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Int'l Tax News

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Apples Tax Magic Leaves Irish Bondholders Unmoved: Euro Credit

As Ireland's leaders try to limit the fallout from the tax crossfire between Apple Inc. (AAPL) and U.S. politicians, bond markets suggest they dont have toworry.

Speaking to lawmakers in Dublin two days ago, Finance Minister Michael Noonan insisted the country is no tax haven, a day after a congressional hearing inwashington focused attention on Apple Inc.'s manoeuvers to minimize its tax bill through its operations in Cork in the south of Ireland.

“Maybe therewas a magician, said Noonan, adding that Ireland didntwant to be awhipping boy for misunderstandings over Apple's tax liabilities.But the magicianwasnt resident down in Cork.

For the story, go here.

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From Google to FedEx: The Incredible Vanishing Subsidiary

Some of the biggest U.S. companies, including Google Inc. and FedEx Corp., have quietly removed hundreds of offshore subsidiaries from their publicly disclosed financial filings over the past several years.

Software maker Oracle Corp., for instance, disclosed more than 400 subsidiaries in its 2010 annual report. By 2012 the list had beenwhittled to eight -- five ofwhichwere located in Ireland. Oracle declined to comment.

The vanishing subsidiaries don't stem from asset sales or corporate restructuring. Companies across industries say they are taking advantage of Securities and Exchange Commission rules that demand disclosure onlywhen subsidiary operations are "significant."

For the story, go here.

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Don't Blame Apple for America's Broken Tax Code

On Tuesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook testified in front of the Congressional Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations as a part of their look into the company's corporate tax practices according to Sen. Carl Levin, the chairman of the committee, "Apple successfully sought the holy grail of tax avoidance. It has created offshore entities holding tens of billions of dollarswhile claiming to be tax resident nowhere." I asked Mihir A. Desai, a professor and dean at Harvard Business School, a professor at Harvard Law School, and the author of a 2012 HBR article on taxing businesses, a few questions about how this investigation fits into a larger debate about the corporate tax code. Our edited conversation is below.

For the interview, go here.

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Camp's Territorial Tax Revolution

Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp started setting the agenda for a business tax overhaul in 2011with a discussion paper on a territorial tax. This Bloomberg Government Analysis examines Camp's proposal and the impact of a switch to a territorial system.

For the report, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Tax Fairness Tops Agenda at European Summit

Facedwith public outrage over tax-evasion scandals at a time of austerity budgets, European leaders pledgedwednesday to ensure that everybody -- from high rollers to big multinationals -- pays their fair share to cash-strapped governments.

But the small steps that leaders took at their Brussels summit underline how difficult it is to effectively fight tax evasion by individuals and tax avoidance by companies at a timewhen countries are also competing for foreign investment.

For the story, go here.

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Global Firms' Tax Practices Draw U.K. Ire

The storm brewing over Apple Inc.'s tax practices in the U.S. has already rained down hard in the U.K.,where multinationals including Starbucks Corp., Inc. and Google Inc. have drawn public scorn for the low amounts of taxes they pay here.

Butwhile the U.K. government has pledged to take up tax avoidancewith international bodies such as the Group of Eight leading nations, little has yet been done to change the rules.

For the story, go here.

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Push on corporate tax rules goes global

A global effort to tighten corporate tax rules is gaining momentum as politicians in Europe and the United States take aim at American tech giantswhose savvy use of international tax laws has provoked a public backlash.

A day after a U.S. Senate report slammed Apple's use of Irish regulations to minimize payments to the U.S. government, European heads of state said they hoped for quick action from an international effort to change rules that let companies shelter profits.

For the story, go here.

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Robin Hood tax: A long shot

Robin Hood's modus operandiwas simple and, thanks to Hollywood, is still universally understood.when the financial crisis tipped the global economy into a steep downturn, the English folk herowas the obvious figurehead for a campaign to make the financial sector pay by taxing its day-to-day activities.

“You can draw parallels between the Sheriff of Nottingham and financial services, and Robin Hood redistributed gains back to thosewho needed them, says Simon Chouffot, spokesman for the Robin Hood Tax campaign,whichwas launched in 2010. But implementing afinancial transaction tax is far harder than robbingwicked medieval landlords.

