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Editorial: The world needs global tax reform -- G8 leaders must continue their work beyond the summit

  • By Financial Times (editorial)

As leaders of the Group of Eight leading economies gather in Northern Ireland, David Cameron'swelcome initiative to reform global corporate tax rules may still fall short of definitive success. All the more reason for governments to push on after the summit, together and at home.

For the editorial, go here.

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Why we need to simplify our corporate tax system

by Eric Schmidt (Financial Times)

The G8 is the forum to decide on the complex issue of company fiscal reform, says Eric Schmidt

As the leaders of theworlds largest economies descend on beautiful, blustery Lough Erne, their briefingswill doubtless be packedwith different ideas for international tax reform. Todays rules are fiendishly complicated and everyonewould benefit from a simpler, more transparent system. That iswhywe have been encouraging a broader debate at the level of the Group of Eight leading economies and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

For the commentary, go here.

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The G8 agenda: The transparency summit -- Britain's leader envisages a world of tax compliance and clear corporate ownership

  • By The Economist

At first blush, David Cameron seems an unlikely foe of tax dodgers and their accomplices. Conservatives are traditionally friendly to thewealthy and to big business,who gain most from fancy financial footwork. The City of London enjoys symbiosiswith a cluster of offshore dependenciesincluding Jersey and the British Virgin Islands (BVI)which have a reputation for, at best, inviting tax avoidance and, atworst, aiding financial crime.

But as chair of the summit of the G8 (the biggest industrialised countries) being held in Northern Ireland nextweek, the prime ministerwill push for global reform of theworld economys most shadowy corners. Hewants to improve tax compliance through the cross-border exchange of information, to improve those data by making companies, trusts and the like show their true owners, and to change outdated ruleswhich multinationals exploit to cut their tax bills. His assault is both on the offshore tax havens and on the often dodgier, if lesswell-known, practices in onshore jurisdictions such as Delawareor London.

For the story, go here.

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WNTS Insight: House Ways and Means Committee tax reform hearing focuses on tax havens, base erosion, and profit shifting

  • By PwC

The Houseways and Means Committee today held a hearing on tax reform issues related to US international tax rules and tax havens, base erosion, and profit shifting. The hearing also discussed approaches for reforming US domestic tax rules through rate reduction and base broadening. In addition, the hearing examined OECD initiatives that seek to address concerns over transfer pricing, the tax treatment of intangible property, and related issues as part of an action plan addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS).

For thewNTS Insight, go here.

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U.K. Lawmakers Slam Google Over Contrived Tax Strategy

U.K. lawmakers attacked Google Inc. (GOOG) for defending ahighly contrived strategy of booking advertising sales through Ireland to reduce its tax liability in Britain.

Parliament's Public Accounts Committee said in a report published in London today thatpublic confidence in the companywill only be restoredwhen it establishes a corporate structure that ensures Google pays taxwhere it generates profit.

For the article, go here.

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Commentary: "How America Lost Its Way"

Not everyone is an entrepreneur. Still, everyone should try -- if only once -- to start a business. After all, it is small and medium enterprises that are the key to job creation. There is also something uniquely educational about sitting at the deskwhere the buck stops, in a dreary office you've just rented,working day and nightwith a handful of employees just to break even.

As an academic, I'm just an amateur capitalist. Still, over the past 15 years I've started small ventures in both the U.S. and the U.K. In the process I've learned something surprising: It's much easier to do in the U.K. There seemed to be much more regulation in the U.S., not least the headache of sorting out health insurance for my few employees. And therewere certainly more billable hours from lawyers.

For the article, go here.

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ACT Statement on Todays Ways and Means Hearing on Tax Reform

  • By ACT - Alliance for Competitive Taxation

The Alliance for Competitive Taxation (ACT), a coalition of 42 leading American businesses that employ millions of Americanworkers, issued the following statement regarding today's Houseways and Means Committee hearing on tax reform:

“ACTwelcomes the hearing today on an important issue to advancing tax reform. ACT supports comprehensive tax reform that lowers the corporate tax rate to 25%, gets rid of corporate tax breaks and preferences and establishes a modern hybrid international tax system. ..."

