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Ireland Extends Tax Benefits for Investors in Budget
Ireland revealed plans Tuesday to extend a range of tax benefits to attract risk finance into the country as part of a pre-election budget. The Department of Finance is proposing to extend the Relief for Investment in Corporate Trades benefits by two years, a budget document outlining tax measures said, putting them into effect until Dec. 31, 2025.
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Justice Was Done in Apple
David G. Chamberlain responds to Lee A. Sheppard’s analysis of the EU Court of Justice’s ruling in the Apple state aid case and argues that the Court’s ruling was correct.
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Argentina's New Tax Incentives to Shore Up Foreign Investments
Argentina’s economic reform law has significant tax implications for various industries. The law, issued by decree on Aug. 22, includes a large investments incentive system known as RIGI. A key feature of the measure is a stability provision for a 30-year period, encompassing tax, customs, legal, and regulatory incentives.
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Countries Raise Corporate Tax Rates After Years of Decline
Corporate income tax rates across the world stabilized in 2023 after years of decline, according to a new report from the OECD summarizing international taxation trends.
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French Government Weighs New Taxes on Large Firms, Le Monde Says
The French government is weighing fresh taxes on corporates to cut the country’s budget deficit, newspaper Le Monde reported.
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Estimating Pillar 2’s Effect on U.S. Multinationals and Treasury Revenue
Thomas Horst explains and illustrates his evaluation of the effect of the OECD/G20’s pillar 2 minimum tax rules on U.S. multinational enterprises and on U.S. federal tax revenue.
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Ireland Expects €25BN Budget Surplus This Year After Apple Windfall
Ireland’s government expects to post a budget surplus of €25bn this year, boosted by part of the €14.1bn in back taxes from Apple that the EU’s top court this month ordered it to accept.
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Trump’s Low-Tax, High-Tariff Strategy Could Clash With Economic Realities
The former president’s efforts to compel companies to remain in the United States had limited success while he was in the White House.
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The Meaning of State Aid Is Anyone’s Guess After Apple
Ryan Finley explains why the Court of Justice was wrong to assume that its understanding of OECD transfer pricing and profit attribution guidance is the only reasonable interpretation.
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Treasury Downplays FTC Timing Concerns in Corporate AMT Regs
Treasury is not overly concerned with practitioner worries stemming from a lack of carryforwards for direct foreign tax credits and book-to-tax income recognition timing differences under its corporate alternative minimum tax proposed regs.
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Harris Pledges $100 Billion in Tax Credits to Boost U.S. Manufacturing
The Democratic presidential nominee outlined her economic plans, including tax credits to boost next-generation industries, during a speech in Pittsburgh.
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German Transfer Pricing Updates Align Arm's-Length Rules, OECD
Germany’s Growth Opportunities Act, applicable as of Jan. 1, highlighted a disparity between the German legislature’s application of the arm’s-length principle for intra-group financing versus OECD transfer pricing guidelines for multinational companies and tax administrations. This has created substantial uncertainty for multinationals, leaving many unresolved questions about application of the new tax legislation.
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Nigeria Urges UN Action on Tax Treaty Talks
Nigeria urged the United Nations on Tuesday to begin negotiations toward a global tax treaty opposed by wealthier countries because its work would overlap with that of the OECD.
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Treasury Working on Guidance for OECD Transfer Pricing Rules
The US Treasury Department is working on guidance to apply a set of OECD rules that seek to simplify the way businesses value certain intercompany transactions, a department official said Tuesday. The implementation of the rules, known as Amount B, is on the list of Treasury’s priority guidance projects, said Brenda Zent, special adviser on international taxation at Treasury.
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Trump Says Plan Will Convince Foreign Companies to Shift Jobs to U.S.
The Republican presidential nominee uses tax breaks and tariff threats in a bid to persuade foreign companies to shift production.
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Trump Pitches ‘New American Industrialism’ and Luring Foreign Manufacturing
The former president highlighted his plans to increase tariffs and reduce corporate taxes for businesses that make products in the United States.