For the story, go here.

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..Apples Right, Corporate Income Tax Should Be Debated: Pulitzer Prize-Winnng Tax Expert

Apple (AAPL) put a fork in the traditional music industry. Then introduced the iPad, kicking off the demise of the PC market. So, could the corporate income tax system be next?

CEO Tim Cook hopes so. Hewent towashington Tuesday to defend his company's use of tax-haven subsidiaries in places like Ireland. Cook also reiterated that Apple has no plans to bring back over $100 billion in profits stashed overseas, far outside the jurisdiction of the IRS.

Perhaps Cook's star-turn in DCwill bring corporate income tax reform back into the spotlight. He suggested that the IRS should modernize the tax code. And itwasnt so long ago that both candidates for President endorsed some type of change in the corporate tax system. Many economists and tax experts, and of course CEOs, have pushed for more drastic change like eliminating the corporate income tax altogether.

“I think itwould make the system much simpler, says Pulitzer Prize-winning tax expert David Cay Johnston.
For the story, go here.

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The Apple Tax Diversion

You almost have to admire Carl Levin's timing. Amid a furor over politicized IRS tax enforcement, the Michigan Democrat on Tuesday tried to change the subject to a hardywashington perennial -- corporate tax loopholes. Too bad his designated business pinata, Apple, demonstrates instead the insanity of the tax code that Mr. Levin has done so much towrite.

Mr. Levin unveiled the results of his months-long investigation into Apple's corporate taxes and accused the American business success of employing "alchemy" and "gimmickry" to lower its tax bill.what Mr. Levin did not dowas present any evidence of anything illegal or even inappropriate. He did prove that Apple has smart accountants and tax lawyers.

For the editorial, go here.

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Apple Tax Bill Overstated to Investors

Apple Inc.'s real tax bill isn't as big as the one it reports to its investors.

Among the findings of an investigation by the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations are figures that show Apple's reported taxes substantially exceed the sum it actually pays the U.S. Treasury.

For the story, go here.

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Ireland: No Favors Offered To Firms

The Irish government on Tuesday denied it shelters some of theworld's largest corporations, such as Apple Inc., from paying taxes, saying its long-standing low corporation tax regime is transparent and doesn't make it a tax haven.

An investigation by the U.S. Senate has revealed that, through its use of technicalities in Irish and U.S. tax law, Apple has paid little or no corporate taxes on at least $74 billion over the past four years. The investigation found no evidence that Apple did anything illegal.

The report published on Monday by the Senate's Permanent Committee on Investigations said that in Ireland, Apple "has negotiated a special corporate tax rate of less than 2%."

The Irish government said it hadn't negotiated special treatmentwith Apple or any other company.

For the story, go here.

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Apple CEO Tim Cook, Lawmakers Square Off Over Taxes .

Apple Inc.'s tax strategies came under harsh scrutiny Tuesday in the Senate,where lawmakers are finding it far easier to call for a simpler tax code than to produce one.

Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, defended the technology giant's tax practices,which Senate investigators say have led Apple to pay no corporate taxes on tens of billions of dollars in overseas income over the past four years. He said the company pays all taxes due and argued the U.S. tax code needs a "dramatic simplification."

Mr. Cook's appearance before the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations focused both on Apple's practices and the broader question of tax reform. One consistent complaint from large companies is that the U.S. taxes multinational companies on their global earnings,while many others tax only profits earnedwithin a country's borders. That gives U.S. companies reason to park foreign earnings overseas: They are taxed onlywhen brought back to the U.S.

For the story, go here.

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Google Joins Apple Avoiding Taxes With Stateless Income

U.S. Senate scrutiny of Apple Inc. (AAPL)s tax strategies turned the spotlight on a unitwith $30 billion in profit since 2009 that's incorporated in Ireland, controlled by a board in California, and doesn't pay taxes in either place.

Apple officials acknowledged yesterday at a congressional hearing that the entity -- a key subsidiary in Apples offshore tax strategy -- is managed and controlled in the U.S., yet it still isnt paying U.S. federal income taxes.