For the statement, go here.

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Schwartz: Bipartisan Tax Reform Urgently Needed to Keep Jobs in U.S.

  • By Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz (PA-13) (US House of Representatives)

U.S. Representative Allyson Y. Schwartz (PA-13) issued the following statement at today's Houseways and Means Committee hearing examining the various tax planning strategies used by multinational corporations to shift income out of the United States and into low-tax jurisdictions.

“Today's hearing highlights the necessity of reforming our tax code. Recent reports have shown that our current tax code puts American businesses, our economy, andworkers at a disadvantage in the global marketplace and robs the federal government of the revenue needed to meet our obligations. Our current tax code makes it easy to game the system and rewards shipping jobs overseas,while giving companies no incentives to create middle-class jobs here at home, said Congresswoman Schwartz.

For the statement, go here.

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Ways and Means Considers Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Questioning a panel of experts on the merits of a territorial regime, offshore cash stockpiles, and the promotion of American manufacturing, the Houseways and Means Committee considered how best to combat base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) at a hearing on June 13. Also up for deliberationwas an anti-base-erosion proposal that committee Chair Dave Camp, R-Mich., included in his 2011 discussion drafton corporate taxation.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Transfer Pricing No Call for Formulary Apportionment In OECD Base Erosion Action Plan, Official Says

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentwill not recommend a shift from the arm's length principle to formulary apportionment in its July action plan on its project addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), OECD's top tax official told BNA June 13.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Tax Reform: Camp Signals Support for Taxing Foreign Income From Intangibles at 15 Percent Rate

All foreign income attributable to intangible products, such as intellectual property rights, could be taxed at a 15 percent rate as part of a plan to reform the tax code and limit erosion of the U.S. tax base, Houseways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) said in a plan highlighted June 13.

Companies could get below a 15 percent effective rate by subtracting any credits for foreign taxes paid on the same income, Camp said during a tax reform hearing on tax havens, base erosion, and profit-shifting.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Witness Statements at 6/13 W&M Hearing on "Tax Reform: Tax Havens, Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting"

  • By House Ways and Means Committee

The Houseways and Means Committee has released thewritten testimony of thewitnesses at its June 13 hearing on Tax Reform: Tax Havens, Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting. Thewitnesses are:

- Pascal Saint-Amans, Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);
- Edward Kleinbard, Professor of Law, University of Southern California Gould School of Law; and
- Paul Oosterhuis, Partner, Skadden Arps Slate Meager & Flom LLP.

For the testimony, go here.

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Chairman Camp Opening Statement at 6/13 W&M Hearing on "Tax Reform: Tax Havens, Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting

On October 26, 2011, as part of its overall approach to comprehensive tax reform that lowers rates and broadens the base, this Committee released a discussion draft aimed at modernizing our outdated international tax rules. The draft included a structure thatwould allow the U.S. to move from aworldwide taxation system to a participation exemption system similar to that used by almost all of our major trading partners. In the interest of transparency,we made a specific requestwe actively sought feedback from stakeholders taxpayers, practitioners, economists, and members of the general public on how to improve the draft proposal.

Since then,we have heard from awide range of practitioners andworldwide American companies. Nearly all have offered a universal observation having the highest corporate rate in the developedworld alongwith an outdated international tax system is a barrier to success that leaves our country falling further behind our foreign competitors. Academics and economists agreed, and also cautioned, that any solution to these challenges must protect against erosion of the U.S. tax base through the shifting of profits to low-tax jurisdictions.

For Chairman Camp's opening statement, go here.

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Corporate Pirates of the Caribbean -- Pro-Austerity CEOs [Fix the Debt] Seek to Widen Tax Haven Loophole

CEOswith the dubious lobby group "Fix the Debt" are pushing for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and the social safety net, painting themselves as the good guys in the budget debate. But as they ask for everyday Americans to accept cuts, these CEOs are brazenly seeking towiden tax haven loopholes thatwould benefit their corporations such as a "territorial" tax system -- and earn them billions.

