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France Wants Tax Cuts: That's the Message From Macron Town Halls
The Frenchwant to pay less tax. Thatwas the clear message that emerged from a two-month "Great Debate" that saw voters present their grievances and suggest remedies to President Emmanuel Macron. "There's an exasperation about taxes," Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said in Paris April 8, as hewas presentedwith a study outlining the findings of the national debate. "The clear message is that taxes must fall and fall fast."
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Macron Aims to Force 'Tax Justice' on Facebook, Google and Apple
French lawmakerswill start debating April 8 a tax meant to force Internet giants like Amazon Inc. and Facebook Inc. to pay a 3 percent levy on digital turnover.
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EU's Vestager: Best Thing Is Global Solution on Digital Tax
EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager says, "The best thing is a global solution, but ifwewant solutions in a reasonable time, then Europe must step forward," on France Inter, a radio channel part of Radio France.
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French Digital Tax Bill Could Offer Reprieve for Ad Exchanges
France's National Assemblywill begin debate April 8 on a far-reaching bill thatwould impose a tax on revenue tech companies make from certain digital servicesÔøΩbut could exclude ad exchanges from the tax. The proposal to exclude such exchange companiesÔøΩthose that help advertisers place targeted ads onlineÔøΩwould address industry complaints that the legislationwould tax them twice on revenue they earn from certain types of digital advertising.
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Cross-Border Sales: Where's the Market Jurisdiction?
Jeff VanderWolk of Squire Patton Boggs discusses the feasibility of the OECD's proposal to allocate non-routine or residual income of a multinational business based on marketing intangibles.
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Shell to Cut Ties With Industry Group Over Carbon Pricing Spat
Royal Dutch Shell PLC has announced that itwill be bowing out of a prominent U.S. industry association overwhat it views as a "material misalignment" on climate policy, including carbon pricing.
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Corruption Reform Could Lift Tax Intake by $1 Trillion, IMF Says
If governmentswere to take proven steps to attack corruption, global tax revenueswould increase by approximately $1 trillion, the IMF said April 4.
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Major Cross-Border M&A Down Since TCJA
While the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has created new incentives for dealmakers, trade tensions continue to pose a challenge to deal activityworldwide, and cross-border megadeals are at a historic low.
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France Sticking With Digital Services Tax Despite U.S. Warnings
Francewon't drop its digital services tax despite the U.S. secretary of state'swarnings butwill keepworkingwith the United States to acceleratework on an OECD-level solution to tax the digital economy.
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Consolidated Groups Seek Deductions Under Proposed FDII and GILTI Regs
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's new section 250 provides domestic corporationswith deductions for foreign-derived intangible income and global intangible low-taxed income. Meanwhile, deemed dividends that are attributable to GILTI under section 78 are also deductible.
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Pompeo Urges France Not to Approve Digital Services Tax
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged France in a meetingwith his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian on Thursday not to approve a digital services tax, saying itwould hurt U.S. technology firms, the U.S. State Department said.
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JPMorgan head says Trump tax law added $3.7B to its profit
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon lauded President Trump's tax cuts, saying the legislation passed in 2017 boosted the bank's net profit by $3.7 billion. "All things being equal (which they are not), the new lower tax rates added $3.7 billion to net income," Dimon said in JPMorgan's annual investor letter on Thursday.
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Platforms to OECD participants: please don't pick on us
In response to the OECD's digital taxation consultation, online platform providers including Uber and Spotify expressed fear of being singled out and subjected to stiffer treatment than conventional businesses.
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UK recommends break-up of Big 4 to reform auditing
A cross-party committee of UK politicians has said the Big 4 accounting firms should be broken up, justweeks before the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is due to publish the results of its review into UK audit practices.
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Residual Profit Allocation by Income
This paper is a draft chapter of a forthcoming book on the taxation of international business profit by the authors of this paper, to be published by Oxford University Press. The bookwill study two proposals for reform in depth: a destination based cash flow tax and a residual profit allocation.This paper focuses on the residual profit allocation by income proposal in detail.
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Proposed Anti-Abuse Tax Rules Need Clarity, Industry Groups Say
Proposed rules for a 2017 tax law provision aimed at stopping U.S. multinationals from shifting profits offshorewould create a significant tax burden for natural gas and oil companies and other industries, group representatives said during an IRS hearing.