The shifting of profits by multinational companies is costing the U.S. and Europe at least $100 billion per year in lost tax revenue, according to Kimberly Clausing, an economics professor at Reed University in Portland, Oregon.

For the article, go here.

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Cook Defending Apple Puts Loophole-Closing Back on Agenda

A congressional hearing into Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s use of offshore tax shelters called attention to how U.S. companies lower their taxes, and underscored the difficulty Congress confrontswhen trying to end the practice.

The hearing by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations yesterday focused on the $102 billion in assets that Apple, the most valuable U.S. technology company, has stored in offshore entities. Apple executives defended their practices,with Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook saying the company complieswith all laws and has no plans to repatriate earnings kept abroad.

For the story, go here.

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Tax Evasion: Apple CEO Defends Firm on Tax Payments, Tells Senate Panel No Gimmicks' Were Used

Apple Chief Executive Officer Timothy Cook told the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations that his company pays all the taxes it owes and does not engage in any gimmicks to dodge its obligations, in response to sharp questioning from Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) at a May 21 hearing.We pay all the taxeswe owe. Every single dollar, Cook said at the hearing.we don't depend on tax gimmicks.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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OECD Completes Transfer Pricing Safe Harbor Guidance

The OECD's release of final guidance on transfer pricing safe harbors on May 21 sets the stage for countries to adoptworkable rules to simplify transfer pricing burdens on taxpayers, according to commentators, including Joseph Andrus, head of the OECD transfer pricing unit.

The new OECD transfer pricing safe harbor guidelines replace chapter 4, section E of the OECD's Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The new rules contain relatively few changes from a June 6, 2012, discussion draft but mark a significant shift from the OECD guidelines they replace.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Apple CEO Advocates Dramatic Reform of Corporate Tax Code

Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook recommended at a May 21 hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations that the U.S. corporate tax code be dramatically simplified.

Reform should be revenue neutralwhile eliminating corporate tax expenditures, lowering corporate income tax rates, and imposing a reasonable tax on foreign earnings thatwould allow them to be repatriated, Cook said. Apple does notwant a temporary tax holiday either, he added, saying, "A permanent change, to me, is materially better than a short-term tax holiday."

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Dublin cut tax burden on multinationals after US lobbying

Dublin amended its tax code following lobbying by US industry, reducing the tax burden on multinationals that funnel royalty payments to offshore tax havens, the FT has learnt.

The changes enabled some multinational companies to make royalty payments from their Irish-based operations directly to subsidiaries based in tax havens such as Bermuda or the Cayman Islands,without having to pay a 20 per centwithholding tax on the royalties.

The changes to Ireland's tax code in July 2010 to exempt certain companies from thewithholding taxwere introduced as part of a suite of incentives to boost Ireland's attractiveness as a location for intellectual property.

For the story, go here.

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Senate PSI posts materials related to Apple hearing

  • By Senate Homeland Security & Govt Affairs; Subcommittee on Investigations

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) has posted on itswebsite materials related to the May 21 hearing, "Offshore Profit Shifting and the U.S. Tax Code - Part 2 (Apple Inc.)." These materials includewitness statements, a PSI memo, and a variety of documents supplied by Apple.

For the materials, go here.

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Apple Holds Billions of Dollars in Foreign Tax Havens

  • By Citizens for Tax Justice

An analysis of Apple Inc.'s financial reports makes clear that Apple has paid almost no income taxes to any country on its $102 billion in offshore cash holdings. That means that this cash hoard reflects profits thatwere shifted, on paper, out of countrieswhere the profitswere actually earned into foreign tax havens.

For the CTJ report, go here.

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Apple Used Tax Loopholes to Avoid $9 Billion, Senators Say

Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cookwill face off against U.S. senators leveling accusations the iPhone maker has created aweb of offshore entities to avoid paying billions of dollars in U.S. taxes.

Cook and two other executives -- including Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer -- appear at 9:30 a.m.washington time before a Senate panel that yesterday released a report saying the company's subsidiaries include three entities that have no home country for tax purposes.

“Applewasnt satisfiedwith shifting its profits to a low-tax offshore tax haven, Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, said at a news conference yesterday.