A new report by the Institute for Policy Studies shows that Fix the Debt member corporations stand to gain as much as $173 billion inwindfalls if Congress adopts their proposal for a territorial tax system.

For the report, go here.

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Commentary: Time for Business Tax Reform

The U.S. last reformed its business tax code in 1986,when Forbes reported that 218 of theworld's largest 500 companieswere based in the U.S. Since then, theworld economy has become larger and more competitive, and production and employment have become more globalized. Today, the U.S. is home to only 137 of theworld's largest 500 companies by sales and is competingwith many countries for the production, research and jobs of global businesses. The current corporate tax code is a major impediment in this competition; it makes the U.S. less attractive as a place to do business and disadvantages American multinational companies.

After the 1986 tax overhaul, the U.S. had one of the lowest corporate tax rates among major economies in theworld. Today, it has the highest. The U.S. is also one of the few industrialized countries that still have aworldwide system that taxes the foreign earnings of its multinational companies. In contrast, more than 90 percent of theworld's largest companies from advanced economies are based in countrieswithterritorial systems that exempt most of the foreign earnings from domestic taxation. U.S. multinational companies, on the other hand, currently have about $2 trillion in foreign earnings that they cannot invest in the U.S.without incurring a substantial U.S. tax penalty.

For the editorial, go here.

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Taxman presence at multinationals adds to avoidance fears

The presence of hundreds of federal tax agents inside some of the US's biggest multinationals has added to the growing debate about tax avoidance ahead of a Group of Eight summit expected to discuss the issue this month.

The expected focus of this month's G8 has been on the elaborate, if legal, schemes set up by multinationals to minimise their tax bills, and how to overhaul laws to prevent the erosion of the corporate tax base around theworld.

But in the US,where hundreds of federal tax agents are often stationed inside the largest multinationals, there are increased questions aboutwhether these embedded Internal Revenue Service agents are too tough, tooweak or even too cosy in dealingwith the companies they cover.

For the story, go here.

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Occupy Wall Street Stylists Pursue U.K. Tax Dodgers

UK Uncut has no offices and no formal leader, and key members often plot strategy over midnight pints of ale in London pubs.

Yet,with more than 60,000 Twitter followers and a sprawling network of college-educated volunteers, the Occupywall Street-style group has helped galvanize public opposition to corporate tax avoidance. It has demonstrated inside Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) coffee shops, sued Britain's tax collection agency over a dealwith Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and shut down London'swestminster Bridge. It plans to target this month's summit of the Group of Eight, theworld's eightwealthiest countries.

For the story, go here.

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DEALBOOK: Despite Tax Rules, Companies Stick With U.S.

The tactics that multinational companies like Apple, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard use to avoid paying corporate income taxes might make onewonderwhy they incorporate in the United States in the first place.why not Ireland?

Advocates of a territorial-based tax system often point out that taxing United States companies on theirworldwide income creates an incentive for new companies to incorporate abroad instead. Many countries tax income earned onlywithin their borders. The United States, by contrast, purports to tax companies on theirworldwide income,with credits for any foreign taxes paid.

For the story, go here.

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Economic Analysis: "Intangible Profits: Oh, the Places You'll Go!"

If you readwhat law professors havewritten aboutwhere intangible income should be sourced, you'll soon realize that there are no easy answers to that critical question.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Taxes help shape multinational companies

We instinctively assign national identities to large global corporations. Toyota is Japanese; IBM is American; Siemens is German; Samsung is Korean.we assume these big firms reflect their national origins and act as informal instruments of government policy. Up to a point, this is probably true. Companies' personalities do embody the culture and values of their place of birth. No doubt many executives feel patriotic toward their homeland. But as these multinational firms spread their sales, production and marketing activities around theworld, their interests and loyalties seem more murky, conflicted and stateless.

