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Int'l Tax News

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ABA Meeting: Responses to OECD Transfer Pricing Draft Confirm Need for Change

Stakeholders' responses to the OECD's discussion draft on transfer pricing documentation reflect a perceived need to improve the rules and a recognition that governments and taxpayerswill both have to comply, a Treasury official said May 9.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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ABA Meeting: BEPS Will Cause Shift in U.S. Compliance Focus to Inbound Tax

The OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting programwill cause the IRS to reevaluate its compliance program balance and shift its focus from outbound taxation to inbound taxation, a senior IRS official said May 9.
Michael Danilack, deputy commissioner (international), IRS Large Business and International Division, and U.S. competent authority, said, "LB&I spends a lot of time looking at U.S. taxpayers. But, a lot ofwhatwe see happeningwith BEPS is driven to favor source countries.well, the U.S. has a pretty big market and the U.S. has quite a bit of foreign investment."
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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ABA Meeting: IRS Memo Is Reminder of Interrelated International Tax Rules

A September 2013 chief counsel advice (CCA) memorandum that found that transfer pricing principles should be used to determine if foreign tax credits should be denied for noncompulsory paymentswas necessary to address confusion on the interaction of international tax rules, according to Anne Devereaux, IRS deputy associate chief counsel (international).
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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ABA Meeting: Consolidated Groups Encounter International Tax Issues

The intersection between the U.S. consolidated group rules and international tax provisions is an area of growing concern for U.S. multinational companies, according to John Merrick, special counsel to the IRS associate chief counsel (international). In particular, taxpayers run into difficulties regarding the dual consolidated loss (DCL) rules, foreign tax credits, and separate return limitation year (SRLY) rules.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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News Analysis: Shaviro's Fixing U.S. International Taxation

When it comes to international taxation, Houseways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp, R-Mich., and professor Daniel N. Shaviro of New York University Law School have a lot in common. In the age-old debate between the two poles ofworldwide and territorial taxation, theywant compromise. Theywant to achieve a balance between promoting competitiveness and preventing excessive profit shifting to tax havens.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Republicans Pan Wyden's Anti-Inversion Approach

  • By Gattoni-Celli

Congressional Republicans on May 9 said that tightening corporate inversion rules, as Senate Finance Committee Chair Ronwyden, D-Ore., and other Democratic lawmakers have recently proposed,would not stop companies from attempting to locate their headquarters overseas for tax purposes.
For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Tax Advantages Raise Premiums in Cross-Border Deals

If U.S. companies aim to save on taxes through cross-border mergers, they better be ready to pay up.

For the story, go here.

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Pfizer's AstraZeneca Bid Marks Tax-Fueled Trend in Cross-Border Deals

When Vidara Therapeutics International Ltd. put itself up for sale this year, it sparked a biddingwar among U.S. companies interested in one of the small drug maker's most-promising assets: its Irish address.

For the story, go here.

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Geithner: I told you so on tax-driven megamergers

The U.S. should make it harder for companies to reap tax benefits from mergingwith foreign corporations, former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said in awide-ranging interview on CNBC that aired Monday.

For the story, go here.

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VAT: Practitioners Say OECD VAT Guidelines Boost Neutrality, Dodge Some E-Commerce Issues

New draft guidelines on applying value-added taxes to cross-border business-to-business (B2B) transactionswill help reduce VAT burdens on multinational companies, but some tough questions remain on how to apply these taxes to international electronic sales to consumers, practitioners told Bloomberg BNA.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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News Analysis: Pfizer and the Future of Inversions

AstraZeneca rebuffed Pfizer's takeover attempt lastweek, but the threatened relocation of Pfizer's corporate residence served as the catalyst for someworthwhile public reflection on the U.S. tax system. If Congress decides to pursue legislation, it needs to look beyond quick mechanical fixes.

For the article, go here. (subscription required)

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Global Lessons for Inclusive Growth

Jason Furman, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, delivered a speech to The Institute of International and European Affairs in Dublin, Ireland, on May 7, 2014, entitled, "Global Lessons for Inclusive Growth."

For the speech, go here.

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Are Corporate Taxes Driving Jobs Overseas?

  • By Editor (WWNO Radio)

Corporate mergers and takeovers have reached their highest levels since 2007, driven in part by companies' desire to leave the U.S. to save tax dollars.
Harvard economist Ken Rogoff says to beginwith, the business tax code is too complicated, like the rest of the U.S. tax code, and itwaswritten for a 20th century economy.
He discusses the issuewith Here & Now's Jeremy Hobson.

For the interview, go here.