For the story, go here.

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Apples Web of Tax Shelters Saved It Billions, Panel Finds

Even as Apple became the nation's most profitable technology company, it avoided billions in taxes in the United States and around theworld through aweb of subsidiaries so complex it spanned continents andwent beyond anything most experts had ever seen, Congressional investigators disclosed on Monday.

The investigation is expected to set up a potentially explosive confrontation between a bipartisan group of lawmakers and Timothy D. Cook, Apple's chief executive, at a public hearing on Tuesday.

Congressional investigators found that some of Apple's subsidiaries had no employees andwere largely run by top officials from the company's headquarters in Cupertino, Calif. But by officially locating them in places like Ireland, Applewas able to, in effect, make them stateless -- exempt from taxes, record-keeping laws and the need for the subsidiaries to even file tax returns anywhere in theworld.

For the story, go here.

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Apple Avoided Taxes on Overseas Billions, Senate Panel Finds .

Apple Inc. paid no corporate income tax to any national government on tens of billions of dollars in overseas income over the past four years, Senate investigators found, a revelation that fuels the debate overwhether the U.S. tax code needs an overhaul.

The disclosure follows a lengthy examination of the technology giant's tax practices by the U.S. Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations,which is expected to air its findings at a hearing on Tuesday. Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook is preparing to testify at the hearing, and is expected to propose changes to a tax code that provides American companies strong incentives to keep overseas earnings bottled up at foreign subsidiaries.

Apple used technicalities in Irish and American tax law to pay little or no corporate taxes on at least $74 billion over the past four years, according to the Senate panel's findings. The investigation found no evidence that Apple did anything illegal. Aides to the subcommittee said they have never seen a company use a subsidiary that didn't owe corporate income taxes to any country.

For the story, go here.

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Apple Testimony for 5/21 PSI Hearing

The May 21written testimony of Apple Inc. before the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations is now available.

For the testimony, go here.

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Former employee ready to expose Googles tax plans

Google's tax planning has been brandedimmoral by a former employeewho told a Sunday newspaper hewas ready to hand over evidence to the tax authority thatwould expose the company's arrangements as aconcocted scheme.

Barney Jones, a Google sales executive from 2002 to 2006,went publicwith some of the testimony behind lastweek's parliamentary hearing,which prompted Margaret Hodge, chair of the public accounts committee, to label the company asevil.

For the story, go here.

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Apple faces grilling over US tax rate

Applewould have paid a tax rate of about 15 per cent last year, far below the 25.2 per cent it reported, had it not used a form of reserve accounting that sets it apart from other big US technology companies.

The rare accounting treatment has helped to distract attention from Apple at a timewhen the tax-avoidance strategies of other cash-rich US tech companies, notably Google, have come under public attack, according to tax experts.

However, Apple's tax planning is likely to come under the microscope on Tuesdaywhen Tim Cook, chief executive, appears before the US Senate's permanent investigations subcommittee.

For the story, go here.

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EU Leaders Struggling With Economic Growth to Turn to Tax Policy

European Union leaders struggling to find a consensus on how to overcome the debt crisis and revive economic growthwill use a summit meeting thisweek to focus on fighting tax evasion and on the bloc's energy policy.

The leaders of the 27-member blocwill meet in Brussels May 22 to agree on a plan governing how EU countries share tax data after finance ministers lastweek failed to reach a decision. Theyll also examine energy costs and investment, as the euro-area economy continues to be in a recession.

“In the current economic contextwe must mobilize all our policies in support of competitiveness, jobs and growth, the group said in a May 17 draft of their conclusions.

For the story, go here.

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Apple CEO Cook to propose tax overhaul

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook plans to propose adramatic simplification of corporate tax lawswhen he testifies for the first time before Congress nextweek, just as lawmakers are eyeing an overhaul of the tax code.

In an interview, Cook said hewill present specific proposals at a Senate hearing Tuesday to encourage companies to bring back foreign earnings to the United States and invest that money into creating jobs and research and development

“If you look at it today, to repatriate cash to the U.S., you need to pay 35 percent of that cash. And that is a very high number, Cook said in an interview Thursday.We are not proposing that it be zero. I know many of our peers believe that. But I dont view that. But I think it has to be reasonable.