This may explain, I think, the muddled reaction to the recent appearance of Apple chief executive Timothy Cook before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. You may recall that the subjectwas Apple's ability to shelter a huge slice of its global profits from taxation. A subcommittee staff study found that from 2009 to 2012 Apple had paid almost no taxes on about $74 billion in profits earned outside the United States. These global profitswere diverted to Ireland,which levied almost no tax. The legal mechanics of how this occurredwere less impressive than the sheer magnitude of avoidance.

For the op-ed, go here.

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Intangibles Next Release of OECD Intangibles: Draft To Address Location Savings, Official Says

The next release of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's discussion draft on intangibleswill cover comparability factors including corporate synergies, local market conditions, and location savings, an OECD official said June 6.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Ways & Means Committee Sets 6/13 Hearing on "Tax Reform: Tax Havens, Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting"

  • By House Ways and Means Committee

Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI), Chairman of the Committee onways and Means, today announced that the Committeewill hold a hearing on U.S. and foreign multinational corporations use of tax havens (low- and no-tax jurisdictions) to avoid tax and shift profits outside the United States and erode the U.S. tax base as part of the Committee's continuedwork on comprehensive tax reform. The hearingwill take place on Thursday, June 13, 2013, in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 A.M.

For the release, go here.

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How Supreme Court's PPL ruling will reduce transaction costs for US multinationals

US multinationals should see their transaction costs reducedwhen investing in foreign jurisdictions following the Supreme Court's judgment in favour of energy company PPL.

For the article, go here.

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German Min Fin could introduce patent box to compete with others in Europe

German officials are concerned about the country's potential loss of competitive advantage because of new intellectual property tax incentives being offered by other European countries such as the UK.

For the story, go here.

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International Tax News: June 2013 edition available

  • By PriceWaterhouseCoopers

International Tax News is designed to help multinational organisations keep upwith the constant flow of international tax developmentsworldwide. Among thearticles featured in this month's edition are:

* Recent legislative changes reaffirm Cyprus' attractive tax regime
* Netherlands renews decree on limitation of interest deduction
* Azerbaijan expands tax treaty network
* Billwould liberalise Hong Kong's exchange of information regime

For the June edition of International Tax News, go here.

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Potential Vodafone conciliation could open door for alternative dispute resolution in India

If Vodafone accepts the Indian cabinet's offer to enter a conciliation process under the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act to try and resolve its longstanding tax dispute, the Indian government may have to open up such resolution mechanisms to other multinationals.

For the story, go here.

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When multinationals should use ADR to resolve UK tax disputes

HM Revenue & Customs officials discusswhen taxpayers should consider using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve large and complex tax cases.

For the story, go here.

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OECD and U.N. Officials Discuss Transfer Pricing Challenges

Aworldwide consensus on transfer pricing issues is becoming increasingly challenging to reach, and the process for achieving it is important, Joseph Andrus, head of transfer pricing at the OECD, said June 5.

At the Transfer Pricing Minds Americas conference in Coral Gables, Fla., Andrus previewed the OECD'swork on intangibles and base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), and Michael Lennard, chief of international tax cooperation in the Financing for Development Office at the United Nations, discussed the U.N. approach.

"We think at the OECD that agreement among countries in the transfer pricing area is extremely important," Andrus said. One area of general agreement is that the arm's-length standard should be retained. However, the arm's-length standard is notworking theway some countrieswould like, he said.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Reputational Risk Is Here to Stay, Transfer Pricing Panel Says

The popular sentiment that corporations are poor citizens for legally minimizing their tax liabilities is incorrect, but that perception is a lasting problem for multinationals, according to a panel of practitioners and commentators at the Bloomberg BNA and Baker & McKenzie North American Transfer Pricing Conference inwashington on June 5.