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Companies to Offer More Income Tax Details Under Accounting Plan
Companieswould have to provide more details about income taxes they pay under a proposal by U.S. accounting rulemakers. The Financial Accounting Standards Board said its March 25 proposal is intended to help investors and analysts understand a business's tax liabilities aswell as international tax exposureÔøΩa hot topic as more U.S. companies move operations and investments overseas. Under FASB's proposal, businesses must break down their income tax expenses or benefits, aswell as cash tax paid to domestic, foreign, and state governments.
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Dutch Official Urges Countries to Tax Royalty Flows
A senior Dutch government official has called on countries to follow the Netherlands' lead and impose awithholding tax on royalty and interest payments to companies operating in low-tax jurisdictions and tax havens.
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Britain gave illegal tax breaks to multinationals, rules EU
Brussels on Tuesday ruled that the UK gave illegal tax breaks to some multinational companies and ordered Britain to recoup lost revenues.
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EU Delivers U.K. Tax Bill as Brexit Deal Eludes Parliament
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Brazilian Court Customs Ruling Sets Precedent for Exporters
Cargill Inc.'s recent victory in a customs court case sets an important precedent for Brazil's exporters, shielding them from potentially huge tax fines. Brazil's revenue service appeals court, in a unanimous decision, upheld the legality of Cargill's export processes. The court rejected the revenue service's $2.6 billion fine, that equaled the total of the company's exports for 2013. The ruling is an important victory for exporters because "it recognizes that the mere existence of a company abroad for business operations, even in locations considered tax havens, does not render the operations unacceptable," said Fabio Pallaretti Calcini of the law firm Brasil Salomao and Matthes.
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Airbnb's Landmark Danish Tax Agreement Comes Into Force in July
Denmark's parliament has given its final go-ahead to a landmark agreement thatwill see Airbnb Inc. share information on rental incomewith the local tax authorities. The agreement is due to come into force on July 1,with the information-sharing process due be automatized from 2021.
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Treasury to Expand Options for Proving Export Deduction
The Treasury Departmentwill refine guidelines that tell taxpayers how to show they qualify for a 2017 tax law perk for exporters, a Treasury official said.
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Lack of Digital Tax Consensus Courts Chaos, OECD Warns
The OECD haswarned that failure to reach a global agreement on how to tax the digital economy could lead to "international tax chaos."
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Republican Lawmakers Seek U.S. Response to French Digital Tax
A group of 15 Republicans on the Houseways and Means Committee urged thewhite House to "use all appropriate tools," potentially including trade responses, in response to taxes France and other countries are proposing for digital companies.
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India Speeds Up Pace of Bilateral Intercompany Pricing Pacts
India is processing intercompany pricing pacts involving the U.S. and other countries at a faster clip than ever before, churning out 52 pacts in the year ended March 31, tax authorities said. Of the 52 deals India inked in 2018-19, 11were bilateral advance pricing agreements,which involve foreign tax departments aswell as companies, India's Central Board of Direct Taxes said.
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UN Calls for Financial System Overhaul in Report
The United Nations has issued a report, "Financing for Sustainable Development,"which calls for an overhaul to national and international financial systems in the face of inadequate digital tax rules and revenue.
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Barbados Draft Budget Proposes Thin Cap, Transfer Pricing Rules
Barbados Minister of Finance Ryan Straughn on March 20 presented to Parliament the draft 2019 budget,which proposes several new tax rules and amendments.
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Taxwriter Warns of Harm to Trade Relations From Digital Taxes
The imposition of additional taxes by European countries on U.S. technology giants could be metwith retaliatory measures on trade, a House Republican taxwriter iswarning.
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IRS to Clarify FDII Intangible Property Manufacturing End-User
The IRSwill likely seek to clarify a provision of the foreign-derived intangible income regs that establishes foreign use of intangible property used in manufacturing based on the location of the end-user.
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Austria Proposes 5 Percent Digital Advertising Tax
The Austrian government is pushing a package of proposals to tax the digital economy comprising a 5 percent digital advertising tax and tax compliance measures targeting online booking and retail platforms.