For the article, go here.

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Goldman Sachs Tax Deal Didnt Break U.K. Law, Judge Rules

Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs's decision to reduce the New York-based bank's tax billwas properly conducted, a judge in London ruled today. Still, Judge Andrew Nicol criticized tax officialswho considered the potential embarrassment to Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne if a dealwith Goldman Sachswasnt completed.

“The settlementwith Goldman Sachswas not a glorious episode in the history of the Revenue, Nicol said in hiswritten ruling.

For the article, go here.

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Kleinbard: "Through a Latte, Darkly: Starbucks' Window into Stateless Income Tax Planning"

This paper uses Starbucks Corporation, the premier roaster, marketer and retailer of specialty coffee in theworld, as an example of stateless income tax planning in action.Stateless income comprises income derived for tax purposes by a multinational group from business activities in a country other than the domicile of the group's ultimate parent company, butwhich is subject to tax only in a jurisdiction that is neither the source of the factors of production throughwhich the incomewas derived, nor the domicile of the group's parent company.

The paper reviews both Starbucks recent U.K. tax controversy (including a parliamentary inquiry),which revolved around the intersection of its consistent unprofitability in the United Kingdomwith large deductible intragroup payments to Dutch, Swiss and U.S. affiliates, and its more recent submission to the U.S. Houseways and Means Committee.

For the paper, go here.

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ABA Meeting: BEPS Participants Staking Out Non-Arm's-Length Positions for Intangibles

In remarks he said might leave a fellow panelist less assured, Chris Bello, branch 6 chief, IRS Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International), reported that some participants in the OECD's base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project have called for rules thatwould disregard some intangibles transactions.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Permanent Establishments: Treasury Official Says Separate PE Rules May Not Be Needed to Tax Digital Economy

A Treasury Department official said May 11 that separate permanent establishment rules may not be needed in order to adequately tax the profits derived from the delivery of digital goods and services.

Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary (International Tax Affairs) Robert Stack said Treasury's initial thinking regarding the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) projectis that digital is not something that needs to be separately broken out and separately thought through.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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David Cameron: A British-American Tax and Trade Agenda

Britain and America have a proud history ofworking together to meet the great challenges of the day. Ours is a partnershipwithout parallel, rooted in our values of freedom and enterprise -- advancing not just Britain's and America's interests but the good of people around theworld.

Today, our greatest challenge is to restore strong and sustainable growth to theworld economy.

When times are tough, somewant to put the barriers up, to look inwards, and to protect themselves from theworld. But Britain and America stand for a betterway.we have a precious opportunity to transform the global economy -- not by less openness and less free trade, but by more. Andwe must do everything possible to seize it.

For the editorial, go here.

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Arguments For and Against Territoriality

Reuven S. Avi-Yonah surveys the main arguments for and against territoriality and concludes that it is thewrongway to go in the short run but can perhaps be adopted in the medium to long term in conjunctionwith more fundamental international tax reform.

This article is based on keynote remarks at the American Tax Policy Institute conference on international tax reform (Rosanne Altshuler, organizer) inwashington on April 26. The conference papers can be found at

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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ABA Meeting: Multinationals Must Accept BEPS Project, Stack Says

Given mounting global pressure to enact rules thatwould address the concerns raised in the OECD's base erosion and profit shifting project (BEPS), U.S. multinationals and their representatives should engage constructively, a Treasury official said on May 11. On the other hand, he emphasized that policymakers should not give in to the pressure inways that produce bad rules and bad results.

Speaking at the Foreign Lawyers session of the American Bar Association Section of Taxation Meeting inwashington, Robert Stack, Treasury deputy assistant secretary (international tax affairs), said that the United Stateswill focus on the goal of establishing rules that make sense and eliminate stateless income. The U.S.would like to see rules that are clearly articulated by governments, understood by business, and applied broadly throughout the system, he said.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Europe Eases Corporate Tax Dodge as Worker Burdens Rise

In early November, members of the U.K. Parliament assailed executives from Google Inc. (GOOG), Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) and Inc. (AMZN) for moving billions of dollars in profits into tax havens.