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The Apple State Aid Decision: Is This Really About Pillar 2?
Robert Goulder comments on the final decision of the EU’s Court of Justice on the state-aid claim against Ireland.
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Netherlands, Finland Move to Amend Global Minimum Tax Rules
The Netherlands and Finland both published draft legislation to update their respective global minimum tax laws to include recent guidance from the OECD.
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Swiss Consider Using OECD's Simplified Transfer Pricing Plan
Switzerland is mulling OECD rules aimed at simplifying transfer pricing methods for certain transactions, also known as Amount B, under the global tax deal. Swiss Competent Authority member Ronny Rosenblatt said that Switzerland may use Amount B as a safe harbor and commit to accept it when dealing with covered countries that are using it.
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Global Tax Changes Create Challenges and Opportunities for Africa
Tax reforms driven by OECD and UN initiatives are reshaping the international tax landscape and require African economies, governments, and businesses to adapt to an evolving global tax environment.
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EU Extortion in Apple
Lee A. Sheppard examines the recent decision by the EU’s Court of Justice in the Apple transfer pricing case, arguing that it contradicts the Court’s own precedent and OECD guidance.
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Treasury’s Latest Effort to Prop Up Pillar 2
Mindy Herzfeld examines recently proposed dual consolidated loss regs and questions whether the regs are justified by the legislative history, or whether Treasury has exceeded its authority under Loper Bright Enterprises Inc. v. Raimondo.
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Economic Substance: Canadian GAAR and U.S. Administrative Guidance
Rémi D. Gagnon assesses the U.S. experience with the concept of economic substance and draws lessons for the successful development of this concept in Canada in light of the structural differences between the two systems.
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Countries Start Signing OECD Subject-to-Tax Rule Treaty
Nine jurisdictions have signed a multilateral instrument to implement the OECD subject-to-tax rule, with 10 others to follow, advancing efforts to help developing countries ensure that some cross-border payments are taxed at a minimum rate.
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Win-Win Tax Partnerships Mean Investment and Growth for Africa
The International Fiscal Association Congress will this year be held in Africa. The timing is fortuitous, as African countries are making significant advances in both modernizing tax administration and pursuing economic growth.
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Apple Tax Verdict Lets Ireland Move Ahead on Foreign Investment
While the adverse ruling is embarrassing, it’s only temporary. Ireland has a lot of credit in the bank following its moves to abolish the double Irish corporate tax avoidance structure and its embracing of both EU and global efforts to bring in a new set of global tax rules, which should maintain the country’s attractiveness to international investors.
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Italy’s Investment Management Exemption Avoids Foreign PE Risk
Italy’s Investment Management Exemption regime will help foreign investment vehicles avoid PE risk and attract non-resident investors to Italy, say CMS practitioners.
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IRS to Establish New CAP Team to Resolve Transfer Pricing Issues
The IRS is in the process of establishing a compliance assurance process team to streamline and expedite the resolution of transfer pricing issues in the CAP environment, an official has said.
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Republican Lawmakers Back Challenge to Undertaxed Profits Rule
House Republicans have expressed support for a recent legal challenge filed at the Belgian Constitutional Court against the undertaxed profits rule, saying the global minimum tax measure would give up U.S. sovereignty.
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The U.N. Framework Tax Convention: Can It Bridge the North-South Divide?
Assaf Harpaz explains the key issues being addressed in the U.N. framework convention on international tax cooperation, including the global north-south divide and its role in the multilateral process.
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House GOP Vows to Oppose Global Tax, Profits Rules at OECD
House Republicans are voicing support for a US business group’s legal challenge of an EU directive requiring all bloc member states to apply global minimum tax rules and vowing retaliatory action if countries employ the levy on US companies.
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OECD Says Up to 80 Countries Will Soon Adopt Global Minimum Tax
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development forecasts “somewhere between 60 to 80 jurisdictions” to adopt the rules in the coming years, said John Peterson, head of division for cross-border and international tax at the organization.