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World's Worst Tax Collectors

It's not easy to find a countrywith a higher corporate tax rate than America's 40%. Andwhat's remarkable is the number of truly oppressive governments that somehow manage to maintain a more competitive tax policy than the U.S.

For the editorial, go here.

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KPMG Survey: Corporate Tax Leaders Skeptical That OECD Will Meet Goals OfBEPS Action Plan By Deadline

  • By KPMG

While significant progress continues to be made by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on its Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), tax executives at many U.S. multinational companies do not believe the OECD has allowed adequate time to accomplish the plan's goals, according to a survey by KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm.

For a summary of the survey results, go here.

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Ten EU member states to introduce FTT by 2016

Ten of the 11 EU member stateswhich supported the financial transaction tax (FTT) are set to introduce it by 2016, following the dismissal of a UK legal challenge by the European Court of Justice.

For the story, go here.

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Opinion:How to Energize a Lackluster Recovery

Allowing the full and immediate deductibility of capital investmentwould spur growth and raisewages.

There is no need for any complicated new tax laws or bureaucracies to make this change. Investments in plants, equipment, R&D and even human capitalwould be deductible from profitswhen paying taxes, and the deduction could be used now or against future or past tax liabilities.

For the story, go here.

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Logic Says No to Options Y, Z, and C, but Yes to Imputation

In this report, Samuel C. Thompson Jr.demonstrateswhy the approach to the taxation of controlled foreign corporations under the international business tax reform discussion draft of former Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus does not reflect sound tax policy and should be rejected. He argues that Congress should instead adopt an imputation system and use the revenue generated from that system to significantly reduce the corporate tax rate for all corporations.

For the report, go here. (subscription required)

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European Union: EU Finance Ministers to Close Corporate Double Non-Taxation Path, Back FTT Plans

European Union finance ministerswill try to close down an important corporate tax "loophole" and at the same time make progress toward an agreement on a financial transactions tax (FTT) to be imposed in 11 EU member stateswhen a Council of Economic and Financial Affairs takes place May 6.
Following a proposal from the European Commission in November of 2013, EU member stateswill seek agreement on a revision of the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive (EEC/2011/96) in order to eliminate corporate tax evasion via a hybrid loan arrangement.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Territoriality Advances, Protectionism Retreats

J.D. Foster presents the arguments in favor of territoriality in intuitive termswhile highlighting the flaws in the case favoring aworldwide system. Territoriality is steadilywinning the day, much as free trade continues to prevail, and the parallels are not accidental.

For the article, go here. (subscription required)

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Economists Say Lower Corporate Rate, VAT Could Lessen Inversions

Economists at a May 2 event said that to avoid corporate inversions of the kind proposed by Pfizer Inc., theywould reduce or eliminate the corporate income tax, but they did not agree on how to replace the lost revenue.
Speaking at a roundtable discussion at the Fordham University School of Law in New York, Hank Gutman of KPMG LLP said that to avoid inversions, hewould reduce the corporate income tax rate to about 15 percent and remain on aworldwide international system of taxation to reduce the pressure on transfer pricing.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Participants in OECD's work on NEPS action plan emphasis importance of multilateralism

Politicians, officials and taxpayers spelled out the need for the outcomes of the BEPS project towork for companies and governments at the European Tax Policy Forum annual conference in London thisweek.

For the story, go here.

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Collier blasts "disgusting" tax planning at Lord Mayor's conference

  • By ITR Correspondent

The ethics of tax planningwere the subject of some lively conversation during the Lord Mayor of London's conference on tax competition and cooperation.

For the story, go here.

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Countries slow race to bottom on tax competition

The proposed takeover of UK-listed drug group AstraZeneca by Pfizer of the US has reignited the debate over tax competition between countries.

A study by KPMG, the professional services group, published lastweek found that nearly one in six countries had cut their corporate tax rates over the past 15 months, but that the size of the cutswas smaller than in the past.

For the story, go here.

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Tax Break Blarney: U.S. Companies Beat the System With Irish Addresses

Randall Hogan chairs the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Sandy Cutler ran the Greater Cleveland Partnership. Tony Petrello donated $5 million to the Texas Children's Hospital.

They're all chief executive officerswho have given back to their communities. They oversee thousands of Americanworkers. And they run companies that have opted out of the U.S. tax system.

For the story, go here.

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Exclusive: Curbing tax-driven business moves abroad a priority - Treasury

The Obama administration is focused on findingways to curb tax-motivated reincorporations to other countries by U.S. businesses, a U.S. Treasury official told Reuters onwednesday.