Less than a month later, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said hewould lower the U.K.'s corporate tax rate to 21 percent, below Germany and France, from 28 percent in 2010. A month after that, the U.K. cut the rate further, to less than 6 percent, on profit attributed to offshore arms that make loans to other units. These subsidiaries can help U.K.-based multinationals shift income to mailboxes in tax havens.

For the article, go here.

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Economic Analysis: Negative Foreign Effective Tax Rates

Using a detailed simulation model, economists Harry Grubert of Treasury and Rosanne Altshuler of Rutgers University have calculated that under current law, a hypothetical high-tech manufacturing investment by a U.S. multinational in a low-tax country faces a negative marginal effective tax rate.

That eye-catching resultwas one of many interesting findings in a 77-page paper presented April 26 inwashington at the international tax conference sponsored by the American Tax Policy Institute and the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Graetz & Doud, "Technological Innovation, International Competition, and the Challenges of International Income Taxation," 113 Colum. L. Rev. 347 (2013)

Because of the importance of technological innovation to economic growth, nations strive to stimulate and attract the research and development (“R&D) that leads to that innovation and to make themselves hospitable environments for the holding of intellectual property (“IP). Tax policies have taken center stage in their efforts to accomplish these goals and to capture a share of the income from technological innovations.

This Article examines the three primary tax policies supporting innovation: (1) incentives for R&D, (2)patent boxes, and (3) tax benefits foradvanced manufacturing. It then briefly describes common techniques MNEs use to lower their taxes on IP income. The Article then assesses the various incentives and offers recommendations about how the United States might respond to challenges it now faces in promoting technological innovation. Based on extensive examination of the economic evidence, the Article concludes that, at most, only R&D incentives are justified.

This Article also summarizes the current proposals for limiting opportunities for U.S. MNEs to shift IP income to low- or zero-tax jurisdictions. In that connection, it offers proposals for change thatwould more closely align U.S. taxeswith U.S. sales.

For the paper, go here.

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Senate Finance Committee Staff Tax Reform Options for Discussion

  • By Senate Finance Committee

Lawmakersweighing proposals to change taxes on U.S. companies' overseas earnings have taken a look at repealing deferral for controlled foreign corporations (CFCs), according to a Senate Finance Committee document released May 9.

That paper summarized the menu of options available to members of the panel,who met behind closed doors to further discuss tax reform. The deferral proposal has come up in legislation before, in a bill offered in the last Congress by Sens. Ronwyden (D-Ore.) and Dan Coats (R-Ind.).

In addition to that proposal, members are considering tighter rules to minimize base erosion, stronger Subpart F rules, new tax treatment for non-Subpart F earnings, and further limiting cross-crediting, according to the committee document.

The committee's international tax reform options paper is at

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Tax Reform: Tax Breaks Seen as Loopholes' Today Came From Previous Priorities, Treasury's Lew Says

  • By Bloomberg

Few politicianswill argue against tax reform, but getting down to the details of closing so-called loopholeswill be undeniably difficult, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said May 7 at the City Club of Cleveland.

The U.S. statutory tax rate is at the high end of the global scale, Lew said, but the effective tax rate puts the United States more on parwith other countries. A statutory tax rate of 28 percent,with a broader tax base,would make it more attractive for international firms to base operations and pay taxes here, Lew added.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Apples Move Keeps Profit Out of Reach of Taxes

Whywould a companywith billions of dollars in the bank -- and no plans for a large investment -- decide to borrow billions more?

A decade ago, thatwas a question some short-sellerswere asking about Parmalat, the Italian food company that had seemed to be coining money.

It turned out that the answerwas not a happy one: The cashwas not real. The auditors had been fooled. A huge fraudwas being perpetrated.

Now it is a question that could be asked about Apple. Its March 30 balance sheet shows $145 billion in cash and marketable securities. But thisweek it borrowed $17 billion in the largest corporate bond offering ever.