The theme for the panelwas set earlywith the recital of the famous quote from Judge Learned Hand that taxpayers may arrange their affairs so they pay no more tax than they are legally obligated to pay. Therewas also broad endorsement of Apple CEO Tim Cook's recent recommendations to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations that the United States simplify its corporate tax code and adopt a lower rate.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Spotlight on Transfer Pricing Shows Need for Global Cooperation, Maruca Says

With public attention recently drawn to the income-shifting practices of multinational corporations, transfer pricing is becoming increasingly challenging for taxpayers and administrators and the need for global cooperation is more apparent than ever, according to Samuel Maruca, transfer pricing director, IRS Large Business and International Division.

"Transfer pricing has gone mainstream," Maruca said June 5 at the Bloomberg BNA and Baker & McKenzie North American Transfer Pricing Conference inwashington. Previously, transfer pricing issueswere mostly out of the public's sight, but the pressures of an economic downturn and fiscal austerity measures have created a "geopolitical firestorm," he said. Recent events like the Senate hearing on Apple's international tax practices illustrate the growing public attention to profit shifting, he said.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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IRS Could Update Regs on Transfers of Intangibles to Foreign Corporations

The IRS believes it has the authority to modify section 367(d) regulations dealingwith transfers of intangibles to foreign corporations to close most perceived loopholeswithout a change to the tax code, according to Chris Bello, branch 6 chief, IRS Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International).

Speaking June 5 at the Bloomberg BNA and Baker & McKenzie North American Transfer Pricing Conference inwashington, Bello said the IRS is considering updating the section 367(d) regulations, a project that it hasworked on "in fits and starts" over the years.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Economic Policy Institute Produces Dual Axis Chart That Proves Nothing Affects Economic Growth

The progressive Economic Policy Institute likes the corporate income tax because EPI likes tax revenue in general and feels that the corporate income tax raises it in a distributionally progressiveway. They also offer the chart above to prove that corporate income tax rates don't drive economic growth.

And indeed they don't. But though this is an unusually egregious example, it highlights a big flaw in the entire chart-blogging genre.

For the article, go here.

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Corporate taxes dont cause recessions. But do they hurt growth?

Congressional Research Service reports arent generally the cause of political dust-ups. The agency is known for its rigorous yet completely dispassionate analysis of everything from national security threats to budget policy to Congressional procedure. At one hearing I attended three years ago, a CRS analyst recalled a time her bosswas askedwhat he thought about a particular piece of legislation and replied,Im not allowed to think.
So itwas surprisingwhen Thomas Hungerford, a veteran tax analyst at the agency, issued a report last year that Senate Republicans immediately tried to revoke. The report found no correlation between the top personal income tax rate and economic growth.

A revised version of the reportwas eventually released, softening some language and citing reports suggesting negative growth effects from high taxes. But soon after, Hungerford departed CRS for the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute.

Now, he's conductingsimilar researchat EPI, this time focusing on the corporate tax rate. His latestreportfindsno evidence that eitherthe statutory top corporate tax rate or the effective marginal tax rate on capital income is correlatedwith real GDP growth.

For the story, go here.

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G8 tax avoidance drive alarms US business

Corporate America's biggest lobby groups havewarned Barack Obama against embracing Group of Eight proposals to crack down on international tax avoidance, days ahead of expected Senate questioning of one of the president's advisers about his investments in a Cayman Islands fund.

For the story, go here.

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Calculating Apples True U.S. Tax Rate

Some have suggested that Timothy D. Cook's calculation of Apple's tax rate is based on a badly distorted measure of United States income.One lesson from the Senate hearing about Apple's offshore tax planning is that figuring outwhat a multinational company actually pays in taxes is harder than it should be. At the risk of sounding Clintonesque, it depends onwhat the meaning ofpays is.

For the story, go here.

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Taxpayers should continue to prepare for the FTT despite reports of its demise

A number of media reports in the lastweek suggest that the financial transaction tax (FTT) is going to bewatered down and delayed. But the Commission has denied this and FTT proponents remain sceptical of such claims.

For the story, go here.

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OECD drive against tax avoidance gets fresh backing

The dayswhen multinational companies could exploit fiscal loopholes to escape tax could soon be numbered, after governments gave the OECD strong backing to design an international clampdown on corporate tax avoidance.