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Tax Threat and Negativity Undermine Investment Efforts, UK Business Leaders Warn
Business leaders have warned that the UK government’s tax-raising plans and negativity about its economic inheritance risk undermining its efforts to boost private sector investment.
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Taxation Diluted in von der Leyen's New European Commission
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has confounded the tax world with the announcement that EU tax policy will fall under the purview of the next climate commissioner.
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Estonia To Impose a 2% Tax on Accounting Profits to Cover Higher Defense Spending
The Estonian government agreed in principle Tuesday to impose a 2% tax on accounting profits of companies and raise value-added tax to 24% in a bid to bolster the country’s security and defense, according to a press release from the country’s ministry of finance.
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Biggest US Firms Largely Unscathed by Global Minimum Tax
The new 15% global minimum tax that became effective in almost 40 countries is barely having an impact on many of the 100 largest US companies so far, but it has prompted low-tax jurisdictions to raise their corporate tax rates.
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NGOs and Companies Brace for Fight Over EU's Decluttering Agenda
After listening to a barrage of diverging arguments about ways to declutter the EU tax system, the European Commission told stakeholders it hopes to present its conclusions in the second half of 2025.
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Proposed DPL Rules May Have IRS Authority Hiccups
Practitioners are concerned that the IRS and Treasury may have overstepped their grant of rulemaking authority when addressing deduction/no-inclusion transactions without explicit congressional permission.
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Countries Making Tax Transparency, Dispute Resolution Progress
Governments are continuing to make strides in implementing the base erosion and profit-shifting project through country-by-country reporting under action 13 and mutual agreement procedures under action 14, the OECD said.
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FISC Chair Calls for Tax Framework Using Formulary Apportionment
Pasquale Tridico, president of the European Parliament’s subcommittee on tax affairs, has called on policymakers to include a formula to share profits in the common consolidated corporate tax rulebook proposed by the European Commission.
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EU Countries to Review Options for New Transfer Pricing Forum
EU member states soon will discuss three options for establishing a new joint transfer pricing forum, and the choice they make will determine who is in the driver’s seat.
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OECD Publishes Template for ICAP Outcome Letter
The OECD has released a standardized template that tax administrations will use when issuing outcome letters to multinational enterprises after completing an international compliance assurance program tax risk assessment.
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Biden’s 15% Minimum Tax on Big Companies Gets 603-Page Rulebook
The Treasury Department has issued long-awaited proposed regulations on the corporate alternative minimum tax. The proposed rules released run through a long list of special situations that require special attention, including treatment of foreign subsidiaries.
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OECD Targets Country Benefits That May Weaken Pillar 2 Rules
The OECD is working with country delegates on guidance addressing incentives that governments are offering to taxpayers that potentially undermine the integrity of the pillar 2 global minimum tax rules, an OECD adviser said.
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CJEU Reinstates €13 Billion State Aid Decision Against Apple
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Singapore Bill Would Provide Tax Credits to Offset Minimum Tax
Companies in Singapore would receive generous tax credits to offset some of the impact of the global minimum tax under legislation being considered by lawmakers.
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Reconsidering Maquiladoras in Light of Recent Reforms
Eduardo Méndez, Cameron Taheri, and Thomas D. Bettge explain recent Mexican tax reforms and why businesses may need to reconsider the structure of Mexican manufacturing operations.
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Draghi Recommends Tax Incentives to Foster EU Competitiveness
Former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said in his long-awaited report on the future of EU competitiveness that the EU should use taxation as a carrot rather than a stick.
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EU Court Rules That Apple Must Pay €13bn in Back Taxes
Apple has suffered a significant defeat after the EU’s top court ruled the iPhone maker must pay €13bn in back taxes, overturning an earlier decision in the Big Tech group’s favor.
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Forget Tariffs — Fixing ‘America Last’ Tax Policy Would Help More With Offshoring
By joining the international tax agreement, the US can move towards a stronger “country by country” minimum tax — which acts as a greater deterrent to tax competition and eliminates the perverse effects of global averaging across high and low tax jurisdictions.
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