The answer for Apple is a more comforting one for investors, if not for those of uswho pay taxes. The cash is real. But Apple has been a pioneer in tactics to avoid paying taxes to Uncle Sam. To distribute the cash to its ownerswould force it to pay taxes. So it borrows instead to buy back shares and increase its stock dividend.

For the article, go here.

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Tax Policy: Former Treasury Official Expects OECD's BEPS Project Will Improve, Not Jettison, Existing International Tax Rules

Former Treasury Associate International Tax Counsel David Ernick,who joined PricewaterhouseCoopers in February after eight yearswith the government, talkedwith BNA April 11 about the direction of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's project on base erosion and profit shifting. Ernick,whowas Treasury's principal staff attorney for transfer pricing matters and represented the United States as a delegate to the OECDworking Party No. 6, predicted the BEPS projectwill result in improvements to existing international tax standards rather than radical changes.

For the full interview, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Tax Treaties Concern Growing Among Multinational Firms As Senator Continues Hold on Three Treaties

Concern is growing among multinational businesses about the action taken by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to block the Senate from voting to approve three major U.S. tax treatieswith Switzerland, Hungary, and Luxembourg,with some fearing that more tax pacts in the pipeline could stallwhen they reach the Senate.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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Australian Court Holding in Favor of Cayman Islands Partnership Elicits Surprise

The Federal Court of Australia on April 26 held in favor of a U.S. private equity firm that had invested in an Australian gold mining company, finding that the 1982 Australia-U.S. tax treaty prevented the Australian Tax Office from taxing the gain on the sale of shares in the firm -- a Cayman Islands limited partnership thatwas treated as a corporation in Australia andwas owned primarily by U.S. residents.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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News Analysis: Globalization and International Tax Rules

In news analysis, Lee A. Sheppard says international tax reform should startwith a discussion of cleaning up the current rules.

This article is an expanded version of comments to the April 26 American Tax Policy Institute international tax conference inwashington.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)

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April 2013 edition of PwC's International Tax News

  • By PriceWaterhouseCoopers

International Tax News is designed to help multinational organisations keep upwith the constant flow of international tax developments worldwide. Among the topics featured in this month's edition are:

* The 2013 Irish Finance Bill
* The OECD's base erosion and profit sharing report
* Brazilian tax court's favourable decisionwith respect to taxation of profits generated by indirectly controlled entities
* Singapore's 2013 budget proposals

For the April 2013 edition of PwC's International Tax News, go here.

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March 2013 edition of PwC's International Tax News

  • By PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Keeping upwith the constant flow of international tax developments worldwide can be a challenge for multinational organisations. As a result, PwC's International Tax network is excited to bring you a new publication thatwill offer updates and analysis of international tax changes around theworld. Among the topics featured in this month's edition are:

* Germany expected to enact Company Taxation Bill shortly
* New Zealand proposes changes to the thin capitalization regime
* Final Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) regulations issued by the US
* China's interpretation of the capital gains article under the Singapore/China double tax agreement

For the March 2013 edition of PwC's International Tax News, go here.

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February 2013 edition, PwC's International Tax News

  • By PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Keeping upwith the constant flow of international tax developmentsworldwide can be a challenge for multinational organisations. As a result, PwC's International Tax network is excited to bring you a new publication thatwill offer updates and analysis of international tax changes around theworld. Among the topics featured in this month's edition are:

* French Finance Act for 2013 and 3rd amnded Finance Act for 2012
* Second CJEU judgement in Franked Investment income Group Litigation
* Implementation of Taiwan's controlled foreign company (CFC) rules and place of effective management
* New Zealand signs tax treatywith Japan

For the February 2013 edition of PwC's International Tax News, go here.

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Companies Insist on IRS Tax Breaks While Extolling Rate Reform

Even as they praise the goal of revamping the tax code, dozens of companies and organizationswant to ensure that a rewrite doesn't come at their expense. In letters to lawmakers, companies are asking to be left alone.

“It's pretty frustrating, because theywant the best of bothworlds, said Rep. Kenny Marchant, a Texas Republican on the tax-writing Houseways and Means Committee,which is posting the letters on itswebsite.Theywant to keep all their deductions and have a lower rate.

For the article, go here. (Subscription required.)
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