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French Legislature Amending DST to Prevent Double Taxation
France's digital services tax proposal has been amended to prevent double taxation and improve the transition to a global solution on digital taxation.
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Australian Court Rules That Limited Partnerships Are Companies
The Federal Court of Australia has held that two limited partnerships are taxable as companies on their Australian-source income and cannot claim treaty benefits as U.S. residents, setting aside a controversial earlier decision.
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Digital Taxation Should Be G-20's Highest Priority, EU Says
The EUwill ask the G-20 to give "the highest priority" to finding global solutions to the taxation of the digital economy.
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Time to Shine: E-Marketplaces Get a Starring Role in Sales Tax Collection
The OECD recently published guidelines for countries thatwant online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay to assistwith VAT and goods and services tax collection, and stakeholders ÔøΩ including business ÔøΩ are giving them a standing ovation.
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Australia's Decision to Nix Digital Tax Could Affect New Zealand
Australia's recent decision to not pursue a digital services tax has led to speculation that a similar levy under consideration by New Zealand might never come to fruition.
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Germany to Press for Tax Cooperation, Debt Transparency at IMF/G20 Meetings
German Finance Minister Olaf Scholzwill urge financial leaders nextweek to strive for a minimum level of corporate taxation globally and increase debt transparency in developing countries, a senior German government official said on Friday.
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Australia's Pre-Election Budget Trims Personal, Business Taxes
With parliamentary elections looming, Australia's center-right government on April 2 presented a budget package calling for tax cuts for low- and middle-income earners and additional tax breaks for small and medium-size businesses.
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Part of U.K. CFC Regime Exemption Constitutes State Aid, EU Says
An exemption from U.K. controlled foreign company rules for intragroup interest on debt funded by non-U.K. sources partially grants selective tax treatment to some multinationals and thus constitutes state aid, the European Commission said.
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France Not on 'Crusade' Against U.S. With Digital Tax: Finance Minister
France is not specifically targeting U.S. internet giantswith a planned tax on digital service companies, its finance minister said in an interview, pushing back against pressure fromwashington to drop the levy.
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Italy's Problematic New Digital Services Tax
In this article, the authors discuss the new Italian tax on digital services.
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House Dems Launch Clean Energy Tax Policy Push
A Pennsylvania Democrat on Thursday reintroduced federal legislation thatwould make energy storage technologies fully eligible for the federal investment tax credit and joined scores of colleagues in calling for an extension of the ITC and other renewable energy credits that are currently scheduled to phase out.
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Media companies support digital taxation proposals
Media-related businesses are united in their desire to 'level the playing field' on taxing traditional and digital companies, but they do not all agree on the bestway forward.
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GRI's tax initiative threatens to overtake CbCR on tax transparency
Tax directors are backing an independent standard-setting body, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), to introduce aworldwide standard to tax reporting and public disclosures, but manyworry that the standardwill clashwith CbCR.
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ATO Reviews Asset Shifts to Avoid Australian Capital Gains Tax
The Australian Taxation Office is reviewing arrangements inwhich a multientity groupwith a large capital gain transfers the asset to an entitywith significant intragroup debt before selling the entity to a third party.
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EU Commission Undecided on Appealing Belgian State Aid Case
The European Commission has not yet determinedwhether itwill challenge a court decision overruling its finding that Belgium's excess profit tax schemewas illegal state aid, according to EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager.
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OECD Minimum Tax Might Shape Future U.S. Tweaks
The outcome of the OECD's ongoingwork on a global minimum tax regime may prompt the United States to rethink some recently enacted international tax rules.
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Observations on the BEAT Proposed Regulations' Impact on Banks
In this article, the authors analyze 11 issues that the proposed U.S. base erosion and antiabuse tax regulations raise for the international banking industry.
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Treasury Official Promises Greater Clarity in Final GILTI Regs
The final Treasury regulations on global intangible low-taxed incomewill improve on the proposed regulations by adding clarity on key issues, including the scope of the proposed antiabuse rules.
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Companies Appeal State Aid Decision on Goodwill Amortization
Two companies have appealed a decision by the EU General Court that Spain's goodwill amortization scheme provided a selective advantage to foreign companies in violation of state aid rules.