"Cracking down on companies that reincorporate overseas to reduce their U.S. taxes is a priority for the administration," a Treasury official said in an emailed statement.

For the story, go here.

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European Court Rejects British Challenge to Tax on Trading

The top court in the European Union onwednesday cleared a legal obstacle to a proposed tax on financial transactions, a plan bitterly opposed by bankers in London.
European Union finance ministers plan to meet early nextweek to discuss next steps for setting up the tax, though the British governmentwarned it could bring a further case against the plan.

For the story, go here.

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Profit Shifting: Treasury Official Says CBC Reporting Can Be Implemented Without Legal Change

As it is currentlywritten, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's proposal for country-by-country reporting can likely be implemented by the U.S.without a change in current law, a Treasury official said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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U.S. Checking Technical Proficiency of BEPS Proposals

The United States has beenworking aggressively to ensure that the contents of the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting discussion drafts are technically sound and accurately reflect the positions of the various countries that are party to the BEPS project, according to Robert Stack, Treasury deputy assistant secretary (international tax affairs).

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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European Union: EU Transactions Tax Negotiations to Intensify After European Court Rejects Legal Challenge

Legislativework to finalize a financial transactions tax (FTT) in 11 European Union member stateswill intensify after the European Court of Justice rejected a U.K. challenge.
The U.K. said that negotiations on the FTTwere illegally based on a legislative procedure that defied EU law requiring unanimous consent of all 28 member states on tax issues.
In an expedited April 30 ruling (C-209/13), the EU high court insisted the U.K. argued on the merits and impact of the FTT and not on the substance of the legal procedure.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Profit Shifting: BEPS Could Lead to International Chaos' If Not Managed Well, IRS Official Cautions

An international project to combat base erosion and profit shifting has led to increases in tax controversies, and it isn't yet clear that the BEPS effortwill pay off for taxpayers hoping for more certainty, an Internal Revenue Service official said April 30.
"If there is a deliberative process, albeit under a compressed timeline, that results in some consensus around these difficult issues,wewill have taken a giant step forward. But if not, it could easily become international tax chaos. Andwe are very concerned about that,"said Samuel Maruca, director of transfer pricingwith the IRS.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Profit Shifting: Treasury Said to Seek U.S. Crackdown On Corporations Making Offshore Tax Deals

The U.S. government probably can't take regulatory action to stop companies from lowering tax bills through deals that put their legal addresses outside the country, John Koskinen, commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, said.
Pfizer Inc. has proposed the biggest such deal yet, a $98.7 billion takeover of AstraZeneca Plc thatwould move the largest U.S. drugmaker to the U.K. for tax purposes and lower its tax rate.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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Top earners capturing growing share of total income in many countries, says OECD

  • By OECD

The share of the richest 1% in total pre-tax income have increased in most OECD countries over the past three decades. This rise is the result of the top 1% capturing a disproportionate share of overall income growth over that timeframe: up to 37% in Canada and 47% in the United States, according to new OECD analysis.

For the report, go here.

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Economic Experts Agree: U.S. Tax Code Encourages Companies to Relocate Abroad

  • By Alliance for Competitive Taxation (ACT)

Lastweek, two former Administration officialsweighed in on the need to update our tax code so it discourages businesses from relocating overseas for tax purposes. Both Austan Goolsbee, the former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and Davidwalker, the former U.S. Comptroller General addressed this issue and discussedways to make the U.S. more competitive.

For the release, go here.

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Properly Valuing Intangibles Transferred to Foreign Subsidiaries

Drawing from Veritas, this article demonstrates that the value of intangibles licensed exclusively to a foreign subsidiary is properly determined by separately valuing only the preexisting intangibles over their remaining useful lives,with no added value for later developed intangibles, goodwill, going concern value,workforce in place, business opportunities, and synergies.

For the article, go here. (subscription required)

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Commentators Question Assertions in OECD's BEPS Action Plan

As details of the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting action plan are revealed and stakeholders consider the first rounds of OECD recommendations, questions and critiques are starting to proliferate.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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ECJ strikes down George Osbornes FTT challenge

George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has lost his appeal against a European financial transaction tax (FTT), but further challenges over the substantive issues are expected.

For the story, go here.

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FACT Urges House Ways & Means Committee to Let Sleeping Tax Extenders Lie

  • By Fact Coalition

The Houseways and Means Committee should vote against reviving and making permanent the expired controlled foreign corporation look-through and active financing rules,which "benefit tax dodging corporations at the expense of the rest of us," the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition urged in an April 28 release.

For the release, go here.