Ministers from Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and other countries backed OECD efforts on Thursday to press aheadwith new guidelines to ensure firms are not able to pay little or no tax due to differences between tax regimes.

The Group of 20 economic powers have asked the OECD to deliver an action plan at a July meeting of G20 finance ministers in Moscow.

For the story, go here.

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New Business Group ACT Pushes Tax Overhaul

A group of 42 U.S. companies is announcing a potentially powerful new coalition on Tuesday to push for a comprehensive tax overhaul. The group representing a broad cross-section of both multinational and domestic-focused big businesses could give a boost to the slow-moving effort on Capitol Hill.

The new group, the Alliance for Competitive Taxation (ACT), is promoting a tax overhaul as away to make the economy grow faster, attract more investment to the U.S., generate jobs and help companies compete against their international rivals. Coalition members are hoping a tax overhaulwill prove to be a rare area of agreement for feuding Republicans and Democrats inwashington over the next couple of years.

For the story, go here.

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Permanent Establishments: Some Common Cost Sharing Structures May Circumvent PE Rules, U.S. Official Says

A hypothetical cost-sharing arrangement for sales through a subsidiary, similar towhat many multinationals have used around the globe, could causeconcern that itwas circumventing rules aboutwhat constitutes a permanent establishment, a Treasury Department attorney-adviser said June 3.

Arlene Fitzpatrick spoke at a panel discussion on the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development's efforts to fine-tune the definition ofpermanent establishment,which began in 2009. The panelwas part of the 2013 OECD International Tax Conference inwashington.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Large Business Compliance Requires Cooperation Among Administrators and Taxpayers, Danilack Says

A recent report from the Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) that compiled countries' approaches to ensuring compliance by large business taxpayers suggests that cooperation among tax administrators and taxpayers can improve compliance, according to Michael Danilack, deputy commissioner (international), IRS Large Business and International Division.

"The principal behind cooperative compliance is that compliance can be greatly enhanced through reaching understanding," said Danilack,who delivered the keynote address at the 2013 OECD International Tax Conference inwashington on June 4. That understanding is based on "commercial awareness, impartiality, proportionality, responsiveness, and openness through mutual disclosure and transparency," he said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Australian Tax Legislation includes transparency

  • By Australian Government

The Tax Laws Amendment legislation,whichwas just introduced in Australia, includes a provision to improve the transparency of Australia's corporate tax system. The provision requires the Commissioner of Taxation to publish limited information about the tax affairs of large corporate taxpayers (total income of $100 million or more).

For the legislation, go here.

For an explanation of the legislation, go here.

For a statement from Assistant Treasurer Bradbury, go here.

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NFTC Letter to President Obama

  • By NFTC & 8 oother groups

President Obama at an upcoming G-8 meeting should support tax policies that enhance theworldwide competitiveness of U.S. businesses, the National Foreign Trade Council and eight other groups said in a June 4 letter, adding that it is imperative that international tax policy discussions focus on promoting stable international tax rules.

For the letter, go here.

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OECD's Work on Permanent Establishments on Hold for BEPS

The OECD's finalwork on revising the commentary to article 5 of the OECD model tax treaty on permanent establishmentswill depend on the progress the OECD makes on its base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project, an official told Tax Analysts June 3.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 2013 OECD International Tax Conference inwashington, Jacques Sasseville, head of the tax treaty unit at the OECD, said that it's possible the BEPS project could affect article 5,which in turn could affect the commentary to article 5. The OECD began a project in 2009 to clarify the existing definition of a PE through revised language in the commentary.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Officials Wrestle With Inclusion of Goodwill in OECD Intangibles Definition

Although the final language of the new intangibles discussion draft remains unresolved, Joseph Andrus, head of the OECD transfer pricing unit,warned against getting "bogged down in the definitional game" ofwhether goodwill should be regarded as an intangible asset.

