of the FTT should exempt pension funds and life insurance trading, aswell as some derivatives used by businesses to hedge against currency exchange and other risks.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD Starts Multilateral Tax Treaty Negotiations

The OECD focus group taskedwith overseeing the negotiation of a multilateral tax treaty, under Action 15 of the international project to combat base erosion and profit shifting, has established a subgroup on arbitration.

For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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Country-by-Country Reporting: Is a Partnership a Corporation by Any Other Name?

Kimberly Tan Majure and Monica Zubler of KPMG look at country-by-country reporting requirements under the OECD's base erosion and profit shifting program, and at questions multinational groups face in characterizing partnerships and entities that have made U.S. check-the-box elections. "It doesn't take long for the difficulties posed by partnerships to play out on the CbyC report," the authorswrite.
For the BNA Insight, go here. (subscription required)

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Repeal Subpart F Service Income Rules, Practitioners Urge

The rules that subject some services income earned by controlled foreign corporations of U.S. multinationals to current tax under subpart F do not make sense in a modern service-based economy and should be repealed as part of international tax reform, practitioners said November 6.
For the Tax Notes story, go here. (subscription required)

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Minimum Tax Would Make Inversion Problem Worse, Observers Warn

The University of Chicago put about 150 of the smartest tax lawyers in a room to debate the merits of a minimum tax on U.S. multinationals' foreign earnings -- something Congress is considering as more and more U.S. corporations relocate overseas -- and therewas little love for the idea.
For the Tax Notes story, go here. (subscription required)

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Fiat and Starbucks Rulings Cast European Commission in Dual Role

The European Commission's October announcement that Fiat and Starbucks violated state aid rules indicates the commission is taking on a dual role as both a supranational tax auditor enforcing the OECD guidelines and a regulator free to impose its own standards, according to Géry Bombeke of Baker & McKenzie in Brussels.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)

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India's CBDT issues revised and updated guidance for implementation of TP provisions

  • By PwC

The Indian Central Board of Direct Taxes has issued on 16 October 2015 Instruction No. 15 of 2015 (new instruction). This new instruction replaces Instruction No. 3 of 2003 (old instruction)which had been issued by the CBDT on 20 May 2003. The old instruction had been issued to provide guidance to the first level assessing officers, i.e., Transfer Pricing Officers and Assessing Officers, to operationalise the transfer pricing provisions and to ensure procedural uniformity. However, due to a number of legislative, procedural and structural changes carried out over the last few years, the old instruction is being now replacedwith the new one to provide updated and adequate guidance in relation to international transactions.
For the PwC Insight, gohere.

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Ireland introduces legislation to implement country-by-country reporting

  • By PwC

The Irish Government on October 22 released Finance Bill 2015,which includes draft legislation introducing country-by-country (CbC) reporting for Irish-parented multinational enterprises (Irish MNEs).
For the PwC Insight, gohere.

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IRS Agents Get Instructions on Auditing Intangibles Transfers

IRS examiners get new instructions on how to audit situations involving the licensing of intangibles and the transfer of intangibles offshore in two sets of training materials issued by the Large Business and International Division. One unit tells agents how to look at situationswhere a U.S. parent has licensed intangible property to a foreign subsidiary , and the other provides audit instructions for caseswhere taxpayers have tried to reduce or eliminate tax under tax code Section 367(d)when transferring intangibles offshore.

For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)

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Section 956: The 60-Day Limitation On the 30-Day Exception for Obligations of Related U.S. Persons

Lowell Yoder of McDermottwill & Emery examines operation of the Subpart F "30-day exception" for short-term loans between controlled foreign corporations and U.S. parents,which applies only if the CFC doesn't hold for 60 or more days obligations of related U.S. persons thatwould otherwise be subject to Section 956.
For the BNA Insight, go here. (subscription required)

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