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Dealbook: Pfizer Proposes a Marriage With AstraZeneca, Easing Taxes in a Move to Britain

Pfizer, the maker of best-selling drugs like Lipitor and Viagra and a symbol of business prowess in the United States for more than a century, no longerwants to be an American company.
On Monday, Pfizer proposed a $99 billion acquisition of its British rival AstraZeneca thatwould allow it to reincorporate in Britain. Doing sowould allow Pfizer to escape the United States corporate tax rate and tap into a mountain of cash trapped overseas, saving it billions of dollars each year and making the company more competitivewith other global drug makers.

For the story, go here.

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European Union: Europe's G-5 Finance Ministers Vow Strong Action on Tax Evasion, BEPS

Top finance officials from the European Union's leading economies have agreed to push for EU-wide measures to implement the international action plan to fight base erosion and profit shifting, according to a statement by the French ministry of finance.
At an April 28 meeting in Paris, ministers from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the U.K. agreed to "encourage"the European Commission to review EU corporate taxation law, assess its impact on aggressive tax planning practices and propose necessary measures to systematically implement measures to fight BEPS, the statement said.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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OECD Members Divided Over Tax Treatment of Digital Economy

While participants at the OECD's April 23 consultation on the digital economy generally agreed that electronic commerce is not a separately definable sector that could be subject to ring-fencing, business and nonbusiness representativeswere divided over the need for specific rules to address the digital delivery of products.

For the story, go here.

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European Union: Nations Seeking EU Transactions Tax Remain Divided on What to Include

European Union countries thatwant a financial transactions tax remain deadlocked onwhat trades they should include, EU documents show.
With time running out before May's European Parliament elections, the 11 participating countries remain divided onwhether to tax all derivatives, only equity derivatives or no derivatives at all. The governments also haven't agreed onwhere to collect the tax,which proposals suggest could be imposed by a trading firm's country of origin or in the nationwhere trading takes place, according to the documents.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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Tuesday is decision day for European Court on UK financial transaction tax challenge

The European Court of Justice is set to release its ruling on the UK's challenge to the proposed EU financial transaction tax (FTT).

For the story, go here.

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Challenges multinationals may face in completing the OECD's country-by-country reporting template

  • By PwC Tax Insights - Tax Accounting Services

On 30 January 2014, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a discussion draft on transfer pricing documentation and country by country reporting (CBCR)which included a template for country by country reporting of income, taxes, and economic activity (CBCR template).
This publication focuses on some of the challenges MNEs may face in compiling information thatwould be required to be disclosed in the CBCR template.

For the report, go here.

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The Tax Reform That Just Won't Die and Shouldn't

This paper provides an historical overview of tax reformwith an eye toward identifying conditions thatwould make successful reform plausible in the near future. Burman begins by analyzing the environment that led to tax reform in 1986 and posits that successful reformwould require strong leadership from thewhite House, bipartisan support, and a new source thatwould make possible substantial income tax rate cuts of thiswhile addressing the concerns of Republicans that new revenueswould fuel a growth in government and of Democrats about progressivity.

For the paper, go here.

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CEOs acknowledge tax as a factor in business location decisions

Corporate taxpayers say tax is an influential factorwhen an international business is decidingwhere to locate itself.

For the story, go here.

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France latest move ahead of OECD on BEPS with hybrid mismatch guidelines

French authorities have released draft guidelines for legislation enacted at the end of December targeting hybrid mismatch arrangements, an aspect of international tax practice the OECD is also seeking to tackle as part of its BEPS Action Plan.

For the story, go here.

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Information Reporting: EY Practitioners Urge Taxpayers to Monitor Global Information Sharing, IRS Audit Focus

Taxpayers need to pay close attention to a growing focus from tax authorities both in the U.S. and abroad, EY LLP practitioners said at the firm's annual domestic tax conference.
The sharply increasing cooperation on tax information sharing between countries is likely to be "a huge burden on tax departments,"said Michael Mundaca, co-director of EY's National Tax Department.

For the story, go here. (subscription required)

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Profit Shifting: Stack: BEPS Plan Doesn't Aim to Create Sector-Specific Rules for Digital Economy

Recent proposals to fight base erosion and profit shifting in the so-called digital economy aren't aimed at "ring fencing" that economy but rather at identifying characteristics in it that might contribute to BEPS so that proposals for dealingwith those characteristics can be developed, a high-level U.S. tax official said.

For the story, go here. (Subscription required)

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Italian trading volumes plummet after introduction of FTT

Trade in Italian equities has fallen by 30% since the country introduced the controversial financial transaction tax, according to Credit Suisse.

For the story, go here.

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