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Treasury Releases U.S. Model Tax Income Convention
Treasury has revised the U.S. model income tax conventionwith broad, sweeping revisions to provisions such as the limitation on benefits test, aswell as numerous small technical changes.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Business Roundtable Chief: Corporate Tax System Needs Overhaul, Not Piecemeal Fixes
House Republicans are talking about biting off a piece of a tax code overhaul this year, seeking changes in how U.S. companies' overseas profits are taxed as a first step toward a more ambitious bill next year.
The biggest U.S. companies may not be on board.
For thewall Street Journal Story, go here.
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It's Still Groundhog Day, At Least When It Comes To Tax Policy In America.
I recently attended the Capital Matters conference, presented by the Tax Council Policy Institute inwashington. The 2016 conference focused on how taxes influence the global creation, deployment, and mobility of capital. Thiswas my second year attending the conference,which showcases the best thinking of influential tax professionals and business leaders. And both years offered a glimpse into how the corporateworld views the taxworld.what a view!
For the Forbes story, go here.
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BEPS will require industrial products and services companies to change the way they operate
The OECD recently released its final recommendations for a multi-step plan (sponsored by the G-20 governments) to reshape international tax rules. To the extent these recommendations are adopted by individual countries, the OECD's base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project, including its country-by-country (CbC) reporting requirements, likelywill spur the most significant changes in the tax treatment of multinational companies since the Tax Reform Act of 1986. These proposalswill require industrial products and services MNCs to reconsiderwhere to invest and how to structure their global business operations.
For the PwC Insight, go here.
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Levin Pursuing New Limits on Earnings Stripping
New House legislation to limit earnings strippingwill follow a few familiar themes on interest deductibility, much like a number of bills and proposals offered in the past year or two.
Thenew measure, coming from Houseways and Means Committee ranking member Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.),would get rid of an existing debt-to-equity ratio ceiling of 1.5-to-1 and cut the allowable net interest expense to 25 percent from 50 percent of an entity's adjusted taxable income, according to text obtained by Bloomberg BNA.
For the DTR story, gohere. (subscription required)
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Tax to GDP ratio increasing after financial crisis hangover
A recent report comparing the total amount of tax contributed to European countries' GDP has shown that tax revenue has been increasing in the EU since 2013.
For the ITR article, go here.
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Vodafone: Governments, Not Corporations, Shape Tax Policies
Global telecommunications company Vodafone Group Plc has said that multinational corporations shouldn't be blamed for taking advantage of tax incentives and rates available in countries around theworld because governmentsÔøΩnot corporationsÔøΩset the tax policieswhich multinational companies follow. For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Treasury's Unfinished Work on Corporate Expatriations
n this article, the authors reemphasize the need to reduce the U.S. tax incentives for inversion-type acquisitions and emphasize that Treasury has administrative actions available thatwould further reduce tax incentives for inversions and other foreign acquisitions of U.S. Corporations.
For the Tax Notes viewpoint, go here. (subscription required)
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USCIB Advocates Last Best Offer' Arbitration
The United States Council for International Business has asked both the OECD and the U.S. Treasury to support "last best offer" mandatory binding arbitration to resolve bilateral tax treaty disputes.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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EU Companies: Disclosing Tax Reports Would Harm Competitiveness
Businesses arewaging a fierce lobbying campaign against making new country-by-country reports public, saying details ofwhere profits are earned and taxes are paid by individual companieswould put them at a competitive disadvantage in the global economy.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Revised Section 704(b) regulations clarify partnership allocations of creditable foreign expenditures
Treasury and the IRS issued revised Section 704(b) regulations on February 3, 2016. The new rules address certain situations involving partnerships' allocations of creditable foreign tax expenditures (CFTEs), expanding and clarifying regulations first issued in 2006 and revised in 2012. The basic purpose of those regulations is to ensure that partnerships allocate foreign taxes among partners in the same manner as they allocate the income towhich those taxes relate.
For the PwC Insight, gohere.