Speaking at the 2013 OECD International Tax Conference inwashington on June 4, Andrus said thatwhat is important for evaluatingwhether something generally classified as goodwill should be priced into a transaction iswhether unrelated partieswould have paid for the transfer. However, he said that itwas an "awkward time" to discuss the OECD intangibles draft since he and his fellow panelists could only discusswhat issueswere being debated byworking Party 6 and not the conclusions thatwill be released later this year. (June 2012 OECD intangibles discussion draft.)

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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Intangible Related Returns Taken Up in OECD Base Erosion Initiative

The OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting (BEPS) initiative appears to be lending greater credibility to views on the transfer pricing aspects of intangibles that some multinationals might findworrisome.

Speaking June 4 at the OECD's 2013 International Tax conference, Christopher Bello, branch 6 chief, IRS Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International), and a member of OECDworking Party 6, said that the BEPS project has taken up the issue of how to take into account situationswhere a company makes a financial investment to develop an intangible but does not engage in functional activity.

Working Party 6,which is responsible for the OECD's draft intangibleswork, is considering how to price these transactions in the context of the intangibles project, Bello said. "At the same timewe are talking about how, 'Maybe these are a type of transaction thatwewill not respect at all,'" he said.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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Negotiating Transfer Pricing Safe Harbors Will Take More Time, Maruca Says

Although the United States is pleased that momentum is growing behind the concept of bilateral and multilateral safe harbors, negotiating any agreementswill take time because officials are approaching the process slowly and deliberately, Samuel Maruca, transfer pricing director in the IRS Large Business and International Division, said June 4.

The U.S. is looking forways to reduce its inventory of routine transfer pricing cases and believes that safe harbors may help, Maruca said, but he added that so far, discussions have been limited to expressions of interest among a few countries that the U.S. dealswith regularly. "I don'twant to get people too excited about timing. This is going to take awhile," he said at the 2013 OECD International Tax Conference inwashington.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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ACT Coalition to Push for Corporate Tax Reform

A group of 42 American companies including Google Inc.,wal-Mart Stores Inc., Bank of America Corp., and the Coca-Cola Co. announcedJune 4 the creation of a coalition to advocate revenue-neutral business tax reform that includes lowering the corporate rate and moving to a hybrid international tax system.

The Alliance for Competitive Taxation (ACT)will advocate a corporate income tax rate of 25 percent, paid for by the elimination of business tax expenditures. The group alsowants to move to a hybrid international tax system that taxes income in countrieswhere the income is earned and includes protections for base erosion and American jobs.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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Want Tax Reform? Base Erosion Actions Come With It, Solomon Says

As Robert Stack, Treasury deputy assistant secretary (international tax affairs),was inwashington telling multinationals that theywould have to pay tax somewhere, at almost the same moment in New York, Eric Solomon of Ernst & Young LLP, former Treasury assistant secretary for tax policy,was suggesting that somewherewould be the United States.

If multinationals succeed in convincing Congress to lower the corporate income tax rate and adopt a territorial system, that reformwill comewith base erosion provisions, Solomon told thewall Street Tax Association (WSTA) on June 3.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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France to force big companies to disclose foreign tax bill

France plans to force large companies to declare details of their foreign activities as away of reducing tax avoidance, a finance ministry official said on Sunday.

The move is France's follow-up to a European Union summit last monthwhere EU leaders said theywould close loopholes to stop companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon aggressively avoiding taxes.

For the story, go here.

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Tax Avoidance Crackdown: France to Force Companies to Reveal Foreign Activity and Bills

France is cracking down on large companies,which are aggressively avoid paying corporation tax, by forcing them to disclose the details of foreign business activities and tax bills.

One of France's ministry official said that the countrywill extend draft rules, initially planned only for banks by the European Union (EU), to other large companies in order to present aggressive corporate tax avoidance, demonstrated by Google, Amazon and Apple.

"Our aim is to extend to large companies the requirement to disclose activities abroad country-by-country," said the official to Reuters.

For the story, go here.
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