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New OECD Rules Seek Broad Expansion Of Tax Authority Power to Disregard Transactions
David Ernick of PricewaterhouseCooperswrites that the OECD's new transfer pricing guidelines incorporate significant changes to the circumstances inwhich tax authorities may disregard transactionsÔøΩchanges inconsistentwith existing regulations under Internal Revenue Code Section 482.
For the BNA Insight, go here. (subscription required)
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News Analysis: Challenging Unwritten Inversion Regulations
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systemswill slip through your fingers."
At the February 16 International Tax Institute meeting in New York, Philipwright of Bryan Cave LLP andwill Dixon of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. supplied their own intro in the form of a quote from Princess Leia in the original Starwars. The pair dissected the inversion notices and made arguments about their validity.
For the TNT News Analysis, go here. (subscription required)
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Ten Corporations Would Save $97 Billion in Taxes Under "Transition Tax" on Offshore Profits
A proposal by President Obama to impose a transition tax on offshore profits of U.S.-based multinational corporationswould provide a $97 billion tax cut to 10 corporations that use tax havens, and an alternative Republican proposalwould provide a $121 billion tax cut, Citizens for Tax Justice said in a February 16 release.
For the release, go here.
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EU Backs Minimum Effective Tax Rate for Interest Payments
European Union efforts to prevent profit shifting moved forward as governments narrowed differences on the methodology and minimum rate level for a minimum effective tax (MET) thatwould be added to the EU Interest and Royalties Directive (IRD).
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Conversations: Jeffrey Owens, Nina Olson, and Philip Baker
Jeffrey Owens talks to Nina Olson, U.S. National Taxpayer Advocate, and Philip Baker QC,with Field Court Tax Chambers in Gray's Inn in London, about taxpayer rights in an age of transparency.
For the TNI interview, go here. (Subscription required)
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Treasury Announces Release of 2016 U.S. Model Income Tax Treaty
Today, the Treasury Department issued a newly revised U.S. Model Income Tax Convention (the "2016 Model"),which is the baseline text the Treasury Department useswhen it negotiates tax treaties. The U.S. Model Income Tax Conventionwas last updated in 2006.
For the Treasury release, go here.
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The Cunningham column: Asian Budgets to focus on national over international tax
The Budget season is about to start in Asia. Ralph Cunningham believes finance ministers are likely to prioritise local or regional concerns rather than get involved in any deep discussions about base erosion and profit shifting.
For the ITR story, go here.
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Digital economy: Italy's attempts to fight against aggressive tax planning
The Italian Budget Law for 2016 introduced a presumption of permanent establishment (Section 162 of Presidential Decree no 917/1986) in the land-based betting sector aswell as reacting to the OECD's base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) action plan.
For the ITR story, go here.
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Uruguay's budget introduces important income tax amendments; new regulations limit tax inflation adjustment
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LONG READ: Latin America's 2015-2016 tax treaty network
Latin America's tax treaty network is undergoing serious reform as countries implement the BEPS project deliverables and incorporate these new strategies and frameworks into double taxation agreements (DTAs) to further the region's business opportunities. For the ITR article, go here.
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Brady Plans US International Tax Reform This Year
House of Representativesways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R – Texas) has disclosed that, under his leadership, the Committeewill immediately draft US international tax reform legislation,while laying the framework for more comprehensive tax reform in 2017.
For the story, go here.
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Business braced for cuts to prized tax breaks
Businesses are preparing themselves for cuts to prized tax breaks for corporate debt, in a Budget crackdown thatwould raise hundreds of millions of pounds a year.
The move to reduce tax deductions for interest costs is likely to hit scores of multinationals, aswell as companies in the utilities, property and private equity sectors.
For the Financial Times story, go here.
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Lew blasts EU tax probes of US companies
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is accusing European Union officials of disproportionately targeting U.S. companies in a sweeping corporate tax investigation.
Lew leveled the heavy criticism against the EU for a new and expansive interpretation of rules aboutwhether companies are unfairly receiving state aid. He said the approach raises "serious concerns about fundamental fairness and the finality of tax rulings throughout the entire European Union."
For the Hill story, go here.
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Brady Open to Losing Revenue in Comprehensive Tax Overhaul
Insistence on revenue neutrality shouldn't limit efforts to remake the U.S. tax code, especially given the benefits of dynamic scoring, Houseways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Notice 2015-79: The Latest Round of Inversions Guidance
Kimberly S. Blanchard ofweil, Gotshal & Manges examines the IRS's updated "inversion" guidance in Notice 2015-79, outlining rules designed to characterize more transactions as inversions and new rules applicable to 60 percent to 80 percent inversions.while practitioners had expected the Service to issue regulations fleshing out provisions in prior guidance, the new notice instead presents more unresolved questions, the authorwrites.
For the BNA Insight, go here. (subscription required)
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Microsoft Tax Exec: Preparation Key to Avoiding BEPS Fallout
With new reporting requirements bound to cause more public outrage about tax planning, preparation is key to navigating potential controversies, a tax executive from Microsoft Corp. said.
"We have some history of our profit allocations being published in the press. And so, the benefit of that is, you have a little history, you have a little data onwhat the downstream impacts of that are," saidwilliam Sample, corporate vice president ofworldwide tax for Microsoft.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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U.K.'s Osborne Pushes Public Tax Disclosures for EU
U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said the European Union needs to make a push for companies to publish their country-by-country tax bills.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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U.K. to Accept Surrogate' U.S. Country-by-Country Filings
The U.K.will accept "surrogate" filings of the country-by-country reporting template for 2016 accounting periods by U.K. subsidiaries of U.S. multinationals, a U.K. official said.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Economic Analysis: Corporate Integration Would Tilt Investment to the U.S
In economic analysis, Martin A. Sullivan discusseswhy corporate integration is incompatiblewith a switch to a territorial system.
For the Tax Notes article, go here. (subscription required)
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Treasury Sees Tougher Inversion Problems Than Interest Stripping
Although interest stripping has been garnering much of the attention lately, there are more difficult inversion-related problems to solve, Danielle Rolfes, Treasury international tax counsel, said February 12.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Ways and Means Moving Immediately on International Tax Reform
Houseways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady, R-Texas, continued his steady drumbeat on the need for international tax reform at a speech February 12, saying his committeewill move immediately to draft international tax reform legislationwhile alsoworking on a blueprint for comprehensive tax reform this year.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Officials Agree on CbC Reporting, Differ on EU State Aid
Tax officials from the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. are optimistic that countrieswill be able to effectively coordinate implementation of country-by-country reporting, but the U.S. and U.K. governments disagree onwhether U.S. multinationals have been disproportionately targeted by the European Commission's state aid investigations.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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BEPS: A Primer on Where It Came From and Where It's Going
Jeffery M. Kadet explains the origin and objectives of the OECD base erosion and profit-shifting project, and he considers how the project may proceed.
For the Tax Notes special report, go here. (subscription required)
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News Analysis: An Inversion Roadmap -- Tyco-Johnson Controls
Mindy Herzfeld analyzes the details of the recently announced merger and inversion involving Tyco and Johnson Controls, and explains how that deal could serve as a roadmap for future successful inversions.
For the TNI article, go here. (subscription required)
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ECOFIN Meeting Shows Little Support for Proposals Beyond BEPS
The EU Councilwill support only a "phased approach" to fighting corporate tax evasion focused on limited legislative proposals such as country-by-country reporting of multinational enterprises' tax data, Eurogroup President and Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem said at an Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting.
For thewWTD story, go here. (subscription required)
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The United Nations' Recent Work in International Taxation
Anna Binder, Laura Turcan, and Viktoriawöhrer of the Vienna University of Economics and Business summarize the topics discussed at the 11th session of the U.N. Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters, aswell as the international tax topics of relevance beyond developed countries' agendas.
For the TNI Viewpoint, go here. (subscription required)
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IRS Advises Auditors on Effectively Connected' Income
Auditors examining payments between foreign corporations and U.S. brokerages should consult IRS counselwhen determiningwhether the foreign entity is engaged in a U.S. trade or business, the agency said.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Study: Brazil Multinationals Suffer From Lack of Tax Treaties
Brazil's multinational corporations are being harmed by a lack of effective bilateral double tax treatieswith other nationsÔøΩincluding the U.S. and U.K., says an EY LLP study.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Profit Shifting of U.S. Multinationals
In this paper, the authors analyze the profit shifting behavior of U.S. multinational firms using a unique panel data set of U.S. tax returns over the period 2002-2012. Prior research has found significant effects of tax rates in affiliate and parent countries on the profit shifting behavior of multinational entities,with semi-elasticities ranging from close to zero towell above one. They build on this priorwork by allowing more heterogeneity in response across the distribution of tax rates and by including affiliates located in tax havens around theworld. Their findings suggest that elasticities based on a log-linear specification may severely understate the sensitivity of profits to tax in low-tax jurisdictionswhile simultaneously overstating this elasticity in high-tax jurisdictions.
For the paper, go here.
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U.S. Senate Finance Adviser: Integration Could Solve Inversions
Integrating the U.S. corporate tax code so there is no longer taxation of both the corporation and the shareholders could not only discourage inversions but also bring deferred income home and help lower the effective U.S. corporate tax rate, a policy adviser for the Senate Finance Committee said.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Austria Official Sees March Reckoning on EU Transactions Tax
Austrian Finance Minister Hans Joerg Schelling said European efforts to agree on a common financial transactions tax may fall apart if too few nations arewilling to move forward by March.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Dutch Push Minimum Effective Rate, Anti-Tax Avoidance Plan
European Union finance ministerswill meet Feb. 12 to discuss establishing terms for minimum effective taxation on royalty and interest paymentswith a possible floor of 10 percent to counter profit shifting by multinational corporations.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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European Commission Denies Discrimination Against U.S. Companies
A European Union spokesman rejected Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew's claims that the European Commission's state aid investigations have been biased against U.S. multinational corporations, noting that the majority of the European Commission's state aid rulings have ordered member states to recover unpaid taxes from European companies.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Brady Seeks International Tax Reform in Difficult Environment
Houseways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady, R-Texas, again called for international tax reform at a February 11 hearingwith Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, but taxwriters continue to debate over how the reform efforts should address corporate inversions.
For the TNT story, go here. (subscription required)
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Law Firm Reviews OECD CbC Reporting Initiative Implementation
Squire Patton Boggs has provided an overview of the implementation process for the OECD's country-by-country reporting recommendations in several jurisdictions, concluding that tax authorities have reached a consensus that all participating countries in the base erosion and profit-shifting projectwill implement new rules.
For thewWTD article, go here. (subscription required)
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U.S. Treasurys Lew Challenges EU on Corporate Tax Investigations
TheU.S. stepped upaspatwithEuropean officialsovertheir investigationsofU.S. companies'tax practices,warningin aletterfrom theTreasury secretarythattheyarecreatinga "disturbing"precedent.
For thewall Street Journal story, go here.
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Tax Conflict Splits U.S., EU Over Apple, McDonald's Probes
Conflict over trans-Atlantic tax practices escalated after Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew told European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that U.S. companies are unfair targets of state aid investigations.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Inversions Must Be Addressed Soon, Lew Tells Congress
If Congress and the administration can't arrive at an agreement on rewriting the business tax code this year, they must still reach a deal to stop corporate inversions, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew told lawmakers during a hearing.
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)
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Hatch Pours More Cold Water on Global Tax Overhaul
Advocates for revising U.S. tax laws on international income this year continue to get pushback from Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah).
Congress doesn't have enough time to finish such an ambitious task, he said during a hearing on President Barack Obama's budget proposal for fiscal year 2017. As an alternative to slowing the pace of tax-driven corporate relocations, called inversions, Hatch pitched his own plan to end double taxation on corporations, known as "corporate integration."
For the DTR story, go here. (subscription required)